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The Sharing Economy Is About Desperation -- NYMag. Wired's cover story this month is about the rise of the "sharing economy" — a Silicon Valley–invented term used to describe the basket of start-ups (Uber, Lyft, Airbnb, et al.) that allow users to rent their labor and belongings to strangers. Jason Tanz attributes the success of these start-ups to the invention of a "set of digi­tal tools that enable and encourage us to trust our fellow human beings," such as bidirectional rating systems, background checks, frictionless payment systems, and platforms that encourage buyers and sellers to get to know each other face-to-face before doing business.

Tanz's thesis isn't wrong — these innovations have certainly made a difference. But it leaves out an important part of the story. Namely, the sharing economy has succeeded in large part because the real economy has been struggling. More telling is what's happened to real wages, which have fallen for middle- and low-income people since the recession: Social Enterprise in Action: Sharing Experience to Build a Stronger Social Economy (Oldham) | GMCVO.

A free all-day event with guest speakers and workshops for social enterprises and social entrepreneurs in Oldham. This event is being held in partnership by Oldham Social Enterprise Network (OSEN), SEE Change, UnLtd, and Voluntary Action Oldham for social enterprises and social entrepreneurs in Oldham. There will be a choice of 4 workshops, each running twice to give you the opportunity to attend 2 workshops on the day. Date: 19 June 2015Times: 10.30am - 4.15pmVenue: The Launch Pad, Marlborough Street, Oldham, OL4 1EGEvent fee: FREELunch: a hot buffet will be provided on the day Registration for this event closes on 16 Jun 2015 at 5pm. To register online click here This event is fully-funded by the Skills Support for the Workforce Local Response Fund. Sharing economy e sfruttamento, il punto di vista dei lavoratori. Orami la sharing economy è una presenza consolidata nei Paesi occidentali e non solo: da Uber a Airbnb, è quasi inevitabile che ciascuno di noi, prima o poi, si trovi a fruire di un servizio di condivisione.

I vantaggi sono numerosi, e non soltanto per i consumatori, ma non mancano certo le zone grigie. A partire dal problema della tutela dei lavoratori. Come ha denunciato The Atlantic, la maggior parte delle società che gestiscono i servizi di sharing economy tende a considerare i prestatori d'opera non come dipendenti veri e propri, ma come controparti imprenditoriali, con tutto quello che ne consegue. Salari minimi, ferie retribuite, congedi per maternità e malattia, regole sui licenziamenti e quant'altro sono un obbligo per i dipendenti, non per i "terzisti autonomi".

Ma siamo proprio sicuri che tutte le persone che lavorano per una società attiva nel mondo della sharing economy vadano classificate come "terzisti autonomi"? Flessibilità, autonomia e sfruttamento. Protobrand's Meta4 Insight Uncovers Emotions and Drivers of the Sharing Economy. Boston, MA (PRWEB) June 15, 2015 Protobrand released the results of its latest Emotion of Devotion study exploring the emotional underpinnings of brand devotion for Uber and Airbnb. The Meta4 Insight study revealed the experiential and emotional footprint of both brands across a nationally representative sample of Uber and Airbnb users and providers.

Protobrand used a combination of metaphor elicitation visual exercises, response latency tests, and traditional cognitive survey questions to discover that Uber and Airbnb cultivate a sense of warmth in their consumer base by providing an easy-to-access service which traditional services (hotels, taxi companies) cannot. These findings account for the rapid growth of brands participating in the sharing economy and help define the characteristics separating them from traditional business models. Uber and Airbnb occupy separate terrain in the human subconscious. How will the sharing economy alter job training? Samir Varma points my attention to this WSJ Christopher Mims piece: Right now a college student in Sweden—let’s call him Sven—has a rather unusual summer job. He’s in sales, but he hasn’t met anyone from the company whose products he pushes.His boss is an app. It considers Sven’s strengths and weaknesses as a salesman, matches him with goods from any of a dozen brands, and plots a route through Stockholm optimized to include as many potential customers as possible in the time allotted to him.The app is like Uber, but for a sales force.

It has many of the same dynamics: Companies can use it to get salespeople on demand, and those salespeople choose when to work and which assignments to accept. I am very much an Uber fan, but if you are looking for drawbacks that passage expresses one potential problem. Pre-Uber, acquiring worker talent required lumpier investments on the part of the employer. Here is a good NYT article about French reluctance to accept Uber. Sharing economy o concorrenza sleale? Breve commento ragionato al caso “Uber pop” - In the Sharing Economy, Could Reputation Replace Regulation? The rise of peer-to-peer networking and the burgeoning “sharing economy” was the topic du jour Tuesday at a Federal Trade Commission (FTC) workshop in Washington, DC, where participants explored whether any new regulation is needed.

In a wide-ranging conversation covering rapidly changing business models, potential regulatory obligations and consumers’ increasing dependence on reputational feedback mechanisms, economists, industry representatives and academics hashed out what is clearly a complex but innovative sector of the modern economy. “For a long time, trust was provided through community,” said New York University Stern School of Business Prof.

Arun Sundararajan. “In the last 100 years, it turned to branding. Ohlhausen also stressed five essential questions for the workshop in her opening address. University of Tennessee School of Law Prof. “In the sharing economy,” said Boston University Questrom School of Business Prof. Clearly, though, the sharing economy is booming. The sharing economy will soon change everything about urban transport: Crowley in the Globe | Macdonald-Laurier Institute. The sharing economy is already disrupting the taxi industry. Soon, writes Brian Lee Crowley in the Globe and Mail, it will alter everything you know about getting around.

By Brian Lee Crowley, June 12, 2015 So-called “sharing economy” services like Uber and Lyft are just giving us a foretaste of how disruptive technologies will transform the way we get around. Moreover contrary to what you might have heard, that transformation won’t stop with the destruction of the old-style taxi industry. Uber may be worth US$40-billion. That means the market sees Uber and its competitors as achieving far more than this. To understand where urban mobility is going, consider these facts. Why? Finally, the average car is parked 23 hours out of 24. What does all this add up to? That spare capacity, however, could not be used effectively until technology emerged that allowed precise real-time matching of travel needs and cars. In that world, who needs to own a car? Don't Fall for the Uber-fication of Sales.

Conventional wisdom: If you've got a smart phone, you can outsource a sales force. On the contrary: Spend the extra money to build a team of your own. Here's the pitch. Let's say you run a busy start-up that can't afford sales reps. According to an article in the Wall Street Journal last week, a college kid in Sweden can now pick up the slack on demand. Easy for you (no benefits, no training, no effort). Of course not. The Sales Problem Outsourcing your sales to part-timers you've never met could work if you need to, say, convince single-ply toilet paper customers to spring for the double-ply stuff.

Most business owners overlook the importance of a dedicated sales team because the average customer hasn't talked with an empowered salesperson in a decade. The Sales Solution Sales shouldn't be the gotcha moment of a game show with one right answer--it's about solving customer problems. Hey--That's Not Sharing! Beyond the issue of ethics, there's also an issue of quality. Crowdforcing: When What I “Share” Is Yours. Among the many default, background, often unexamined assumptions of the digital revolution is that sharing is good. A major part of the digital revolution in rhetoric is to repurpose existing language in ways that advantage the promoters of one scheme or another. It is no surprise that while it may well have been the case that to earlier generations sharing was, in more or less uncomplicated ways, good, the rhetorical revolution works to dissuade us from considering whether the ethics associated with earlier terminology still apply, telling us instead that if we call it sharing, it must be good.

This is fecund ground for critics of the digital, and rightly so. Despite being called “the sharing economy”—a phrase almost as literally oxymoronic as “giant shrimp,” “living dead” or “civil war”—the companies associated with that practice have very little to do with what we have until now called “sharing.” Externalities produced by economic transactions often look something like crowdforcing. It’s the co-op! Le cooperative hanno bisogno della sharing economy o la sharing economy ha bisogno della cooperazione? | Racconti dall'Innovazione Sociale.

Anne-Sophie Frenove : Airbnb, sharing economy & intra-entrepreneuriat. La rencontre du jour est avec Anne-Sophie Frenove, directrice marketing d’Airbnb France. En marge du OuiShare Fest et de l’explosion de la « sharing economy », nous avons souhaité en savoir plus sur l’une des actrices de la révolution collaborative. Diplômée de Néoma Business School, Anne-Sophie, 33 ans, a déjà une carrière internationale bien remplie et partage aujourd’hui quelques-unes de ses fiertés et réussites. Qu’est-ce qui vous motive depuis le début de votre carrière ? Etre entrepreneur au sein même d’une entreprise : lancer des produits, les vendre, nourrir et développer une marque. Faire avancer un projet avec une équipe, casser les schémas préétablis pour arriver avec une nouvelle idée qui fera croître fortement l’activité. C’est ma définition de l’intra-entreprenariat. Quelle est la place de la « tech » dans vos expériences ?

Compulsory ! Parlez-nous de vos projets les plus passionnants En 2007, je travaillais pour Samsung UK qui se Quelles ont été vos plus grandes difficultés ? The Servitude Bubble — Bad Words. Quick — what does the stuff below have in common? A chat app bought for one fifth of the US educational budget. An Uber for dog-walkers. An app to have your trash taken out for you. On-demand butlers. WTF? In this essay, I want to offer a competing narrative to the popular but woefully misnamed “sharing economy” (which, of course, isn’t sharing, unless you tell your kids that buying and selling toys from other five year olds is “sharing”).

Here’s my tiny theory. I’m going to call it a Servitude Bubble. The Servitude Bubble is creating “jobs”, sure — but only of the lowest kind: low-end, deskilled, dead-end, go-nowhere “service” jobs — that don’t only crush your soul, damage your psyche, and break your spirit — but waste your potential. A bubble occurs when things are overvalued. It is in a true and very real economic sense that the appconomy of the Servitude Bubble is overvalued. The simple fact is that in economic terms, these startups are often barely worth much, if anything at all. Non solo Uber: la via italiana alla sharing economy. Quasi un centinaio di piattaforme collaborative e circa 50 servizi di crowdfunding. C’è una via tutta italiana alla sharing economy, dalle social street ai coworking rurali, che va oltre i grandi big come Uber ed Airbnb.

«Nell’economia digitale italiana c’è tanto copia e incolla dei modelli americani. Nella sharing c’è anche tanto altro», ha spiegato Ivana Pais, docente di Sociologia economica dell’Università Cattolica di Milano, organizzatrice di, evento dedicato alle pratiche italiane di economia collaborativa. Anche secondo Juliet Schor, sociologa del Boston College e tra i maggiori studiosi della sharing economy a livello internazionale, «il settore italiano ha una sua specificità: al contrario di quanto accade negli Usa, si punta molto sull’aspetto solidaristico e di condivisione grazie all’alto capitale sociale».

Molte delle esperienze italiane si collocano nella prima parte della linea. E le esperienze nelle province italiane non mancano. The next big thing in the sharing economy? Yesterday we were driving cars to reach work, to go shopping, or leave on vacation. But all of that might change in tomorrow’s sharing economy. Many of our fellow drivers have become “chauffeurs for hire” on platforms like Uber or Lyft. However, is another revolution just about to take off: “crowd-shipping”, whereby every day drivers turn into micro DHL or UPS couriers?

The sharing economy enables new ways of transportation by connecting those who need parcel deliveries with those who are on the road. Crowd-shipping offers a means of better exploiting our under-utilized cars through picking up and dropping off parcels along the routes people are taking anyway. Companies providing online platforms for crowd-shipping differ in their market focus, although the described way of operating is similar. The legacy of the financial crisis in many countries has forced a lot of people to search for new ways of generating extra income or subsidising their travel costs. A Library of Things Puts Frome On the Map as a Sharing Town. Imagine going to a shop, borrowing anything you like, and returning it when you're finished. This is the idea behind SHARE: a Library of Things. Opened in late-April in Frome, a town in northeast England, the aim of SHARE is to enable people to spend less, waste less, and connect more.

The first of its kind in the U.K., SHARE has already sparked interest from other communities. “We have daily positive comments about the idea [and] the community seems to be in full support,” says Charley Murrell, one of the project managers of SHARE. Murrell, along with seven other young adults, planned, researched and created the shop in eight weeks as part of an intensive program designed to teach them about social enterprises. At SHARE: a Library of Things, you can borrow anything you like, including instruments, sporting goods, and household items. The shop is run with the help of 15 community volunteers. “The shop contributes a huge amount towards Frome becoming a sharing town,” says Murrell.

As The Sharing Economy Goes Mainstream, Most Cities Want To See It Grow. A decade ago, the fledgling sharing economy existed on the fringes. The first large-scale bike-share system in the world had just launched; now bike sharing exists in over 700 cities. Zipcar, one of the largest U.S. companies in the space at the time, only had 50,000 members. Today, Uber is giving over 1 million rides a day. Collectively, Uber and Airbnb are valued at over $50 billion. A recent survey looked at how cities are reacting to the shift and how government attitudes are changing. "Early on, the disruptive and abrupt approach many rapidly growing sharing economy companies took as they entered cities created consternation and concern," says Brooks Rainwater, a director at the National League of Cities and co-author of the report.

"Over time, the desires of people and the goals of cities have coalesced and become clearer, and confrontation has moved more toward collaboration. " That's not to say cities have figured out yet how to best work with companies like Uber or Airbnb. 'Sharing economy' won't become widespread because people crave their own material goods, says study - Science - News.

The sharing economy comes to architecture with Fold Co-working. How Investors are Sharing their Money into the Collaborative Economy. What will the "sharing economy" mean for health care? 5 Things You Never Knew About the Sharing Economy. Meal Sharing is the Newest Player in the Sharing Economy. Nobody Really Knows What To Do About Regulating The Sharing Economy.

Non solo Uber: la via italiana alla sharing economy | As The Sharing Economy Goes Mainstream, Most Cities Want To See It Grow. 5 Marketing Lessons From The Sharing Economy. Uk.businessinsider. The dangers of the Sharing Economy (3): A Platform for (Cooperative) Revolution. UberPop, parla la manager italiana: "Non siamo pirati, facciamo sharing economy" Airbnb has a dead people problem: The morbid side of the sharing economy. Startup of the week: ByeBuy. Why the sharing economy is doomed without trust. How the Sharing Economy Disrupts Law, Transportation & Hospitality. What does the spectacular rise of the sharing economy mean for the environment? Debating the Sharing Economy. Like Uber, but for Marge Simpson | The Mowat Centre. On Freedom & the Sharing Economy | Gold Boat Journeys. "London is apparently littered with bottles of discarded Uber piss." So why are cab drivers peeing in bottles?

The Servitude Bubble — Bad Words. How Airbnb and Lyft Finally Got Americans to Trust Each Other | Business. The Post-Ownership Society by Monica Potts. Uber 'micropreneurs' signal the end of work as we know it. Helpling cleans up in Singapore with Uber-like 'sharing economy' model - CNET. The Sharing Economy Lays Its Foundation in Asia | ClickZ. In the Sharing Economy, No One's an Employee. Washington Scrutinizes the Sharing Economy. What the Sharing Economy Takes. Altroconsumo a fianco di UberPop: "Il Governo vari uno Sharing economy act" Big business seeks to capitalise on sharing economy boom.

Altroconsumo a fianco di Uber in tribunale: sì alla sharing economy e all'innovazione. Assalto alla sharing economy | Left | A sinistra senza inganni. What’s the Airbnb for Health? Pioneering Ideas Podcast Episode 9. The collaborative sharing economy has created 17 billion-dollar companies (and 10 unicorns) How The Sharing Economy Is Transforming How We Do Business. Launching A Startup In The Sharing Economy – What You Need To Know. A City View Of The Sharing Economy. Where Uber and Amazon rule: welcome to the world of the platform | Technology. Uber’s Building a 423,000-Square-Foot Temple to the “Sharing Economy” How The Sharing Economy is Innovating Delivery Services. 5 Things You Never Knew About the Sharing Economy.

Is The Sharing Economy Feminist? Smarter regulation for the sharing economy | Science. The sharing economy is bullsh!t. Here’s how we can take it back. Contro la crisi, gli italiani scoprono la Sharing Economy. A City View Of The Sharing Economy. Airbnb and Uber Are Just the Beginning. What's Next for the Sharing Economy. Sharing Economy: Moving forward in Colombia. Ademia is a reputation economy — data-sharing policies should take incentives into account. Steam Will Now Refund Games if You Don't Like Them. Welcome to Forbes. 15 New Sharing Economy Startups to Watch In 2015 | Kung Fu. Is The Sharing Economy Feminist? The collaborative sharing economy has created 17 billion-dollar companies (and 10 unicorns) Anne-Sophie Frenove : Airbnb, sharing economy & intra-entrepreneuriat. How RentSher is helping create a sharing economy by reducing wasteful consumption - The Alternative - Sustainability as a way of life. Working in the collaborative economy: Is it always good to share?

Nosh nations: The monetization of the sharing economy spreads to food. Italy, The Sharing Economy And The Rules. Welcome to Forbes. Uber, Airbnb and consequences of the sharing economy: Research roundup. Lezing Juliet Schor: The sharing economy: hyper-capitalism or a sustainable alternative? The sharing economy is a rent-extraction business of the highest order!

The Future Of Marketplaces And The Sharing Economy | StrategyEye. The Uber economy isn’t about jobs, but patches of earning. Hyatt Invests in Onefinestay to Figure Out Sharing Economy Appeal. Sharing-economy travel services: Tips from experts. The Booming Sharing Economy Phenomenon. Il boom della sharing economy. R-Urban Wick: Urban Energy and the Sharing Economy. Nimber, the 'Airbnb for sending stuff' arrives in the UK. The sharing economy – why it’s good for business | Benchmark Blog. How tech giant Airbnb is rewriting the rulebook on domestic architecture and fueling a housing crisis | Opinion. We need to embrace Uber, AirBnB and the sharing economy, not fight the tide. The Airbnb of Boats Floats Into Washington. MyCreativity | Never Mind the Sharing Economy: Here’s Platform Capitalism. Launching A Startup In The Sharing Economy – What You Need To Know.

Uber and Humans as a Service.