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40 Awesome jQuery Plugins You Need to Check Out. Scrolling jQuery Waypoints Waypoints allows you to easily trigger JavaScript events at specific scroll points. Ever wonder how people build those amazing scrolling effects? This could be your answer. skrollr Parallax scrolling for the masses. Charts, Animations & Tables Handsontable A minimalistic approach to an Excel-like table editor in HTML & jQuery. jQuery Sparklines jQuery Sparklines helps you build little inline charts that are supplied with information via HTML or JavaScript. Teamwork Gantt Build incredible Gantt charts with jQuery. DataTables A jQuery plugin for creating impressive, highly functional data tables. Arbor.js Build crazy looking, futuristic, animated and modular graphs.

Layout Wookmark jQuery Plugin Easily build a Msonry-like layout like the one seen on Wookmark. jQuery Masonry The original jQuery Masonry. Isotope An amazing layout plugin that allows for intelligent and dynamic grids of items that can be easily sorted and filtered. FitVids.JS gridster.js Freetile.js Text Jeditable. jQuery Mobile | jQuery Mobile. Tutorial #4 - How to Speed Up jQuery (Make it Hound Fast) Written by Greg Sidelnikov Subscriber's Rights: You can share each individual episode with friends as you receive them.

TABLE OF CONTENTS - In This Edition: Precursor The first rule of Javascript Performance The second rule of Javascript Perforamance Choosing the right context Precursor jQuery is an excellent choice for writing interactive web applications. It has a large feature set, it's extremely easy to use, compared to equivalent plain Javascript code, and it is cross-browser compatible.

This means you only have to write code once, and it will work in all browsers just the same, most of the time. As you learn more about jQuery, you will start writing more complex CSS selectors and you will discover more advanced functionality. When I learned my first computer language, C++, I also learned that you could write a program using pointers (references to an address in memory) that could literally crash your computer.

jQuery selectors can't crash your computer. Choosing the right context. List of All jQuery Events.