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Video Tut 2:30. Tinkerwell. Livewire. The complete guide to Laravel front-end scaffolding. Laravel zero. Davor Minchorov - personal website and blog. Boilerplates 2020. Installation. Laravel 5.7 From Scratch - frre Video Tut - Laracast. Where to learn Advanced Laravel? : laravel. Laravel Options Package. Laravel View X-Ray. Laravel Favicon Package. Learn how to set up Xdebug for PhpStorm and Laravel Valet. Laravel & PHP | Spatie Guidelines. About Laravel First and foremost, Laravel provides the most value when you write things the way Laravel intended you to write. If there's a documented way to achieve something, follow it. Whenever you do something differently, make sure you have a justification for why you didn't follow the defaults.

General PHP Rules Code style must follow PSR-1 and PSR-2. Generally speaking, everything string-like that's not public-facing should use camelCase. Detailed examples on these are spread throughout the guide in their relevant sections. Docblocks Don't use docblocks for methods that can be fully type hinted (unless you need a description). Only add a description when it provides more context than the method signature itself. Always use fully qualified class names in docblocks. // Good /** * @param string $url * * @return \Spatie\Url\Url */ // Bad /** * @param string $foo * * @return Url */ Docblocks for class variables are required, as there's currently no other way to typehint these.

If statements.


New Tutorials. Learning Laravel Book. Laravel in Numbers. E-commerce application using Laravel. Laravel And PWA. Laravel Query Builder. Laravel Query Detector. Laravel View X-Ray. Aimeos. Laraflash - Flash news about Laravel. Tipps & Tricks. A Vue component to easily render tabs. Laravel Entity Relation Diagram Generator. Responsive images and progressive image loading. Ecommerce. Appointment Scheduler. Modules. Laravel PWA (from webpack.mix.js) – Codefield community. Today i will be showing you how to make a laravel project a fully working progressive web app.This will prompt your users to “install” your website on their device and even access it when there’s limited to no internet connection.To get more information about the service worker go to chrome dev tools on the application section.Before i get started there is a great tutorial about this here and this is one of the tutorials i used when i first wanted to implement it on my project.But this example requires making changes on your webpack.config.js file which tends to get a little complicated.I cam across a much simpler solution.

Using the webpack.mix.js file.Now lets get started. What do you need To get the PWA functionality you first need a couple of things. Here is a list of everything you need but these will do just fine: HTTPSmanifest.jsonservice workerA good Responsive design About the HTTPS if you are working locally don’t worry.Google treats localhost as a safe domain. The Setup instead of.

Laravel PWA

Decoupling Laravel Applications – Stefano Pastore. Day 1 — Gimmie some JSON The goal of this article will be get this thing started with the pieces that are absolutely necessary: the Quote model and migration, one route for the API that returns quotes formatted as JSON and a Javascript function to fetch it all. Creating migration and model for quotes The first thing to do is make model and migration for the quotes.

In case you don’t know you should type in the terminal php artisan make:model Quote -m and as a kind fairy godmother Artisan will provide you with a model named Quote and a migration called something like create_quotes_table at the same time. Let Laravel deal with the mock stuff If Laravel can do it in a chinch, why should you bother? Let’s create some fake data with factories, because we need something to deliver through the API and personally I don’t want to manually insert all the mock stuff. Php artisan make:factory QuoteFactory and instruct Faker generator with all the information it needs to build fake quotes.

5.6 only

Create Artisan Commands. Spatie Medialibrary 7. Laravel with vuetify. Caching. Model Events. Testing. Horizontal scaling, and Laravel. Stubs. REST API WITH PASSPORT AUTHENTICATION IN LARAVEL 5.6. Performance. Laravel Vue - Enso. APIs. Developing Packages. Eloquent Tips. News. Try it. Translations. Vue - Laravel. Orator. Structured as per official Documentation. Solutions. Autocomplete typeahead search. Faker. Basics. Learn Laravel - resources. News. API Driven Development With Laravel and VueJS. Tuts - Copy. Laravel Administration Panel.

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Knowhow Tests. Newsletter. Laravel IO Redesign Concept. CRUD Generator. Laravel with Docker. Laravel - The PHP Framework For Web Artisans. Tutorials. Foren. Laravel Sketchpad. Laravel Quick Admin (@QuickAdmin) | Twitter. Boilerplates. Boilerplates API. Packages. CMS. Datatables. Deployment. DEV Tools. Helpers. Horizon. Macros. Mix. Testing. Convert Your Legacy SQL to Laravel Builder with Orator. Laravel Schema Designer. Repositories. Laravel - old. Cookies.