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Cualitativa_portal. Cualitativa_compu. Internet Archive: Free Download: Personal Knowledge. Anthropology is not ethnography. TPRW Home (p)(f) The Process of Research Writing Steven D. Krause, Eastern Michigan University Version 1.0,Spring 2007 The Process of Research Writing is a web-based research writing textbook (or is that textweb?) About: The Project | The Web Site | The Rights and Fair Uses | The Author | Acknowledgements and Thanks Preface for Teachers: (A summary of the project suitable for teachers and students alike). Table of Contents Introduction: Why Write Research Projects? Chapter One: Thinking Critically About Research Chapter Two: Understanding and Using the Library and the Internet for Research Chapter Three: Quoting, Paraphrasing, and Avoiding Plagiarism Chapter Four: How to Collaborate and Write With Others Chapter Five: The Working Thesis Exercise Chapter Six: The Annotated Bibliography Exercise Chapter Seven: The Critique Exercise Chapter Eight: The Antithesis Exercise Chapter Nine: The Categorization and Evaluation Exercise Chapter Ten: The Research Essay Chapter Eleven: Alternative Ways to Present Your Research.

College :: Kenneth J. Gergen :: Available Manuscripts. The Critical Lede. Science. First, a confession: I am no expert in qualitative research. I read a lot of it, and I understand the basic principles, but I’ve never taken a course to learn the specific methodologies. I know enough to know when I’m looking at good quality qualitative research, to have a few favorite qualitative studies, and to have some things about qualitative research that I just adore. I know that sounds a little nerdy, but maybe I can make you learn to love qualitative research, too. Here are some things I love about qualitative research, with some examples from the second stage qualitative lit, second stage being the theme of this month’s blog carnival, not to mention a well-researched topic among qualitative researchers.

Qualitative studies demonstrate undocumented harms of common obstetric practices. In a qualitative analysis of videotaped births, researchers documented the number of vaginal exams each woman had in second stage, which ranged from 2 to 17. And “I gotta push. Um, no, not okay. Qual_research. Webcams: The Panacea for Online Quali. The ability to see and hear respondents clearly has for many years been seen as essential to get on par with traditional, facilities based qual sessions. With the advent of fast Internet, in-built cameras and microphones this should be the age of the audio visual focus group. Well, partly. VisionsLive runs hundreds of online focus groups each month, providing options for both audio visual and non audio visual sessions, so we can give you a bit of insight. The surprise finding is that non audio visual groups have trumped video based focus groups by a factor of 10 in terms of client uptake!

Why? Firstly, apart from the ability to see and hear respondents, the functionality of VisionsLive audio visual groups and non-audio visual groups is identical. Investigación cualitativa y psicología. Introducción El giro discursivo en las ciencias sociales que ha reciclado la metodología cualitativa, forma parte del cuestionamiento al fundamentalismo positivista, el cual, al identificar su postura normativa con la ciencia, hace aparecer la crítica en su contra como un ataque a la ciencia misma.

Ahora es común aceptar, además, que la explicación científica es una forma particular de darle sentido al mundo, pero que no existe un método científico único o universal. La metodología cualitativa se replantea hoy como una vía más adecuada para el estudio de la complejidad social e, implícitamente, como una vía crítica y como crítica de la vía única. Los métodos cualitativos parten del supuesto básico de que el mundo social está construido de significados y símbolos.

De ahí que la intersubjetividad sea una pieza clave de la investigación cualitativa y punto de partida para captar reflexivamente los significados sociales. Materiales - Page 6. Enquiry Learning, Qualitative Research. Dr. Kakali Bhattacharya's Qualitative Research Site - Home. Qualitative Research in Information Systems.

Online Qualitative Research Resources Home - Qualitative Researc. Compiled by Susan Hawes, PhD for the Clinical Psychology Department, Antioch University New England. I created this site initially to provide my graduate students access to information on qualitative research that they could access easily and at no cost. I have organized it thematically, beginning with this page on “megasites,” which are pages that for the most part cover the topic broadly, like this site. The other organizing themes are: bibliographies, creating manuscripts, associations and institutions, journals publishing qualitative research, methodology (and methods), other social science links, and software for qualitative analyses.

The Qualitative Research Clearinghouse: Resources for Methods, Analysis, and the Future This site at Central Michigan University is a recent discovery for me. The coverage for teaching is excellent. Psychology Network :: TQRMUL : Practicals and reading materials. Choosing Qualitative Research: A Primer for Technology Education. A number of writers have commented on the dearth of substantive research within the field of technology education, and point to the expansion of its research agenda as a means of strengthening the discipline. Waetjen, in his call for good research in technology education, states that "the plea is to use experimental type research as much as possible" (1992, p. 30). Interestingly, the three areas of research need outlined in his essay would all lend themselves to alternative methodologies, including qualitative methodologies.

More recently, others have called for an expansion in the types of research methods used. Of the 220 reports included in Zuga's review of technology education-related research (1994), only 16 are identified as having used qualitative methods, and Zuga notes that many of those studies were conducted outside the United States. This sentiment echoes that of an earlier writer. 1. Theoretical sensitivity refers to a personal quality of the researcher. 1. Figure 1. Inicio > General > Primer Encuentro de Investigadores Cualitativos de Puerto Rico Primer Encuentro de Investigadores Cualitativos de Puerto Rico Primer Comunicado: Octubre de 2009 El Centro Para la Investigación Graduada del Departamento de Estudios Graduados de la Facultad de Educación de la Universidad de Puerto Rico, Recinto de Río Piedras, está organizando el Primer Encuentro de Investigadores Cualitativos de Puerto Rico.

El mismo está previsto para celebrarse en la semana del 12 al 16 de abril de 2010. Este encuentro persigue los siguientes propósitos: Le estamos invitando a participar en esta actividad y deseamos saber en qué calidad le gustaría participar. Agradecemos de antemano su interés y esperamos tener su contestación muy pronto. Dra. Por favor, conteste las siguientes preguntas y reenvíe este comunicado con sus contestaciones a la siguiente dirección electrónica: ( formulario en word aqui) __SI estoy interesado en participar en calidad de: Arlist-L: Action research mailing list. Archives of. Qualitative Research. Using Wikis to Conduct Qualitative Research. Qualitative psychological research.

Assessment | Biopsychology | Comparative | Cognitive | Developmental | Language | Individual differences | Personality | Philosophy | Social |Methods | Statistics | Clinical | Educational | Industrial | Professional items | World psychology | Statistics:Scientific method · Research methods · Experimental design · Undergraduate statistics courses · Statistical tests · Game theory · Decision theory In the broadest sense qualitative research is research which uses only dichotomous data — that is, data which can take only the values 0 (zero) and 1 (one). In psychological research this definition has been restricted further. In psychology qualitative research has come to be defined as research whose findings are not arrived at by statistical or other quantitative procedures. This definition, however, is entirely negative, describing qualitative research by what it lacks rather than by what it possesses. Goals attributed to qualitative psychological research Edit Origins and methods See also Books.

Fieldwork is Not What It Used to Be » Learning Anthropology’s Me.