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Gamification or Game-Based Learning? If you have been around the elearning world long enough you have probably heard of using games in learning.

Gamification or Game-Based Learning?

You have probably heard of gamification. Chances are you have also heard of game-based learning. In the situations where you heard these terms being used you likely thought that they were referring to the same thing. However, to some people these three are entirely different. Sure there are some overlapping features among each one, but the argument is that there are defining characteristics that apply to each individually. To help demonstrate the differences between these three, Upside Learning has created a nifty infographic using the popular game “hopscotch” as an example (see end of this article).

Game-leader, Leadership key in Internal Gamification. “Show me a person who knows to lose and I’ll show you that you are a big loser” Vincent Lombardi There is increasing talk about the gamification as a solution to motivate people with different objectives: social change, marketing, healthy habits, human resources and so on.

Game-leader, Leadership key in Internal Gamification.

As usual, the widespread emphasis is focused on the most colorful elements: aesthetics and technology; what might be called “scenic” aspects. However, especially when we talk about gamification of internal processes, i.e., those that occur within organizations, are often forgotten the human aspects. From the point of view of the people, it is important to consider the direct participants of the gamification, as I already mentioned in a previous post.

But there are another indirect participants that many times are overlooked and that are very important for the project to be successful and I mean whit this the managers, team leaders, supervisors or directors in general. (Translation from spanish version) Work is Just a Game We Call Life. Our generation is changing the world.

Work is Just a Game We Call Life

We’ve grown up with technology and mastered it better than anyone else. We use it to our advantage in everything we do. Because of this, we take a slightly entitled mentality with us everywhere we go. HouZone » Gamification: Why Study Gamification (1.4) My Open Letter to Marketing About Loyalty & Gamification. My Open Letter to Marketing About Loyalty & Gamification.

My Open Letter to Marketing About Loyalty & Gamification.

For all of the talk and conversations I do about Gamification what surprises me most is the fact that people think about it mainly as a tool to get people to do something they don’t (want to) do right now. That’s a pity because Gamification, and its underlying human psychological science, means a human-focused-orientation rather than an activity-focused-approach. The difference is obvious, right? The former one aims to work in the favour of the human being and the latter one focuses on an activity, no matter who an why a person is doing it. Sales Gamification: 5 Toxic Sales Leaderboard Habits and the Middle 60% This is a guest blog by Gal Rimon, the founder and CEO of GamEffective, a next-generation enterprise gamification company focusing on skillful change in organizations.

Sales Gamification: 5 Toxic Sales Leaderboard Habits and the Middle 60%

Many sales advice columns contain one recurring recommendation: a leaderboard. They suggest charting all sales people on a leaderboard and waiting a little for the leaderboard to sink in. They promise that as a result, sales numbers will hit the roof. Is this true? Sales people are a competitive bunch, and a good sales contest can certainly motivate them. 1. Using dollar sales or unit sales per salesperson as the main leaderboard metric is wrong; here are the reasons. The Why’s and How’s of Gamifying Your Classroom. Three years ago I flipped my high school math classes, but wasn’t satisfied.

The Why’s and How’s of Gamifying Your Classroom

Having heard about mastery-based learning, I wanted to move my classes in that direction. But I could not figure out how to make that step work for me; I wanted to make this move fun and exciting, get away from old and boring. Gamification in the Digital Age of Marketing. Do you remember Farmville and Angry Birds?

Gamification in the Digital Age of Marketing

Or, more recently, Candy Crush? As you probably know, these games were wildly successful (and profitable!). They proved, once again, that games are not just for kids. In fact, businesses across all verticals that have nothing to do with gaming are using gamification methods to increase conversions, inspire employees, generate buzz and customer loyalty, and at the end of the day, increase profits. Play to Work: Boosting Productivity through Gamification and Gameplay. When most people think of the words “play” and “games,” it brings images of children playing together, or adult gamers lazily sitting in front of a computer or TV screen.

Play to Work: Boosting Productivity through Gamification and Gameplay

Few are likely to consider gaming in the business world, but the reality is, play can be a useful tool in that setting as well. Industries that focus on using gameplay as a means of measuring performance and enhancing productivity have become popular. Play, after all, is part of human nature. We are competitive, but gameplay can be used to encourage teamwork and strengthen the bonds of a team. 10 reasons why e-learning should be gamified - Flick Learning. Posted on Apr 23, 2015 in: e-learning technology 1.

10 reasons why e-learning should be gamified - Flick Learning

Games are fun – we choose to play games for a simple reason: it’s an amusing way to pass the time. The sheer scale of our appetite for games cannot be ignored. A Revolution: The Gamification Of Investing, Game On. Posted by: : Paul EbelingPosted on: May 25, 2015 A Revolution: The Gamification Of Investing, Game On For the generation reared on the Internet, social media, and video games, concessions are being made in the investment community to accommodate attention spans and learning styles.

A Revolution: The Gamification Of Investing, Game On

Forbes magazine has been discussing “gamification” for months now, describing how many of the world’s largest employers are using video game models to increase the efficiency of recruitment, training, and on-the-job productivity. But it is not just the Wal-Mart Stores, Inc.’s (NYSE:WMT) of the world that have recognized this. Gentrification: What’s in a Name? Interest in gentrification is at an all-time high, but determining what differentiates ‘gentrification’ from reinvestment and revitalization isn’t always easy. One analyst says retaining affordable housing can help alleviate the negative effects associated with gentrification. “Ah, gentrification. What’s not to hate? Except for sit-down restaurants, dog parks, charming pubs, bike lanes…and there goes the neighborhood.” Big Brother Wants to Play Games With You.

Big brother is always watching. He also plays games :) Governments are now getting in on some of that gamification action. Canada – gEHmification Prime Minister of Canada Stephen Harper is looking to gamification to motivate and engage its employees. The Startup Magazine The Dark Side of Gamification. Gamification Key to Instagram Promotion. June 11, 2015 Gamification Key to Instagram Promotion By Anna Belaya in Marketing Social Media Marketing Social Networking The majority of businesses should be promoted via social networks.

One of the most popular at the moment is Instagram. This network is increasingly favored by businesses thanks to the powerful visuals that look especially sleek on mobile screens. The Gamification of a Successful Sales Culture. We've seen it time and time again: high-stress sales teams whose members ruthlessly stab each other in the back just to get ahead. Even though the company's revenue is technically the end goal, individual success is often put above team success. What if it didn't have to be this way? What if you didn't need to foster cut-throat competition in order to see business success? What if you could keep your staff happy and your revenue goals lofty?

More than that, what if by creating a system that promotes teamwork, you were actually able to increase production? Playmob’s Sophie Fox: “Gamification within the charity sector is thriving” (Interview) We recently caught up with Sophie Fox, production manager for charities at Playmob to discuss the impact of gamification on the charity sector. Playmob is nominated for the charity award as part of Digital Leaders 100. Can you describe Playmob’s mission in a sentence? Playmob is a cause marketing platform designed to connect social giving and gaming, making every click count! Why do you think gamification is so popular? Do you think it has the potential to outdo traditional charity fundraising methods?

Ambulo is Gamifying Entrepreneurship. Gamification: A New Way of Tracking and Improving KPIs. By Jeremy Boudinet Tags: Labor Management, Logistics, Technology. Gamification in the Digital Age of Marketing. 143rd APHA Annual Meeting and Exposition (October 31 - November 4, 2015): Gamification of Physical Activity: A Tool to Change the Culture of Sedentary Lifestyle. Gamification: working for fun or play for work? Ambulo is Gamifying Entrepreneurship. Gamification: Engaging Students With Narrative. When looking at how engaged students are in playing games, it makes sense to capture some of the ideas that game designers use to engage the player. Gamification in the Digital Age of Marketing. Why Minecraft Rewrites the Playbook for Learning. One of the world's leading experts in online education sings the praises of Minecraft as a tool for helping kids find and realize a passion for learning You know that Minecraft is massive.

Is Gamification the Future of Engagement? 5 Killer Examples Of Gamified eLearning. In my last post we took a look at a checklist for designing good gamified eLearning and saw how the story and look and feel that games provide engage learners on a deeper level; competition, rewards and challenges offer motivation, and feedback, both positive and negative, helps learners master information quickly. In this post, we’ll take a look at some examples I think stand out, where good gamified eLearning demonstrates these guiding principles really well.

So, let’s dive in. Can Gamification Help You Get More Done? - Psychowith6. The dark side of gamification. Social Network Analysis and Gaming: Survey of the Current State of Art. We report on the current state of the art of social network analysis based on the enormous datasets that exist in massive multiplayer online games and multiplayer online arena games. At least since the rise of World Of Warcraft as a massive multiplayer online game, the online gaming world is slowly becoming a center of attention for game developers and players, but there is still little analysis done on the connections between the players of a game. In this paper, an overview of what can be entailed by such an analysis is given, including a wide range of possible approaches, including classic social network analysis, or how to find a not predefined order of referral between the players.

The Use of Videogames, Gamification, and Virtual Environments in the Self-Management of Diabetes: A Systematic Review of Evidence. To cite this article:Theng Yin-Leng, Lee Jason W.Y., Patinadan Paul V., and Foo Schubert S.B.. Games for Health Journal. -Not available-, ahead of print. doi:10.1089/g4h.2014.0114. Against Game Theory - Emerging Trends in the Social and Behavioral Sciences: An Interdisciplinary, Searchable, and Linkable Resource - Lucas. Habitual action video game playing is associated with caudate nucleus-dependent navigational strategies. Cartography of Controversies about MOOCs. How Playing Video Games Made Me a Better Entrepreneur. Mobile Gamification for Crowdsourcing Data Collection.

Gamification - Kingsley - 2015 - Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy. Home - Gamification World. Gamification-as-a-learning-method-in-pharmacy-education-2376-0419-S2-004.pdf. GAMICHI15_kim.pdf. Stretching. Disney is pouring $250 million into a fantasy sports site. Gamification in Factory Management Education – A Case Study with Lego Mindstorms. Chapter 1. The Popularity of Gamification in the Mobile and Social Era. Game Culture Paper 2 – Game Signs: Reading Video Games as Semiotic Texts. Why video game engines may power the future of film and architecture. The Gameful World. Ludefaction. Black Ops 2: 134 Killstreak! (137-1) Best Kill/Death Ever! Study Reveals Fascinating Possibilities for Video Gaming and Brain Development and Repair. Mobilizing gamification - Lancaster EPrints. What The Future Of Gamification In The Workplace Looks Like.

Gamification Is The New Corporate Performance Management. Why Candy Crush Is So Addictive. “Don’t Read Books!” A 12th-Century Zen Poem. You found me. This is what Candy Crush Saga does to your brain. Mindshift's Guide To Game-Based Learning. Gamification 4 - Game Elements. Surprising Insights: How Teachers Use Games in the Classroom. Beyond the Worksheet: Playsheets, GBL, and Gamification. GlassLab. Business simulation for education. Big business game for managment skills. Who Needs Grownups to Make Video Games? Gamification is Over: It's All About Casual Learning.

Gamifi-ED - PeaceMaker. The-business-of-gamification-infographic-12.png (PNG Image, 800 × 5616 pixels) - Scaled (17%) 6 Steps To Get Started With Gamification. Using Games for Learning: Practical Steps to Get Started. Trying Out Gamification In the Classroom? These Tools Are For You. Bartle Test. Gamification 101: The Psychology of Motivation. 5 brands that use gamification to win. How gamification is reshaping businesses. The Tom Sawyer Effect: Intrinsic(ish) Motivation in Gamification. Free-to-play. Fun is the Future: Mastering Gamification. Microsoft axes its controversial employee-ranking system. Why Gamification Is Not The Magic Bullet Everyone Thinks It Is. Gamification in Education and Business. Gamification’s future lies in being invisible. 6 Basic Benefits Of Game-Based Learning. PLAY to Learn: 100 Great Sites on Gamification.

Video Games for the Mind. Persuasive Games -The Arcade Wire: Oil God. View The Future. 3 Edtech Tools You Can Use To Gamify Your Classroom. How Facebook and Candy Crush Got You Hooked. Gaming in Education: Gamification? The Invasion of Games in the Classroom. Gaming in Education: Gamification? TripleC: Communication, Capitalism & Critique. Open Access Journal for a Global Sustainable Information Society. Enterprise Gamification Consultancy - An Overview of Gamification in Recruitment. Transforming homo economicus into homo ludens: A field experiment on gamification in a utilitarian peer-to-peer trading service. The Gamification of Education Infographic #gamification #edtech. “Gamerliness” – How Games Can Evolve By Looking Inward. Gamification – A Marketing Strategy. Play to win: The game-based economy - Fortune. Urn:nbn:se:kau:diva-34799 : The gamification of news: : Towards a new framework for researching game mechanics in journalism.