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Facebook Twitter - default. Startups looking to make money by enhancing reality | VentureBea. Home - Mixpanel | Real-time Analytics, Funnel Analysis. TradeVibes - Discover find and share information about new top s. Guy Kawasaki’s 10 Questions to Ask Before You Join a Startup | M. I realize that in this job market, maybe you can’t be choosy about a job offer, but you should still understand what you’re getting into.

If you are considering working at a startup, you should ask these questions. 1. How much money do you have in the bank? This is a simple question. You just want a number. If you’re told that “investors are ready to put in more” or “we have a line of credit,” beware because a promise of money isn’t the same as money. Ask yourself this question: If I promised money to a company and it’s about to crash and burn, would I put the money in it anyway? 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Guy Kawasaki is the co-founder of, an “online magazine rack” of popular topics on the web. Get Satisfaction - People-Powered Customer Service. How to sell your software for $20,000. I guess you can either sell $20 software to 10,000 people a year, or $20,000 software to one business a year that buys 10 seats, and either way have a pretty good lifestyle business.

I don't know which is easier, but I did the latter. When it was just myself and I just needed to get that one customer a year, I thought it was a pretty good life. So here's my ideas if you're thinking of going that route: 1. Find software out there that sells for $20,000 a copyThe idea is you don't want to try to come up with something new. Every business problem has been thought to death, and if there isn't a product for it already, it's probably because there just isn't a need. Also with something "new" you have to convince businesses or organizations they need it, and that takes marketing money and extra time overcoming their resistance to a new concept. As for finding software that sells for $20K a copy, I don't really know where to go. Here's an example B2B idea: automated parking garage software. 2. 3. SimpleD Budget.