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Kofein i sportaši — Članci. Međunarodni olimpijski odbor tretira kofein kao uvjetnu drogu, tj. limitira nalaz u mokraći natjecatelja.

Kofein i sportaši — Članci

Koncentracija od 12 mg/l je prihvatljiva, ali sve iznad toga se tretira kao doping. Oko 8 šalica jake kave može "natjerati" nalaz u mokraći na čak 1 000 mg/l! Što je veći "uspon" na krilima kofeina, veći je i pad: veća doza ne popravlja, već pogoršava situaciju! Što se češće uzima, djelovanje kofeina je slabije. Prema brojnim studijama, kofein pomaže u metabolizmu masti mobiliziranjem masnih kiselina, uz istovremenu redukciju potrošnje glikogena kod prolongiranog treninga ili kod maratona, što je svakako njegovo pozitivno djelovanje. Posljednja dobro kontrolirana istraživanja pokazala su da, konzumira li se u dozi 3-6 mg/kg tjelesne težine sat vremena prije događanja, kofein poboljšava izdržljivost. S kofeinom treba znati. Kofein je već za 15 minuta nakon konzumiranja u krvi i dok god ga tamo ima, on djeluje! Nesumnjivo, za sportaše je to poželjno i pozitivno djelovanje kofeina.


The Calorie Counter. Herbalife. December 2010. Start the Day Right - Don't Skip Breakfast Studies show that children who eat breakfast do better in school.

December 2010

It doesn't take much further thought to realize adults will feel better and perform better at work as well. Whether you work at home, on the farm, at the office, at school, or on the road, it is not a good idea to skip breakfast. Eating a good breakfast sets the tone for the rest of the day. When you skip breakfast, you are likely to become tired when your brain and body run low on fuel. Skipping breakfast is a common strategy for losing weight, but not a smart one. Actually, eating breakfast is good for weight loss. Making a Healthy Breakfast A healthy breakfast should contain some protein and some fiber. My personal recommendation would be something easy and tasty to kick start my days. Stay away from the sugary cereals, syrups, pastries, and white breads because they are digested quickly and will leave you hungry and tired in a couple of hours. Breakfast Every Morning. Why your nutrition is as individual as you are.

Here's the best diet advice you'll ever get: There's no such thing as the best diet advice you'll ever get.

Why your nutrition is as individual as you are

Of course, there are thousands of books, websites, and podcasts that would beg to differ. They're all marketing their own "unique" take on eating - be it primal, low-carb, low-fat, high-protein, or whatever. And they all promise theirs is the game changer. The truth is, that nutritional strategy book you just bought may very well work for you.

It may optimize your metabolism, increase your performance, clear up your skin, whiten your teeth, disinfect, and deodorize. It's not the diet's fault. The 25¢ term for this is "biochemical individuality. " When Williams wrote "practically every human being is a deviate in some respect," he wasn't referring to whether you preferred cotton or leather briefs. A great example of this arrives via something called apolipoprotein E (apoE). Now here's the part that affects your diet. Also, don't be afraid to be a human Guinea pig.