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Toddlers/Infants/Pre-Schoolers: What is a "good" joint custody plan?, parenting plan, family schedules. James Windell Expertise I can answer questions related to normal child development, disturbed behavior and how to provide appropriate guidance and discipline.

Toddlers/Infants/Pre-Schoolers: What is a "good" joint custody plan?, parenting plan, family schedules

Experience I've been a clinical psychologist in a juvenile court, worked in school settings, been a child psychotherapist in a private psychiatric clinic and consulted with schools, courts, hospitals and daycare centers. OrganizationsAmerican Psychological Association Michigan Psychological Association. Co-parenting after separation or divorce. Establishing co-parenting It’s not easy to create new parenting arrangements when a relationship breaks down.

Co-parenting after separation or divorce

You might both want as much time as possible with the kids, or your ex-partner might not want to see them. You might see equal time as a fair solution – then again, you might not have the resources to do this. Whatever your situation, you and your ex-partner need to make firm decisions about how you’ll parent your children now. You might be able to sort this out together. Here are some tips for setting up your new arrangements. Children and Divorce Article: What Is the Best Time to Divorce? What is the "best" time to divorce?

Children and Divorce Article: What Is the Best Time to Divorce?

Should you stay together until your children are a little older, or is it better to make a clean break now? By Judith Wallerstein I hear this question every time I lecture to parents or participate on talk shows. People love their children, and they want to diminish any hurt from the divorce. Planning life - Advice for parents - Resolution - first for family law. Home > Advice for parents > Planning life Managing activities and events out of two homes Events for parents Resolution’s new Parenting After Parting information workshops aim to help parents manage the impact of their divorce or separation on their children.

Planning life - Advice for parents - Resolution - first for family law

Parenting Plans: Considering the needs of Young Children. When parents divorce, most of them are able to come on their own to some agreement about child custody and visitation.

Parenting Plans: Considering the needs of Young Children

Only about 10% of divorcing couples need the help of a court or a mediator to manage this, and even fewer require a court order to force a decision. Of the couples who need help, most benefit from the assistance of a child custody evaluator or some other way of working out a parenting plan. The "parenting plan" concept is a very useful one, because decisions about children are not simply a matter of awarding custody to one or the other parent and then assuming that all problems are solved. Child Custody - In Whose Best Interests? When parents divorce, their child custody plans are supposed to place the “best interests of the child” first.

Child Custody - In Whose Best Interests?

We know children’s needs change as they grow. Unfortunately, the way we develop and maintain custody schedules ignores that, and often makes children feel helpless by denying them any influence over the arrangements that govern their lives. Today, most divorces involving children include a parenting plan that dictates where children will live and which days they will spend with each parent. The process of agreeing on a custody arrangement is often very difficult for parents, who naturally have little desire to revisit the divorce experience. As a result, the legal agreement they reach typically will govern the daily rhythm and schedule of children without change until they turn 18. A successful parenting plan after divorce - Parenting & Family. Parents face unique challenges after divorce. In "The Co-Parenting Survival Guide," psychologists Elizabeth Thayer and Jeffrey Zimmerman set out rules for parents to calm the emotions and ease the stress of shared parenting.

Read an excerpt below. A dozen golden parent agreement rules Most of the literature on co-parenting discusses sets of rules (Blau, 1993; Ricci, 1980) to follow when interacting with the other parent or when dealing with the children. These rules are designed to provide a structure for your interactions and to prevent conflict. Tips for Divorced Parents: Co-parenting with Your Ex and Making Joint Custody Work. Co-parenting after a separation or divorce Joint custody arrangements, especially after an acrimonious split, can be exhausting and infuriating.

Tips for Divorced Parents: Co-parenting with Your Ex and Making Joint Custody Work

It can be extremely difficult to get past the painful history you may have with your ex and overcome any built-up resentment. Making shared decisions, interacting with each another at drop-offs, or just speaking to a person you’d rather forget all about can seem like impossible tasks. How do you know what is the best custody arrangement for your child? Sharing Joint Custody. Flashback to 1970: Couple calls it quits.

Sharing Joint Custody

Mom gets the kids. Dad pays child support. Fast forward to today: Mom and Dad divorce. Unlike Kramer vs. Custody Arrangements for Very Young Children. Recently, I have found myself thinking a lot about the best, and the worst, custody arrangements for very young children.

Custody Arrangements for Very Young Children

When I say very young children, I am thinking about infants (aged newborn to roughly 18 months) as well as toddlers (aged 18 months to about 3 years). Below, I will offer some of my own thoughts about this very important, and it seems, increasingly controversial topic. But at the outset, I want to invite readers to share their experiences about what is working for you, and what isn't; about what custody arrangements you have chosen for your own very young children, and about what schedules were imposed on you by a court, an ex, whoever. Emery's Alternative Parenting Plans (Child Custody Schedules) Emery's Alternative Parenting Plans (Child Custody Schedules) The 12 Ties that Bind Long-Term Relationships. That crazy thing we call love is perhaps one of the most studied and least understood areas in psychology.

The 12 Ties that Bind Long-Term Relationships

One reason is that many studies of romantic relationships are carried out not in real life, but in the lab. Making matters worse, many of these studies involve dating relationships between samples of convenience, consisting of undergraduate students. Though these students are certainly capable of close relationships, many of them haven’t matured enough to know themselves, much less what they want out of a romantic partner. Divorce and Child Custody: Complexities and "No-fault Custody" An Op-Ed piece in the New York Times ("No Fault of Their Own", by the marriage and family therapist Ruth Bettelheim, Feb. 17, 2010) has proposed "no-fault custody proceedings" as a solution to bitter struggles about child custody when couples divorce .

Bettelheim suggested "fixed formulas" for child support as an approach that would take money out of the argument. She also proposed that binding mediation is a way to develop custody agreements that could not be discarded later on. GH6607 Helping Infants and Toddlers Adjust to Divorce. Kim Leon State Extension Specialist Human Development and Family Studies Parents often wonder how divorce affects infants and toddlers. Infants and toddlers may seem too young to understand what is happening. However, they may still be affected by stressful events. During the first three years of life, children grow quickly and become mobile, learn language, begin to understand how the world works, and form social relationships.

These developments may be affected by changes in the child's environment, such as parental divorce. Joint Custody Better for Kids - Showing page 1 of 4 Children from divorced families who spend time with each parent after the divorce are better adjusted, in most cases, than children who live and interact with just one parent, a new study reports. Best visitation schedule for shared custody? Hi Dr. Laura, Three and half years ago my son's dad and I began our joint custody arrangement for our son, 5 days with dad, five days with mom, two days with dad, two days with mom. Basically, dad always has M/Tu and I always have W/Th and we trade off F/Sa/Su. This was so we wouldn't be apart from him for long periods of time. He was only 4 at the time. I have always felt that he needs more continuity, as much as possible given the fact that he has two homes, and I have approached his dad about switching weeks.

Joint Custody Best for Most Children. The Trauma of Divorce: Reducing the Impact of Separation on Children. Any member of the American Academy of Experts in Traumatic Stress would concur that trauma may be defined broadly to include not only physical stress, such as combat involvement, auto accidents, natural disaster, torture, but also vicarious sources of trauma, such as observing others being traumatized, as in witnessing a major accident. These are the types of trauma that we most often consider when discussing the iatrogenic effects of overwhelming experiences.

What has been largely ignored in the literature is an explicit consideration of divorce as traumatic. Yet the psychological ramifications of the divorce process are considerable, and one cannot overlook the potential traumatizing effects of divorce on the children involved. First, let's reconsider how to define trauma. There are some key elements.

These are among the defining aspects of trauma, and several theorists have suggested ways in which we process this information. Attachment Problems The Divorce Process Repairing the Damage. Joint or Sole Custody? Custody collaborations. Health: Psychology; The Children of Divorce: Joint Custody Is Found To Offer Little Benefit. Joint physical custody. Signs of Bad Parenting. The best way to be a Good Parent is by avoiding the signs of bad parenting.