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Reading fluency and the ‘Tragedy of the Commons’ – Esse Quam Videri. Is reading fluency important for academic success? I’d imagine everyone reading this would agree it was very important – crucial in fact. This description from Quirky Teacher of many children’s reading in year 6 must sound quite familiar to secondary teachers: I am worried that children in KS2, despite being officially ‘able to read’, are still not really fluent, even when they get to year 6. When you ask them to read to you, they stumble slowly through a text, sometimes randomly substituting trickier and new words, never able to add intonation and not really getting the bigger picture.

As I outlined in my post yesterday that does not mean that at secondary level we ensure children get enough daily reading practice to ensure our students DO read fluently. What is this principle? I like using this cartoon to explain the principle when teaching my A level politics students (about ecologism). I want my year 9 students to learn about the 1916 Battle of the Somme.

Let’s be honest. Like this: From the @BradResearchSch Blog: 9 Things You Didn’t Know About Being A Fluent Reader |That Boy Can Teach. My latest blog post for Bradford Research School takes a look at what's going on behind the scenes when someone is reading fluently. In it I suggest that there are 9 things teachers might not consider when teaching and assessing fluency in children's reading. Each of the 9 points is a development of information provided in the EEF's 'Improving Literacy in Key Stage 2' guidance report. The 9 points are as follows, but you'll have to click through to the Bradford Research School blog to find out a little bit more:Decoding and sight recognition both have a part to playThere are no quick ways to develop reading fluencyThe more you read, the more fluent you’ll beYou’re not a fluent reader unless you understand what you readIn order to read fluently you have to find and infer informationFluent readers bring more to the text than they realiseA good vocabulary unlocks fluencyFluency can be modelledScarborough’s Reading Rope can be used diagnostically.

The importance of reading fluency. Fluency: An Introduction. Even when students recognize many words automatically, their oral reading still may be expressionless, not fluent. To read with expression, readers must be able to divide the text into meaningful chunks. Readers must know to pause appropriately within and at the ends of sentences and when to change emphasis and tone. For example, a reader who lacks fluency may read, probably in a monotone, a line from Bill Martin Jr's Brown Bear, Brown Bear as if it were a list of words rather than a connected text, pausing at inappropriate places: Brown/ bear brown/ bear what/ do/you see.

A fluent reader will read the same line as: Brown bear/Brown bear/What do you see? The difference between fluency and automaticity Although they terms automaticity and fluency often are used interchangeably, they are not the same thing. Automaticity is the fast, effortless word recognition that comes with a great deal of reading practice. Fluency instruction Repeated and monitored oral reading Silent, independent reading. Early findings from the KS2 reading fluency project | Herts for Learning. How to measure and discuss fluency in reading | Tes News. Multidimensional_fluency_rubric_4_factors. Classroom Strategies. Pairedreading. Timed Repeated Readings | Classroom Strategies. Council for Exceptional Children, the Division for Learning Disabilities (DLD) and the Division for Research (DR).

Fluency Instruction (139KB PDF)*. Dowhower, S. (1989) Repeated reading: Research into practice. The Reading Teacher, 42(7), 502-507. Hudson, R.F., Lane, H.B., & Pullen, P.C. (2005). Reading Fluency Assessment and Instruction: What, Why, and How?. Johns, J. & Berglund, R. (2002). Kuhn, M. (2004). Murray, B. (1999). Rasinski, T. (2003) The fluent reader: Oral reading strategies for building word recognition, fluency, and comprehension. Samuels, S.