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Patient Safety in Primary Care: Do Clinicians and Patients View It Differently? New research shows that, in the primary care setting, both patients and practitioners perceive patient safety more in terms of work functions, which reflect grouping of tasks or responsibilities in delivery of care.

Patient Safety in Primary Care: Do Clinicians and Patients View It Differently?

You might also like: Future of Patient Safety: What We’ve Learned from the Pandemic In this study (Lai et al. 2020), researchers conducted interviews with 101 frontline clinicians, administrators and staff, and focus groups with 65 adult patients at ten patient-centred medical homes (PCMHs). Using thematic analysis of interview scripts, the researchers identified five work functions (themes) on how frontline personnel and patients conceptualise the meaning of patient safety in primary care: Patient safety as not causing harm. Personnel regard patient safety as not causing harm to patients when providing care, with emphasis on the effects of medications and procedures. Image credit: SDI Productions via iStock. Quality Management in Healthcare. Journal of Patient Safety. Journal of Nursing Care Quality. Home Page: Joint Commission Journal on Quality and Patient Safety. American Journal of Medical Quality: SAGE Journals.

International Journal for Quality in Health Care. The Journal for Healthcare Quality (JHQ) Call for Papers: “Quality and Safety in Veteran Populations” JHQ is seeking manuscripts that focus on improving quality and safety outcomes for veteran populations across the healthcare continuum.

The Journal for Healthcare Quality (JHQ)

Of particular interest are manuscripts that address care delivery innovation, population health performance improvement initiatives, and other quality initiatives that leverage data analytics. Manuscripts might also address capacity building for quality and safety in the care of veteran populations within and/or outside the Veterans Health Administration infrastructure.Manuscript submissions for the special issue are due by July 1, 2018. Please follow our author guidelines and submit manuscripts electronically through the JHQ Editorial Manager system at and select the category "Special Topics Series. " Journal of Patient Safety & Quality Improvement. Un journal axé sur le patient dans le but d'aider tous les membres de l'équipe à améliorer leurs connaissances et dans le but global d'améliorer les soins aux patients.

Magazines Archive - Patient Safety & Quality Healthcare. 4 Ways to Improve Your Hospital Quality and Safety Rankings. In 2014, a poor quality rating prompted Piedmont Healthcare to revolutionize the health system's approach to quality and safety.

4 Ways to Improve Your Hospital Quality and Safety Rankings

Piedmont has ramped up adherence to evidence-based care, which has dramatically lowered hospital-acquired infections. The health system has set 2024 as the target date for providing care with zero harm. Nearly two decades after the Institute of Medicine published its groundbreaking healthcare safety report "To Err Is Human," medical errors remain a leading cause of death in this country. To rise to this challenge, hospitals from coast to coast are engaged in efforts to boost quality and safety such as initiatives aimed at hospital-acquired infections.

For one hospital in particular, a poor Leapfrog Hospital Safety Grade rating in 2014 became a launching pad for improved quality and safety. "When we got a 'D' from Leapfrog, that was our wake-up call. Since launching systematic initiatives to improve quality and safety in 2014, the health system has posted gains. 1.

Ouvrir la voie vers zéro. Care Quality Commission. Leapfrog. Hospital Quality. CHPSO. Management and Quality. – Your guide to quality hospitals in Calfornia. Agence pour la recherche et la qualité en santé. Qualité et sécurité des soins - La mesure de la qualite. Les verbes "évaluer" et "mesurer" sont les plus utilisés pour désigner l'activité consistant à apprécier de façon aussi objective que possible la qualité d'une entité ; il peut s'agir d'une structure, d'une organisation, d'un système, d'une activité, d'un processus, d'une pratique.

Qualité et sécurité des soins - La mesure de la qualite

Il est important de préciser que, dans ce cadre, on n'évalue pas des individus ni des équipes, c'est-à-dire pas des personnes, mais leurs réalisations, ce qui est tout de même très différent. En principe, le verbe "évaluer" est plus général, car il englobe le verbe "mesurer" qui ne produit qu'un nombre ou un pourcentage de conformité, tandis que le premier peut également produire une réponse de type binaire : "oui" ou "non", "correct" ou "incorrect", "conforme" ou "non conforme".

Toutefois, en pratique, on emploie souvent l'un pour l'autre. La qualité d'un soin est une grandeur composite complexe, comportant huit composantes principales. Methods to measure quality of care and quality indicators through health facility surveys in low- and middle-income countries. We use cookies to enhance your experience on our website.

Methods to measure quality of care and quality indicators through health facility surveys in low- and middle-income countries

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