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PHP Coding Standards Fixer. PHP composer.json support.


Working with Multiple Selection in PhpStorm 8 EAP. Earlier this week, we released the PhpStorm 8 EAP with a number of new features and improvements.

Working with Multiple Selection in PhpStorm 8 EAP

We hear what you say on Twitter and on our issue tracker and that’s why we’re including your number one request: Multiple Selection. Let’s see how we can work with them! Multiple Selection With Multiple Selection, we can work with multiple cursors in one file simultaneously. Let’s start with some basics: press and hold Alt and use the mouse to select the locations where a cursor is desired. Please note that default hotkey for multiple selection (multiple carets) add/remove caret has been changed from PhpStorm 8 EAP 138.256 build to Alt+Click (used to be Alt+Shift+Click before).

Cursor locations can also be added using Select Next Occurrence (Alt+J on Windows, Ctrl-G on Mac OS X): we can add the next occurrence of the current word to the selection and start working from there. Here’s a video of these concepts in action in an HTML file. 1.0. Let's just dive right in.


Java VM options. How To Refactor Code With PhpStorm — Matthew Setter — Software Craftsman, Zend Framework and PHP Specialist, Technical Writer. July 25th, 2016, by Matthew Setter Refactoring code is an essential aspect of building and maintaining software.

How To Refactor Code With PhpStorm — Matthew Setter — Software Craftsman, Zend Framework and PHP Specialist, Technical Writer

In this tutorial I will show you how to use PhpStorm’s refactoring functionality to make it as easy as possible. When refactoring code by hand, whether you’re working with legacy code, or creating new code, it’s easy to make mistakes, such as forgetting one place where the code was used, when renaming a method. That’s why I love to make use of PhpStorm’s refactoring functionality on a regular basis. If this is your first time hearing about the term, Martin Fowler describes refactoring as: Refactoring is a controlled technique for improving the design of an existing code base. Refactoring covers a range of different techniques, including moving, extracting, copying, deleting, and renaming. Gladly, PhpStorm’s refactoring functionality, which is included as part of the core package, has support for all of these. Stitcher 1.0. This blog post aims to make you think about the way you use key bindings whilst programming.

Stitcher 1.0

You'll read about some techniques I use to assign key bindings, how to memorise them, and use them efficiently. But before we go on, I'll need to explain why spending time on key bindings is worth the effort. The need for keys. Stitcher 1.0.

Live Templates

Live Templates (Snippets) in PhpStorm - PhpStorm. In this tutorial, we will see what Live Templates (Snippets) are and how they can be used to insert frequently-used snippets into our source code quickly.

Live Templates (Snippets) in PhpStorm - PhpStorm

Icon PhpStorm comes with various options for generating code. Live Templates is one, but there are ways to generate whole files, PHP constructs and more, too. Check the Generating Code in PhpStorm tutorial for more. An introduction to Live Templates Let's start off with a simple example. Once we press TAB, a foreach loop is generated. After filling out the last placeholder (our variable name) and pressing TAB again, we can start writing the body of our loop.


Blog — Software development, agile methodologies and open source projects. Earlier last week I found a github repository which collects different resources related with PhpStorm.

Blog — Software development, agile methodologies and open source projects

Plugins, themes, utilities... I found it very interesting, because I think PhpStorm is the best PHP IDE by far, and I've been using it on an almost daily basis for the last 4 years. The thing is that finding that repository gave me the idea of writing a post explaining the list of third party plugins I use and why, in case somebody is starting to use the IDE and wants some ideas on where to start.

If you want to get any of them, just search for it inside PhpStorm. It's the easiest way to install them. .env If you work with env files in your development process, either with vlucas/phpdotenv (which comes bundled with laravel) or with symfony/dotenv, this extension is very handy. It autocompletes environment variables defined in the .env file and the docker-compose.yml file when using the env() or getenv() functions.

It also displays the value defined for those env variables inside the file. A Few Quick Tips to Make PhpStorm Faster – Appstract – Medium. PhpStorm is a great IDE for PHP development.

A Few Quick Tips to Make PhpStorm Faster – Appstract – Medium

Its code intelligence system makes it much easier to work with large projects over a normal text editor. However, PhpStorm can do much more than that. It is packed with tons of extra features you may need in your development process. The only drawback of using such a large app, is its performance. PhpStorm: Tasks & Contexts with Your Git Branches – Jeff Madsen – Medium. Switching context is a pain.

PhpStorm: Tasks & Contexts with Your Git Branches – Jeff Madsen – Medium

Not just because you need to mentally switch the complex web of ideas in your head. Think about all the physical files on different git branches you have to remember in order to answer a “quick question about task #123”. The controller, the view that holds the front-end template, the other templates, the data factory that makes the ajax call to the other controller, which uses a service class… PhpStorm has a lot of great context links and shortcuts to help you navigate among all these, but it is still a royal pain whenever you need to put one set of files aside and work in a different area of the codebase. Particularly if you’re new on an existing project and still finding your way around, you can easily spend as much time opening all the correct files as you do working on the small request assigned to you.

PHP Storm

Documentation. Cheatsheets. Be Awesome in PHPStorm: Composer Dependencies and PHPStorm. Some nice PhpStorm secrets -