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Twitter Reveals Which Tweets Get the Most Engagement [Study] - SEW. We’ve seen third-party studies on what makes a tweet succeed, like this one, for example. But Twitter went ahead and did a study of its own, looking at more than 2 million tweets from verified accounts in the United States. What it found was that adding video, links and photos all result in “an impressive boost in the number of retweets,” Twitter said. Twitter segmented the results by sectors like TV, news, government and politics, sports, and music; not every sector showed the same results. Overall, the most effective tweet components across all verified accounts were: Photos, which averaged a 35 percent boost in retweets.Videos, which got a 28 percent boost.Quotes, which received a 19 percent boost in retweets.A number or stat, which received a 17 percent bump in retweets.Hashtags, which garnered a 16 percent boost.

You can play with the data here, in this interactive table: Let's look at a couple sectors. Verified Accounts (verified) sur Twitter. How to Get a Verified Account on Twitter: 6 Steps. Edit Article Two Parts:Getting VerifiedMaximizing Your ChancesCommunity Q&A Wouldn't it be cool if you had that white check mark in a blue cloud on your Twitter profile? If you get one, it means you hold a "verified account. " Twitter uses verification to establish the authenticity of tweeters, and does so proactively—they concentrate on "highly sought users in music, acting, fashion, government, politics, religion, journalism, media, advertising, business, and other key interest areas. " It's not easy to get verified, but there are some things you can do to make it more likely.

Ad Steps Part 1 Getting Verified <img alt="Image titled Get a Verified Account on Twitter Step 5" src=" width="728" height="546" class="whcdn">5Do not change your account information. Part 2 Maximizing Your Chances Community Q&A Ask a Question Tips Warnings. Embedded Timelines. English | 日本語 Overview Embeddable timelines make it easy to syndicate any public Twitter timeline to your website with one line of code. Just like timelines on, embeddable timelines are interactive and enable your visitors to reply, Retweet, and favorite Tweets directly from your pages. Users can expand Tweets to see Cards inline, as well as Retweet and favorite counts. These new timeline tools are built specifically for the web, mobile web, and touch devices. Available Timelines You can embed a timeline for Tweets from an individual user, a user's favorites, Twitter lists, or any search query or hashtag.

User You may create an embedded timeline for any public Twitter user. Here's @twitterapi's timeline embedded directly into this page: Custom Timelines Custom Timelines are collections of tweets in any order, as curated by Twitter users. Favorites Like the user timeline, a favorites timeline may be created for any public Twitter user, and displays that user's favorited Tweets. List. Embedded Timelines. Twitter : Comment envoyer automatiquement une réponse de bienvenue en DM à vos followers. Que ce soit pour des fins commerciales ou tout simplement remercier les personnes qui vous suivent, la mise en place une réponse automatique par DM à vos nouveaux followers est un moyen facile pour commencer à tisser un lien avec chacun de vos disciples.

Certain services proposés sont payants ou compliqués. Dans ce tutoriel, nous utiliseront un service en ligne Gratuit et très simple à mettre en place. Inutile de nous encombrer de tout un tas d’options ou gadgets, nous cherchons uniquement à remercier ou promouvoir un produit, une adresse … par DM envoyé à nos nouveaux inscrits. Avant de commencer, si vous cherchez à mieux maitriser Twitter, nous vous conseillons les lectures suivantes : Pour obtenir régulièrement des informations, nous vous conseillons de nous suive sur Twitter @creatroyes.

Comment envoyer automatiquement une réponse de bienvenue en DM Bienvenue à vos followers sur Twitter 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Si malgré tout vous souhaitez utilisé cette technique, n’oubliez pas de : Web Intents. By using Web Intents, you agree to the Developer Rules of the Road. Make it easy to bring interactivity to Tweets that you display on the web. Web Intents provide popup-optimized flows for working with Tweets & Twitter Users: Tweet, Reply, Retweet, Favorite, and Follow. They make it possible for users to interact with Twitter content in the context of your site, without leaving the page or having to authorize a new app just for the interaction. Web intents are mobile friendly, and super easy to implement. Working with Web Intents Web Intents are the simplest way to make the Tweets you display on your website interactive. Web Intents automatically detect whether the end user is currently logged in to and asks for login when necessary.

Web Intents don't require Javascript, but it makes it easier to pop them up most elegantly. Web Intents are also mobile browsing friendly and ready for use on iOS, Android, and most modern mobile devices. Images for Twitter birds, icons for replying & Free Twitter Retweet Bot - Custom Search. How to Create a Useful Twitter Retweet Bot. Twitter can be used in various, almost countless ways. In this post I am sharing a tip on how to create a useful Twitter RT bot that can be used to collect various Tweets around a keyword or a hashtag and retweet them. And before you start throwing stones at me calling me a Twitter spammer, let me give just a few examples of how this bot can be used to create real value: Think of a Twitter RT bot that will be used to collect Tweets around some SEO conference.

Thus all people who want to follow live updates from many members won’t need to keep track of hashtags and keywords associated with the event – all they need is to follow your bot.Or, say, you want to introduce your own cool hashtag and get other people to use it (#FirefoxFriday for example) but you want to filter out all retweets and give people the way to only follow real first-hand Tweets – a Twitter bot is the best option to go! So, I guess I made it clear why you might find this tutorial handy. Now let’s see how to create one: 22 best Twitter apps for 2012. The microblogging service Twitter has become a very big deal, enabling everybody to depose dictators, mock X Factor contestants and lose their jobs for posting offensive things when they're drunk. Top 60 best free iPhone apps 2012 However, while the service itself is really simple the choice of desktop Twitter software isn't.

From stripped-down clients to do-everything social media dashboards, there are stacks of Twitter programs to choose from. So which ones are best? Here are 22 options for 2012. 1. Twitter (Web, OS X) The official Twitter website is a marmite affair: some people hate it, while others really hate it. 2. The Iconfactory's Twitter app normally costs $9, but Twitterific is currently half price on the Mac App Store and there's a stripped-down free version to play with too. 3. Echofon is available for almost everything: there are iPhone and iPad apps, a Firefox extension and desktop versions for Mac and Windows. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. Themeleon :: Twitter Profile Designer by COLOURlovers. How to Change Your Profile Photo and Information. You can customize your profile by selecting unique profile and header images, adding a name, bio, location, birthday, website and theme color, and by pinning a Tweet that other users will see when they visit your profile.

How to customize your profile Sign in to to your profile.Click the Edit profile button and you’ll be able to edit your account’s: Header photo (recommended dimensions are 1500x500 pixels)Profile photo (recommended dimensions are 400x400 pixels)NameBio (maximum 160 characters)LocationWebsiteTheme colorBirthdayClick into any of these areas and make your changes.When changing a profile or header photo, click the camera icon and select to Upload photo or Remove, or simply drag and drop a photo into this section.Click Save changes. You’re all set! Here are some additional tips for updating your profile: Photos can be in any of the following formats: JPG, GIF, or PNG. How to add your birthday and select who can view it on your profile Pin a Tweet to your profile. Glossaire Twitter. The Twitter Glossary. Lexique Twitter : Glossaire Et Définition : Following Followers RT DM Liste.

Bien que Twitter soit réellement simple à utiliser, il est nécessaire de connaître les principales fonctions pour bien maitriser l'outil. Lorsque vous visitez un profil Twitter, vous pouvez y voir différentes statistiques, différents chiffres. Voici quelques définitions dédiées à l'univers Twitter. Following / Abonnements : cette valeur correspond au nombre de comptes Twitter que suit cette personne. Ce nombre peut aller de quelques personnes à des centaines de milliers dans le cas de compte de marque ou de personnalités connues par exemple. Followers / Abonnés : c'est le nombre de comptes Twitter qui suit cette personne.

A l'heure actuelle, le compte détendeur du record en termes d'abonnés est celui de Lady Gaga qui est suivi par près de 6 millions de personnes ! Une question ? A propos de l'auteur Editeur de Blog Tool Box, un blog dédié aux personnes qui souhaitent améliorer leurs blogs. FAQs about Verified Accounts. How to Get a Verified Account on Twitter: 6 steps. Twitter: cinq choses que vous ignorez sur la vérification des comptes. TWITTER - Le 16 août, quelques heures après avoir appris que l'Équateur lui offrait l'asile politique, Julian Assange remerciait le pays et ses soutiens sur son compte Twitter. A un détail près. Car ce compte était un faux. Gracias a Ecuador y ustedes.— Julian Assange (@JulianAssange_) August 16, 2012 "Merci à l'Équateur et à vous" Note: The Twitter account @julianassange_ is *not* Julian Assange.— WikiLeaks (@wikileaks) May 31, 2012 "Le compte Twitter @julianassange n'est pas Julian Assange" C'est pour parer à ce genre de mésaventures que Twitter a lancé en 2009 un service de vérification de compte.

Ce que Twitter accepte de révéler Twitter ayant refusé notre demande d'interview, voici les informations disponibles sur son site officiel (lien en anglais). La vérification des comptes concerne aussi les personnes qui ont de grandes chances de se faire usurper leur identité et les entreprises partenaires de Twitter. Ce que Twitter ne dit pas 1. Rupert Murdoch est désormais sur Twitter 2. 3. 4.