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7 Invaluable Marketing Skills That Help Teams Produce Consistently Great Content. How Content Promotion Works: 11 Strategies to Try. Did you know: Some bloggers recommend you spend as much time promoting your content as you do writing it.

How Content Promotion Works: 11 Strategies to Try

(Derek Halpern of Social Triggers has an 80/20 split: 80 percent promotion, 20 percent writing.) Wow, this is an area I fall well short on. I’m so impressed by those who hustle to get their content out there and in front of as many people as possible who can gain value from it. Over the past few months, I’ve learned a lot from content promotion experts and am starting (slowly) to work some of these practices into sharing the blog posts I write here at Buffer.

I’d love to pass along a few of the strategies I’ve tried already and the ones I’m excited to experiment with. Content Promotion Strategies for Blogs Big and Small 1. One of the best things you can do for your blog or brand is to build an email list. For an example of the power of email, we send each new Buffer blog post to 40,000 people (thanks, everyone, and if you want to sign up, you can do so here.) 2.

Design for Social Media

Social Media Audience. Social Media Content Ideas: 20 Ways to Grow Your Following. As a social media manager, it can be super fun to strategize and come up with multiple ways to share content with your audience.

Social Media Content Ideas: 20 Ways to Grow Your Following

But it’s also easy to get stuck in a creative rut. I know I’ve certainly found myself pondering questions like: What content should I share on our social media profiles? How can I share a blog post on Facebook in a new, creative way? How can I use the latest Instagram feature effectively? To help you answer these questions, and countless others, we put our heads together to come up with 20 creative ways for sharing content on social media. The strategies included below are tried and tested — everything we cover has worked for us at Buffer. Let’s get right into it… 20 creative ways to share your content on social media If you want to print this out, here’s a version with a white background. Let’s dive in! 1. 4 reasons why engagement (not sales) is the future of social media and how we can adapt— Buffer (@buffer) August 11, 2017 2.

The 15 Best Browser Extensions to Improve Your Social Media Marketing. This post originally published on September 22, 2014.

The 15 Best Browser Extensions to Improve Your Social Media Marketing

We’ve updated it here with new extensions, images, and a Product Hunt collection. There are a few actions I perform over and over again as I work through my social media marketing plan. Do you know the feeling? You click on the same few buttons or type in the same URL. And then, one day, someone shows you a browser extension that completely rocks your world for the better. How to Write Social Media Updates People Love. Very few writers really know what they are doing until they’ve done it. – Anne Lamott This quote from Anne Lamott resonates with me quite a bit.

How to Write Social Media Updates People Love

I seldom know what I’m doing until I’ve done it. I also seldom know what other writers are doing either. I recognize what I enjoy reading … aaaaand I’ve little idea why I enjoy it. That’s what makes the topic of linguistics and language so fascinating to me because it helps explain all the whys behind the writing I love, the tweets I read, the updates I favorite, and the copy I crave. How to Write a Headline for Facebook, Twitter and Search. Most people don’t read content online.

How to Write a Headline for Facebook, Twitter and Search

In fact, eight out of ten people will only read the headline. For content writers, that fact is alarming. But it also places extra importance on the headlines we choose for our content, as headlines have the power to influence readers even if they don’t read any more of the article. I don’t believe the perfect headline exists, though. Not anymore, anyway.

The evolution of social media and search has also complicated the playing field. In this post, I’d love to share with you what I’ve discovered about headlines, how they’ve evolved and what makes a headline stand out on Facebook, Twitter, and search. Let’s dive in. What makes an irresistible headline One of my favorite headlines of all time is: “How to Win Friends and Influence People” This headline helped to sell millions of copies of Dale Carniegie’s book of the same name. The evolution of headlines It’s pretty safe to say that a headline determines how many people will read a piece. On Facebook: 1. How to Speed Up the Blog Writing Process. 19 Social Media Content Tools That'll Speed Up Your Content Creation. Marketing Tools.