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Tic-Tac-Toe. Wikipedia. Home. The Secret Law of Page Harmony | Retinart. “A method to produce the perfect book.” The perfect book. This is how designer-genius Jan Tschichold described this system. Not the ok book, nor the pretty good book, but the perfect book. This method existed long before the computer, the printing press and even a defined measuring unit. And you can still use it. The Secret Canon & Page Harmony Books were once a luxury only the richest could afford and would take months of work to be brought to fruition. And they were harmoniously beautiful. The bookmakers knew the secret to the perfect book. So elegant is this method of producing harmony that a few designers saw to rediscover it. They found the way to design a harmonious page.

There’s a dance to all this Let’s look at this dance, shall we? And here it is with them (using the Van de Graaf Canon and Tschichold’s recommended 2:3 page-size ratio, which we’ll get into next). This is where the harmony is found. How is this dance beautiful? A module is to a grid, as a cell is to a table. The J. All Posts. Bootcamp App Exercise Descriptions & Couch to 5K. Having trouble remembering the exercises? Don’t worry, with time you’ll know them all by heart, especially if you’re working out regularly. Here is a break down of Bootcamp’s exercises in each of the four categories.

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Visit for more app details. Like us on Facebook! Please feel free to contact me with any of your questions or suggestions Like this: Like Loading... Maslows-hierarchy-of-needs1.jpg from Again we are going in the opposite direction we were going in examples 1 and 2. But as mentioned above, you can use the log definition in either direction. These examples are to get you use to that definition: if and only if Rewriting the original problem using exponents we get: First, let's figure out what the base needs to be. Next, let's figure out the exponent. The value that the exponential expression is set equal to is what goes inside the log function. Let's see what we get when we put this in log form: Inbox (3) - doggilov.

How To Make Money in Your Spare Time Doing Simple Online Tasks | Zero 2 Hero. Via: Lifehacker Many “online jobs” promising quick riches and little effort are really scams. While the tasks below won’t make you rich, they can earn you a little pocket money on the side—and these days that can make a big difference. Most of these online money making opportunities only require you have a computer, a decent internet connection, and some sort of marketable skill (or the ability to provide valuable consumer insight to marketers). You’ll be operating as a free agent and can choose when, where, and how much to participate. Sound too good to be true? Also beware: because specialized skills aren’t always required, you do have to be wary of scams. That out of the way, here are a few sources of legitimate online single-task jobs: Focus Group Participant: 20|20 Panel : Since 1986, 20|20 Research has been providing companies with qualitative research from focus groups.

Artificial Artificial Intelligence: Amazon Mechanical Turk : Yeah, that’s a weird title. Uberman's sleep schedule. Background The Uberman sleep schedule is a method of organizing your sleeping time to maximize your REM sleep and minimize your non-REM sleep. The goal of the sleep cycle is that you are actively in REM sleep within a couple of minutes of falling asleep and remain in that state until you awaken.

I originally read about the schedule on everything2. In essence, someone utilizing the Uberman sleep schedule is actively modifying their sleeping habits so that they can immediately jump from waking to a few minutes worth of stage 1 sleep straight to stage 5 REM sleep, as described in this discussion of sleep stages.

It is important to note that there are no studies as to the long-term physical or physiological impact of this sleep cycle. I really don't know if this cycle is causing long-term damage to myself or not, and if this concerns you, I wouldn't attempt the cycle. However, the benefits are fantastic. The Uberman's Sleep Schedule Benefits The obvious first benefit is more free time. Drawbacks. How to Become a Human Calendar. Mentally finding out the day of the week for any date is a skill you can easily learn.

You don’t need to be an autistic genius – all it takes is basic memorization effort and some trivial math. When I first learned this technique many years ago, I did it just for fun. With time, I learned to enjoy the convenience of not needing a calendar anymore. It’s far more useful than I first thought, and with just a little practice, you’ll be able to find out the days of the week much faster than when reaching for a calendar. The Method To find out the days of the week for any date, use the formula: [day of week] = (yearcode + monthcode + day) mod 7 If you’re not math-inclined, this may look quite scary at first, but don’t worry: using the formula is straightforward. Month and Year Codes The month codes are one of the formula’s most troublesome parts, since they don’t follow a clear logic.

We also need the year code, which are also apparently arbitrary. Days of the Week The Calculation 5 means Thursday. Streaky Upload - StumbleUpon. Phraseup. Litemind. 8pen. How Do I Add Pages to StumbleUpon? Happy Monday everyone! To start off the week, we wanted to demystify two areas of StumbleUpon that we get asked about a lot: how web pages end up in StumbleUpon, and how you can add pages yourself. How do pages make it into StumbleUpon’s collection? We don’t crawl the web for content, but instead let you, our users, recommend the pages YOU like to us. That means all content in StumbleUpon – 50,000 new pages every day – is handpicked and endorsed by real people. How can you recommend a page to StumbleUpon? Want to become a StumbleUpon curator too? The screen where you can recommend a page to StumbleUpon.

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ManyBooks Free-eBooks eBookLobby Smashwords. Cursive Writing. [Age Rating] [Introduction] [Printable Worksheets] Age Rating All children develop as individuals. Parents and caregivers should use the age ratings below as a general guideline, taking the abilities, temperament and interests of their children into account. Ages 9+ Can complete without assistance. Introduction Just like printing, cursive writing is typically not presented in alphabetical order. Present lower case letters first -- you can quickly begin forming words so that cursive handwriting can be incorporated with other lessons such as spelling and social studies. Note: Of course, the first thing every child I've ever met has wanted to learn to write is their name -- and I always approach learning as something fun, so by all means encourage them to do this.

Also, check out the Cursive Alphabet Coloring Pages for some fun cursive practice pages to compliment these worksheets. Printable Worksheets Rockin' Round Letters: a d g q c Climb 'n' Slide Letters: i u w t Loopy Letters: e l h k b f j. Brain Training. Free Online Diary and Personal Journal.