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Science News Cycle. Student uploads selfie with dead body. A US high school student faces disciplinary action after uploading a photo with a dead body to Instagram during a school excursion.

Student uploads selfie with dead body

The unnamed senior at Clements High School, Alabama, used her mobile phone to take a photo of herself with a dead body that was donated to the University of Alabama's biology department. She then uploaded the selfie to Instagram. According to WHNT News 19, sheets are not supposed to be removed from dead bodies and mobile phones are strictly prohibited from the tour. The offending post was removed from the student's Instagram account, but not before a screenshot was taken and school officials were alerted. “We were notified via email this morning from a parent that this incident had occurred,” said Karen Tucker, the Limestone County School Board Director of Public Relations and Technology. The 150 Things the World's Smartest People Are Afraid Of. Every year, the online magazine Edge--the so-called smartest website in the world, helmed by science impresario John Brockman--asks top scientists, technologists, writers, and academics to weigh in on a single question.

The 150 Things the World's Smartest People Are Afraid Of

This year, that query was "What Should We Be Worried About? ", and the idea was to identify new problems arising in science, tech, and culture that haven't yet been widely recognized.

Implications of Science

Issues/Research/Developments in Science. The Nature of Science. The History of Science.