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Presentation Tools

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Presentation Tools. Do you have other favorite online presentation tools, examples, or ideas for using them in the library media center? Share them here. Microsoft's Powerpoint and Apple's Keynote are two of the most popular presentation tools for teachers, students, library media specialists and administrators, and much has been written about the positive and negative impacts of these resources on teaching and learning.

Powerpoint can be saved as a web document and shared on any webpage. But new web-based tools offer ways to publish and deliver those presentations as well as some new tools for creating presentations--and most are free, can be accessed from home, school, or the classroom, and foster collaboration. Five to Test Drive The five most popular online presentation tools are:GoogleDocs While many think of this as a collaborative online writing or word processing tool, it also offers a presentation maker similar to Powerpoint or Keynote.

Video: Web 2.0 Presentation Tools More to Explore For more. CamStudio - Free Screen Recording Software. Prezi - Ideas matter. Wordle - Beautiful Word Clouds.