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Free Textures from TextureKing. Pypng - Google Code. Pixelmator. Zen Textures - 100's of Free Textures. Dirty Pulp: 7. Ahhh...paper textures. The staple of any good texture diet. I found these particular paper in an old and dark basement and they may be some of my favorite textures I've posted here on Lost and Taken.

I guess I'm just a sucker for a good, dirty paper texture (who isn't, right?). Click on the textures below to download the high-res version or download them all in a zip file at the bottom of the post. Enjoy! If you've used L&T textures in commercial work or earned a profit from them in your designs, please consider making a donation to Lost & Taken. All donations made go directly to helping keep the site online by helping pay the server bills (which run nearly $3k a year) and allow me to buy supplies and equipment to create new textures. Free High Resolution Textures - Lost and Taken. 30 Fresh and Promising Design Blogs to Follow. There’s a plethora of weblogs that cover the topic of design. We all know of the big names out there (such as the amazing people over at Smashing Magazine), but there are tons more in the vast realm of the web that you may not have heard of yet, and it’s high time that they’re given some love. This article presents 30 new and fresh design blogs that are worth checking out.

Weblogs featured here discuss web, graphic, and print design. Hopefully you’ll find a link or two (or more) that piques your interests enough to prompt you to subscribe to them. 1. Line25 is a newly-founded blog by Chris Spooner of Blog.SpoonGraphics on the topic of web design. 2. UX Booth is a group of writers that delve into the subject of User Experience. 3. Build Internet! 4. Tripwire Magazine is an excellent web design blog that even has a forum. 5. Assault Blog is the design weblog of Assault T-shirts. 6. Designer Daily is an excellent blog by graphic designer, Mirko Humbert. 7. creative briefing 8. 9. 11. 12.

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