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RUSSIA HAS A NEW GROUND-BASED ANTI-SATELLITE WEAPON. This story may be giving the policy wonks in the Pentagram a bit to worry about, and, given the blogs of the last two days concerning new hydrocarbon production methods, and Middle East geopolitics, this is another one that demonstrates just how interconnected the world of science, foreign affairs, and finance really are.


It was shared by Ms. K.F., and when you read it, I think you'll see why it is an important story: Russian Weapon Can Shut Off Enemy Satellites. The Oz Factor by Jenny Randles. Current Solar Data. Current Solar Data: NOAA data. Success in an Age of Decline. Thank you for your interest in Patheos newsletters!

Success in an Age of Decline

Please enter your email address below and click the "Subscribe" button. Thank you for your subscription. You can visit your Preference Center to complete your profile and see what else we have to offer. We apologize, we were unable to complete your subscription at this time, please try again later. If this error persists please contact us at Like what you're reading? You'll never think the same way again. . . The Revelation. The gods of Eden "All truth passes through three stages.

You'll never think the same way again. . . The Revelation

First, it is ridiculed, second it is violently opposed, and third, it is accepted as self-evident. " - Arthur Schopenhauer Truth when broken down into its basic elements comprises of Logic, Common Sense and Circumstantial Evidence. A very interesting Interview with William Bramley. William Bramley, author of one of the most popular books on ancient astronaut theory, Gods of Eden, has given an exclusive interview for the readers of Ancient-Origins.

A very interesting Interview with William Bramley

In this interview he provides some insight as to why extra-terrestrials would wish to be involved with humans and what their plans may be. Alan Moore: The art of magic. Comics legend Alan Moore is the author of titles including Watchmen, The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, V for Vendetta and From Hell.

Alan Moore: The art of magic

He is also a ceremonial magician and co-founded the Moon and Serpent Grand Egyptian Theatre of Marvels. Alan sees an inextricable link between magic and artistic creativity, which he explored in his Promethea series. Sam Proctor asked him more… SP: You have said your interest in magic was piqued while you were researching Freemasonry for From Hell and you announced your intention to become a ceremonial magician on your 40th birthday. Filmmaker Reveals the Truth About Subliminal Messages. Alex Pietrowski, StaffWaking Times The reality is that we are all being conditioned to think and believe certain things without any rational explanation through subliminal messaging in advertising, music, film, television, political propaganda, and military psychological operations.

Filmmaker Reveals the Truth About Subliminal Messages

CHINA'S SILK ROAD IS OPEN FOR BUSINESS: FIRST TRAIN FROM CHINA ARRIVES IN IRAN. Catherine Austin Fitts shares this one, and it's worth passing along, for it is huge with economic and, more importantly, geopolitical significance.


Free to find truth: The 33rd Parallel, and the number 33, in short. Guest Writers - Gary David. Copyright 2006 by Gary David.

Guest Writers - Gary David

Presented with permission of the author. Articles by Gary A. David Along the 33rd Parallel: A Global Mystery Circle. Guest Writers - Gary David. Copyright 2006 by Gary David.

Guest Writers - Gary David

Presented with permission of the author. Articles by Gary A. David. The mysticism and curse of 33rd parallel. It is difficult to know for sure, but the 33rd parallel plays a huge role when it comes to disasters in the modern world.

The mysticism and curse of 33rd parallel

Dallas with its car accidents, Tripoli with the "Arab Spring," Baghdad, Damascus, Kashmir, Tibet, Nagasaki - they all are located on the 33rd parallel. Is it a coincidence that occult sciences attach special importance to number 33? The Secret Sun: Stolen History, and the Mystery of Gold. It's pretty? I guess to some. Horns of Cerastes: A Bishop-induced OTO Epiphany: The EGC is... A few weeks ago, I went to a conference in Florida called "A Gathering of Bishops. " Sherri, the local Body Master at Hidden Spring Oasis put it all together with her local lodge mates, and she did an awesome job*. Tau Asteria, Tau Ce Acatl, and Tau Iatromantis were in attendance** and presented on several topics related to their roles as Bishops within the Ecclesia Gnostica Catholica (EGC), their roles as Soverign Grand Inquisitors General in the Mysteria Mystica Maxima (M∴M∴M∴), and examinations of aspects of the Gnostic Mass (Liber XV), including the Eucharist, the role of the Priestess, and the relationship between the roles of the mass and the congregants at large.

U.S. LED FORCES LAUNCH MILITARY DASH TO 33RD PARALLEL. Title: U.S. LED FORCES LAUNCH MILITARY DASH TO 33RD NORTHERN PARALLEL -- BAGHDAD, IRAQ! Subtitle: lluminists believe that blood shed on or near 33rd parallel is ritually very powerful. This war joins the list of major historic events occurring at or near 33rd degree parallel. Guest Writers - Gary David. Untitled. Copyright Day Williams 1999, 2000 (TXu 926-161) Published with permission for HiddenMysteries ThE~Magazine subscribers Day R. Williams is an attorney in Carson City, Nevada. Anarchy To Ecstasy: What Is True Freedom? The secret of happiness is freedom.