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How Does Firefox Reader View Operate (FF version 38.0.5) Display Requirements. Introduction The power of Twitter is in the network of people using it, and its ability to bring users closer to what’s most meaningful to them.

Display Requirements

When we first launched, Tweets were simple 140 character updates. However, as Twitter evolved, so too has the way that users view and interact with Tweets. Today’s Tweets are rich living conversations: users can give real-time feedback to authors, participate in lively debates, and spread a message across the world.

Photos, video and other media types add color and provide deep context to create some of the most engaging moments on Twitter. To help ensure every Tweet is displayed optimally and connected to every user on Twitter, we encourage using Embedded Tweets and Embedded Timelines. Reuse and Recycle: The Mobile Web. Quick!

Reuse and Recycle: The Mobile Web

Name two topics that have dominated in technology circles over the past few years. If you said “mobile” and “HTML5,” then you’ve hit the right page on my site. With the incredible growth of the smart phone market, staying abreast of the latest speculation, leaks and reviews of the hottest mobile devices has become an international pastime. You’re So Smart You Turned JavaScript into xHTML. Virtual Panel: Real-world JavaScript MVC Frameworks. Center for Information Technology Accessibility: ARIA Examples. Summary The Roadmap for Accessible Rich Internet Applications (WAI-ARIA Roadmap) addresses the accessibility of dynamic Web content for people with disabilities.

Center for Information Technology Accessibility: ARIA Examples

The roadmap outlines the technologies to map controls, AJAX live regions, and events to accessibility APIs, including custom controls used for Rich Internet Applications. Why Fonctional Programming matters. Learnable Programming. Here's a trick question: How do we get people to understand programming?

Learnable Programming

Khan Academy recently launched an online environment for learning to program. It offers a set of tutorials based on the JavaScript and Processing languages, and features a "live coding" environment, where the program's output updates as the programmer types. Relational Database Design. Text of Chapter 6, Client-Server dBASE Programming, Martin Rinehart, Addison-Wesley, 1994,

Relational Database Design

Database Design Article for MR's Java Consultant Site. Getting to Fifth Normal Form the Easy Way This article has three parts: How to Design a Database Some years ago I designed a relational database, although I had no training in the art.

Database Design Article for MR's Java Consultant Site

The design had to be a good one, so I got a database text and learned how to "normalize" the design. The normalization process gets rid of the design errors. Uninstall Microsoft Virtual WiFi Miniport Adapter Permanantly. Hi,

Uninstall Microsoft Virtual WiFi Miniport Adapter Permanantly

Windows - is it possible to install java without the browser plugin. Accord historique pour les ingénieurs français aux Etats-Unis. 15 Free HTML5 WordPress Themes and Theme Frameworks. 15 Free HTML5 WordPress Themes and Theme Frameworks.

15 Free HTML5 WordPress Themes and Theme Frameworks

WordPress is one of the famous blogging platform. It have a lot of benefit, like SEO friendly, we can using Plugins to customize our blogs. HTML5 is the new version of HTML and wordpress is very common content management system. Many developers use HTML5 features when developed wordpress themes. Today i have compiled list of that wordpress-HTML5 themes. Centrale Lyon : que sont devenus les diplômés des promotions 1991 à 2001 ? TLDRLegal - Open Source Licenses Explained in Plain English. Veille Technologique ECL. Bienvenue sur ce site qui retrace la veille technologique que j'ai mené à l'Ecole Centrale de Lyon, durant le premier trimestre 2012, sur le sujet : Influence de l'informatisation sur le travail ouvrier Cette veille s'inscrit dans le contexte du cours intitulé MOS4.4 - Nouvelles Technologies de l'Information et de la Communication et dirigé par Daniel Muller et Mohsen Ardabilian.

Veille Technologique ECL

J'ai été suivie et conseillée par Jacqueline Vacherand-Revel, qui a accepté d'être ma tutrice pour ce projet. Ce site fait partie des livrables du projet. A ce titre, il rassemble donc : les références aux articles, ouvrages, publications et auteurs qui m'ont semblés pertinents à étudier au cours de cette veille, les analyses que je propose, la présentation faite en cours devant les professeurs et les autres étudiants, ainsi qu'un rapport plus conséquent faisant la synthèse de cette étude.

1. Modern web applications: a overview. Why do we want to write single page apps?

1. Modern web applications: a overview

The main reason is that they allow us to offer a more-native-app-like experience to the user. This is hard to do with other approaches. Supporting rich interactions with multiple components on a page means that those components have many more intermediate states (e.g. menu open, menu item X selected, menu item Y selected, menu item clicked). Developing for Multi-Touch Web Browsers. Introduction Les terminaux mobiles comme les smartphones et les tablettes ont, pour la plupart, un écran tactile capacitif qui capture les interactions faites avec les doigts de l'utilisateur. Alors que le web mobile évolue pour permettre des applications toujours plus sophistiquées, les développeurs web ont besoin de prendre en charge ces évènements.

Par exemple, un jeu peut exiger de presser plusieurs boutons simultanément, ce qui, dans le contexte d'un écran tactile, implique d'utiliser le multi-touch. Apple a dévoilé son API tactile dans iOS 2.0. Android a suivi ce standard, et a rattrapé son retard. Dans cet article, nous plongerons dans l'API tactile fournie par iOS et Android, en explorant quel genre d'applications vous pouvez développer, en détaillant les bonnes pratiques, et en expliquant quelques techniques utiles qui facilitent le développement d'applications tactiles.

Detecting touch: it’s the ‘why’, not the ‘how’ One common aspect of making a website or application “mobile friendly” is the inclusion of tweaks, additional functionality or interface elements that are particularly aimed at touchscreens. SPDY. As of July 2012[update], the group developing SPDY has stated publicly that it is working toward standardisation (available as an Internet Draft).[3] The first draft of HTTP 2.0 is using SPDY as the working base for its specification draft and editing.[4] Design[edit] 38 Tools For Beautiful Data Visualisations. As we enter the Big Data era, it becomes more important to properly expand our capacity to process information for analysis and communication purposes. Exploring Computational Thinking. Google is committed to promoting computational thinking throughout the K-12 curriculum to support student learning and expose everyone to this 21st century skill.

What is Computational Thinking? Computational thinking (CT) involves a set of problem-solving skills and techniques that software engineers use to write programs that underlie the computer applications you use such as search, email, and maps. Here are specific techniques. Internet Census 2012. Internet Census 2012 Port scanning /0 using insecure embedded devices.