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Your First Choice is Rarely the Optimal Choice: 5 Lessons on Being Wrong. As a rule, we are incredibly hard on ourselves when it comes to making big decisions in life.

Your First Choice is Rarely the Optimal Choice: 5 Lessons on Being Wrong

If our first five relationships end with a break up, we think we’re destined to be alone forever.If we go to school, get a degree, and spend years training for a job that we end up hating, we feel like a failure for not having it all figured out.If we have a dream of writing a book or starting a non-profit or creating something of value and we stumble on the first try, we say that we’re not cut out for this. In cases like these, when we are attempting to do something that is complex and multi-faceted, I believe that being wrong is actually a sign that you’re doing something right.

Here’s why… First Choice vs. Optimal Choice For some reason, we often expect our first choice to be the optimal choice. For example… Finding the right person to marry. 5 Lessons On Being Wrong Being wrong isn’t as bad as we make it out to be. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Your first choice is rarely the optimal choice. Are Your Choices Good Enough? - Michelle McQuaid. Are you worried that you’ll make the wrong choice today?

Are Your Choices Good Enough? - Michelle McQuaid

It might be a decision that is life changing – like to stay or leave your current job – or something must simpler – like which route will be the fastest way to get work. But with more information available to us than ever before, the truth is that it’s become increasingly difficult to feel confident that we’re making the right choices and studies suggest that this is impacting our happiness and wellbeing. “The fact that some choice is good and gives you a feeling of freedom and power, doesn’t necessarily mean that more choice is better,” said Barry Schwartz, from Swarthmore College and author of The Paradox of Choice when I interviewed him recently. Barry suggests that the key is understanding how much freedom of choice serves you well in different situations. For example: If you’re out to get the best outcome from whatever decision you’re making, then you need to examine all of your options.

What choices will you make today? Rule of Three: Bad Ideas, Arguments and Brainstorming. What to Do When You Have Too Many Ideas (And Not Enough Time) What do you do when you have too many ideas and not enough time?

What to Do When You Have Too Many Ideas (And Not Enough Time)

Or similarly, what about when you have too many tasks and not enough energy? As an entrepreneur, I feel like I've been battling this issue for awhile. There is always another opportunity to chase or a new product idea that sounds exciting. For a long time, I felt guilty about ignoring good ideas that came my way and so I kept adding more to my to-do list. However, during a recent conversation with Travis Dommert, I learned about a new strategy for dealing with the issue of having too many ideas and projects. It all comes down to treating your life like a rose bush. Let me explain what Travis taught me… TED Talk : Barry Schwartz.

Choose or Suffer

Curiosity. Great Opportunities. Priority. Values. Fear Of Missing Out. Social Dilemma. Courage. How to make hard choices [ TED Talk : Ruth Chang ]

The Language of Choice and Support. Language shapes our worldview.

The Language of Choice and Support

The narratives we hear around us influence our perceptions and understandings. Take Carol Dweck's concept of fixed versus growth mindset. One of the primary tools for fostering a growth mindset is changing how we talk about learning, from how we give feedback to how we address failure. Dweck's work shows that simple shifts in language of praise and feedback can hold immense power in children's view of themselves and of learning. We should harness this same power to better support our students who struggle with mental health challenges on a daily basis. One in five children between age nine and 17 have mental health challenges that impair their daily functioning. Breaking Bad Habits: Changing Unintentionally Stigmatizing Language Stigma is powered by language. We should use language that accurately describes what we're trying to say, rather than falling back on figures of speech that may fuel negative attitudes toward those with mental health challenges. How to Be More Patient (and Why It's Worth It)


Podcasts. Social Dilemma.