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Lawrence Lessig on How We Lost Our Democracy | Lawrence Lessig.


Documentaries. Culture. Crimes/rights. Capitalism. Youtube videos. The Political Notebook. 5 Sites That Will Boost Your Political Awareness. It's election time again, and there's no shortage of spin and distortion about candidates and issues. Fortunately, we have some very good political Web sites to help us make well-reasoned choices at the ballot box. And that's just the start: Some of our other favorite sites use the latest Web tools to bring a new transparency to governments, special interests, and campaigns--year round. We all pay taxes. A lot of taxes. gives you easy ways to see exactly where, and on what, your federal tax dollars are being spent. OpenCongress: OpenCongress combines official government data with news coverage, blog posts, and commentary to give you the real story about what's happening in Congress-from bills to scandals. PolitiFact Truth-o-Meter: You hear a lot of bluff and bluster, slips, spin, and even outright lies during campaign season. Yes, the Internet is becoming a central part of politics, and someday soon we'll cast our votes online too. Global Consumer by Dan Salzman #TMRE. Live blogs by @LoveStats!

This is a session summary from The Market Research Event by IIR in Orlando, Florida, November 2011. It was posted mere minutes after completion of the talk. Any inaccuracies are my own. Any humorous side remarks are also my own. Feel free to leave comments and critiques. *** *** The Global Consumer Dan Salzman, Vice President, Consumer & Market Insights, Hewlett Packard [All i'm thinking is that HP social media data is full of horsepower and harry potter data :) ]How does HP think about the global consumer? Like this: Like Loading... The Society of the Spectacle. The first version of this translation of The Society of the Spectacle was completed and posted online at my “Bureau of Public Secrets” website in 2002. The first print version was published by Rebel Press (London) in 2004 and several other editions were subsequently published in various print and digital formats.

Meanwhile I continued to fine-tune the version on my website. Although I will continue to tweak the online version as further improvements occur to me, this new printed edition is probably pretty close to final. There have been several previous English translations of Debord’s book. I have gone through them all and have retained whatever seemed already to be adequate. In particular, I have adopted quite a few of Donald Nicholson-Smith’s renderings, though I have diverged from him in many other cases. Many people have told me that they became discouraged by the opening pages of the book and gave up. The book is not, however, as difficult or abstract as it is reputed to be. Child Labour. The RSA - Digital Ecosystem.