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Daniel Landers

Athene's Theory of Everything - Athenism. The Original Soundtrack (download & streaming) / Full SoundCloud Track (includes music that didn't make it into the film) 'God is in The Neurons' is the first chapter of the 'Athene's Theory of Everything' documentary and covers the research that was done by Chiren Boumaaza, (aka 'Athene',) in the year 2010 -- which was why he disappeared from his usual viral YouTube series for most of that year.

Athene's Theory of Everything - Athenism

Known mainly for his record-setting World of Warcraft and online poker stunts and for the extravagance he portrays in his videos, Boumaaza has been seen as a genius by some, a 'troll' by others, but as an incredibly capable gamer and entertainer by most. Developments in neuroscience and sociology from the past decades have shed light on many aspects of human psychology that are only now beginning to be discussed in the fields of 'self-help' and self-development. Download "Athene's Theory of Everything" (the full two-chapter documentary, incl.

Edited, Directed & Narrated by Reese Leysen. PVC Pipe Organ Medley. Winscape_MakingOf. Alcohol can stove. Step 7.

Alcohol can stove

Take the bottom piece of the can and start to ruffle the perimeter of the can with your thumb. (Figure 10.) You don’t want creases, just ruffles. These ruffles are to allow the top portion of the can to fit over the bottom portion easily. Step 8. . · Isopropyl alcohol works well with the stove but it does not burn as clean as denatured. · You will notice the aluminum strip creates an inner wall to the stove. . · You can set your cooking pot right on top of the stove and cook. . · Although, no amount of blowing will extinguish the flame. . · Please!

Just what the hell

Quotes. Music. 40 Spectacular images of the Stellar Universe and beyond, from NASA. 40 Spectacular images of the Stellar Universe and beyond, from NASA Posted by Richie on Thursday, August 12, 2010 · 26 Comments “Where do we come from?

40 Spectacular images of the Stellar Universe and beyond, from NASA

How did the universe begin? Why is the universe the way it is? How will it end?” The History of our Universe The most popular theory of our universe’s origin centers on a cosmic cataclysm unmatched in all of history—The Big Bang. Before the big bang, scientists believe, the entire vastness of the observable universe, including all of its matter and radiation, was compressed into a hot, dense mass just a few millimeters across. Big bang proponents suggest that some 10 billion to 20 billion years ago, a massive blast allowed all the universe’s known matter and energy—even space and time themselves—to spring from some ancient and unknown type of energy. Scientists can’t be sure exactly how the universe evolved after the big bang. The big bang theory leaves several major questions unanswered. The Hubble Space Telescope: The Journey begins…. The Book Surgeon (15 pieces)

Using knives, tweezers and surgical tools, Brian Dettmer carves one page at a time.

The Book Surgeon (15 pieces)

Nothing inside the out-of-date encyclopedias, medical journals, illustration books, or dictionaries is relocated or implanted, only removed. Dettmer manipulates the pages and spines to form the shape of his sculptures. He also folds, bends, rolls, and stacks multiple books to create completely original sculptural forms. "My work is a collaboration with the existing material and its past creators and the completed pieces expose new relationships of the book’s internal elements exactly where they have been since their original conception," he says. "The richness and depth of the book is universally respected yet often undiscovered as the monopoly of the form and relevance of the information fades over time.

Dettmer is originally from Chicago, where he studied at Columbia College. Update: Read our exclusive interview with the Book Surgeon here. Brian Dettmer's website.