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Snippet List - 30 seconds of code. Return true to win. PlainJS - The Vanilla JavaScript Repository. Oop - How to get a JavaScript object's class? Accessing and modifying CSS variables with Javascript. Variables in SASS have been around for a while.

Accessing and modifying CSS variables with Javascript

They allow you to define a variable once at runtime and use that variable in multiple places. Coolness level 3. Coolness level 6? ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ Interacting with CSS variables with JS post-runtime. In this demo we are going to build a simple form that will use JS to dynamically update CSS variables(in our case change color and margin of a dot) JSFiddle Demo I will say it ev Let’s look at the moving pieces here: Here is some info on CSS :root, here too. The :root CSS pseudo-class matches the root element of a tree representing the document. The CSS vars are defined in the :root and applied on lines 13–14. -- is the CSS standard for variable definition. Straightforward here, note the attributes on the type="range" input. Line by line here: Also from ReasonCode. Eloquent JavaScript. Free JavaScript Books – Web Development Zone – Medium. Today I’ve gathered a collection of free books to read if you’d like to learn about JavaScript.

Free JavaScript Books – Web Development Zone – Medium

These JavaScript books are in various digital formats: PDF, EPUB, HTML, etc. The Modern Javascript Tutorial. Learn these JavaScript fundamentals and become a better developer. Interactive JavaScript Tutorials. By Jacob Gube Learning the fundamentals of JavaScript can be easier and more fun through interactive tutorials.

Interactive JavaScript Tutorials

Interactive tutorials are immersive, letting you write and experience code immediately. Javascript Fundamentals – Nybles. Javascript (JS) is a scripting languages, primarily used on the Web.

Javascript Fundamentals – Nybles

It is used to enhance HTML pages and is commonly found embedded in HTML code. JavaScript renders web pages in an interactive and dynamic fashion. This allowing the pages to react to events, exhibit special effects, accept variable text, validate data, create cookies, detect a user’s browser, etc. Chris Courses - Web Development Tutorials. Google publishes a JavaScript style guide. Here are some key lessons. JavaScript Equality Table Game. How Recursion Works — explained with flowcharts and a video. “In order to understand recursion, one must first understand recursion.”

How Recursion Works — explained with flowcharts and a video

Recursion can be tough to understand — especially for new programmers. In it’s simplest form, a recursive function is one that calls itself. Let me try to explain with an example. Imagine you go to open your bedroom door and it’s locked. Your three-year-old son pops in from around the corner and let’s you know he hid the only key in a box. 10 Common Data Structures Explained with Videos + Exercises. Understanding recursion in functional JavaScript programming. Introduction This post isn't about Functional Programming per se, as there are many parts to pure FP (seen in Lisp, Clojure, Haskell etc) which we can't achieve completely in the JavaScript language (for example, implementing fundamental principles of FP such as "immutable data" is very difficult in a language designed around allowing data structures to be mutable.

Understanding recursion in functional JavaScript programming

Although immutable data would be a lot easier with ES5 getters/setters and ES6 proxies). Leonardomso/33-js-concepts: □ 33 concepts every JavaScript developer should know. Anatomy Of Code. The Definitive JavaScript Handbook for a developer interview. JavaScript Event KeyCodes. JavaScript How to Program Code Syntax Highlighter Using JavaScript. Learn to begin programming a custom code syntax highlighter for displaying code in a document with colored highlights and other styling features.

JavaScript How to Program Code Syntax Highlighter Using JavaScript

Here are several reasons why a developer may want to program their own code syntax highlighter from scratch: Understanding Array.prototype.reduce() and recursion using apple pie. Delicious, attention-retaining recursion pie.

Understanding Array.prototype.reduce() and recursion using apple pie

I was having trouble understanding reduce() and recursion in JavaScript, so I wrote this article to explain it to myself (hey, look, recursion!). The 12 YouTube videos new developers mention the most. The freeCodeCamp community generates gigabytes of data each week.

The 12 YouTube videos new developers mention the most

One of the most active parts of the community is the chat room system. Thousands of people hang out there, chat about technology, and help each other improve their code skills. I frequently ask questions about the data. This week, I was curious which YouTube videos people found to be the most relevant to their studies. So I analyzed the multi-gigabyte chat history from freeCodeCamp’s main chatroom.

Out of the thousands of YouTube videos mentioned, here are the 12 most-commonly mentioned ones. What the heck is the event loop anyway? Programming JavaScript Applications. Copyright © 2014 Eric Elliott Printed in the United States of America.

Programming JavaScript Applications

O’Reilly books may be purchased for educational, business, or sales promotional use. Online editions are also available for most titles ( For more information, contact our corporate/institutional sales department: 800-998-9938 or <>. Nutshell Handbook, the Nutshell Handbook logo, and the O’Reilly logo are registered trademarks of O’Reilly Media, Inc. Programming JavaScript Applications, the image of an argali, and related trade dress are trademarks of O’Reilly Media, Inc. How to prevent your analytics data from being blocked by ad blockers. When your product is just getting started out, every single user matters. So does the data about how they interact with your product. If you’ve tried using analytics solutions like Google Analytics, you may have faced an issue where your analytics collection was blocked by ad blockers. According to PageFair, up to 30% of Internet users use ad blockers in 2017, and this number is constantly growing.

This article will explain some technical approaches you can take to prevent ad blockers from also blocking your analytics. 30 Handy JavaScript Web Designing Tools & Libraries. JavaScript tools and libraries which are very helpful for fast web designing. JavaScript development tools are very handful we are currently selected JavaScript tools, including build tools, helpful libraries, IDE’s, Drag an Drop and js Charts. JavaScript is an extremely useful scripting language for enhancing user experience and usability. It is becoming more and more popular, as a JavaScript developer, you’ll need to keep up with the latest news and learn new skills. PlainJS - The Vanilla JavaScript Repository. 12 Extremely Useful Hacks for JavaScript – Hacker Noon. In this post I will share 12 extremely useful hacks for JavaScript. These hacks reduce the code and will help you to run optimized code.

So let’s start hacking! And in case you want to be sure your JavaScript works in most browsers and mobile devices, you should probably use Endtest. 1) Converting to boolean using !! Operator Sometimes we need to check if some variable exists or if it has a valid value, to consider them as true value. You-Dont-Know-JS/ at master · getify/You-Dont-Know-JS. ES6 Sampler #6 Odds & Ends by Eugenio Keno Leon on CodePen. #Preface There is a huge list of new stuff ES6 brings to the table, I've tried to cover a few of the most relevant things, but there are a ton of other new things, we'll try covering a few more, the odds and ends in this final installment. Pssst... Previous ES6 Samplers you might like Default Values Challenge: Find out what default values are and how to use them, what is their equivalent in es5 ? jQuery Learning Center.

Shaping up with Angular.js. Odyssey.js. Top 10 HTML5, JavaScript 3D Game Engines and Frameworks. JavaScript 3D game engines is a hot topic right now with everyone building browser based 3D games using JavaScript, HTML5 and WebGL technology. The best thing about browser based games is platfrom independence they bring in and run on iOS, Android, Windows or any other platform. There are tons of JavaScript resources out there that can be used for building browser based 3D games using HTML5 and WebGL. However, selecting the right gaming engine can be a real challenge at times and can end up making or breaking your project. To make the selection process for you a littler easier, we have gone through and analyzed most of the javaScript 3D game engines available in the market as of today and short-listed the top 10 to help you create great HTML5, WebGL games in JavaScript. Babylon.js.


Three.js. RegEx. SVG Animations. Canvas. Console. D3.js. Google Maps API. Node js. OOP. Animations. Vue. ES6. React.js. Books. Machine Learning.