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Book of Vaadin 7. This book provides an overview of the Vaadin Framework and covers the most important topics that you might encounter while developing applications with it.

Book of Vaadin 7

A more detailed documentation of the individual classes, interfaces, and methods is given in the Vaadin API Reference. This edition mostly covers Vaadin 7.1 released in summer 2013. The release included support for server push, an updated debug window. WAI-ARIA support, and various other features. Writing this manual is an ongoing work and it is rarely completely up-to-date with the quick-evolving product. Also, many Vaadin 7 features are showcased as mini-tutorials, which are available in the Vaadin Wiki at This book is intended for software developers who use, or are considering to use, Vaadin to develop web applications. The book assumes that you have some experience with programming in Java, but if not, it is at least as easy to begin learning Java with Vaadin as with any other UI framework.

Organization of This Book Cheat Sheet. Bean Validation src vaadinBook. One of Vaadin 7 key features is its tight JSR 303, also known as Bean Validation, integration.

Bean Validation src vaadinBook

This article will detail on how to achieve such a validation. For starters, let's have a simple use-case: the user fills in a form. Item BINDING. Because of pressing release schedules to get this edition to your hands, we were unable to completely update this chapter.


Some form handling is still under work, especially form validation. TABLE. Because of pressing release schedules to get this edition to your hands, we were unable to completely update this section.


The description of the Table component should be mostly up-to-date, but some data binding related topics still require significant revision. Please consult the web version once it is updated, or the next print edition. Change row coloumn. Hi,To change the style of a cell, you need to use a CellStyleGenerator.

change row coloumn

There is no way to only style items added by "Table#addItem" - it's all or nothing. Here's an example (based on the book of vaadin), that highlights the rows that a firstname that starts with "G" in green, or that have "a" in the firstName in red. Note the CSS has to cope with even and odd rows, in order Cheers, TABLE nr visible row. TextField. TextField is one of the most commonly used user interface components.


It is a Field component that allows entering textual values using keyboard. The following example creates a simple text field: // Create a text field TextField tf = new TextField("A Field"); // Put some initial content in ittf.setValue("Stuff in the field"); Calendar. The Calendar component allows organizing and displaying calendar events.


The main features of the calendar include: Monthly, weekly, and daily views Two types of events: all-day events and events with a time range Add events directly, from a Container, or with an event provider Control the range of the visible dates Selecting and editing date or time range by dragging Drag and drop events to calendar Support for localization and timezones User interaction with the calendar elements, such as date and week captions as well as events, is handled with event listeners. Also date/time range selections, event dragging, and event resizing can be listened by the server. 10.7. Printing. Vaadin does not currently have any special support for printing.

10.7. Printing

Printing on the server-side is anyhow largely independent from the web UI of an application. You just have to take care that the printing does not block server requests, possibly by running printing in another thread. For client-side printing, most browsers support printing the web page. The print() method in JavaScript opens the print window of the browser. You can easily make a HTML button or link that prints the current page by placing the custom HTML code inside a Label. main.addComponent(new Label("<input type='button' onClick='print()' value='Click to Print'/>", Label.CONTENT_XHTML)); Flying-saucer - XML/XHTML and CSS 2.1 renderer in pure Java. Welcome to Flying Saucer Flying Saucer takes XML or XHTML and applies CSS 2.1-compliant stylesheets to it, in order to render to PDF (via iText), images, and on-screen using Swing or SWT.

flying-saucer - XML/XHTML and CSS 2.1 renderer in pure Java

The library implements (basically) the entirety of CSS 2.1 and aims to be fully compliant with the W3C specification; it includes a small handful of CSS 3 features. The source code is hosted on GitHub, here: Great! How do I get Started? Check out our User's Guide (also available as downloadable pdf), our mailing list archives on Mark Mail and our FAQ. Printing in Vaadin. In one of my recent projects for one of our clients, I have used the Vaadin framework to develop the application.

Printing in Vaadin

One of the requirements of this application was to print certain content. I basically evaluated three possible solutions to implement this functionality:Create a new window with content specifically designed for printing and use the JavaScript print() method to print the contents of this window;Create a PDF with the printable contents and open this PDF in a new browser window;Create a PDF with the printable contents and use the Embedded and Window components to display the PDF.I found option 1 not compatible and consistent enough between browsers. - jc-examples - Source code repository for various kind of example projects. Vaadin7 frameWork. Unknown identifier: "com/vaadin/data/". Falling back to search type. Git. Vaadin/dashboard-demo. Git - Calendar src. Older revisions r11292 by gwt.mirrorbot on Sep 18, 2012 Diff. nFrankelMore-Vaadin.

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