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The playboy mansion (U2) - By Carpe Diem. How to Build Self-Discipline – The 6 Key Elements. If you answered yes to any of these questions, you may need to build self-discipline. Self-discipline is the ability to do what you think you should be doing rather than doing something based on how you feel. For example, you may have an exam taking place tomorrow morning and your mind is telling you that you need to be studying and revising, however you feel exhausted, tired and you want to crash in front of the television.

Self-discipline is closely related to the concept of delayed gratification. By delaying the ‘feel good’ factor now, you can experience an even bigger ‘feel great’ factor at a later point in time. For example, if you did decide to study the night before your exam instead of crashing in front of the television, you may have been more confident in your exam, less anxious and feeling more relaxed and calm. As a result, you may have also experienced a better outcome or better grades. What are the other benefits of building self-discipline? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Five Ways to Manage Conflict Before It Manages You |

Conflict gets a bad rap. Most people tend to view conflict as a bad thing, automatically assuming it has to be an adversarial win or lose situation. The reality is that conflict is inevitable in relationships and it isn’t inherently a negative thing. It depends if you choose to manage the conflict or let the conflict manage you. I’m a fan of the Thomas Kilmann model of conflict management because of its dispassionate approach to the topic and the practical strategies it offers for its followers. Kilmann defines conflict as any situation where your concerns or desires differ from those of another person. According to Kilmann’s model there are five basic modes of handling conflict that result from the amount of assertiveness and cooperation you employ.

Avoiding – Taking an unassertive and uncooperative approach to conflict defines the Avoiding mode. Compromising – Many times people think compromising should be the goal of resolving conflict. Like this: Like Loading... The Nature of Emotion. This article is the first of three articles on Emotion. The text size is relative and can be enlarged or reduced in Internet Explorer and Firefox from the View Menu. The links in the table on the left take you to sub-headings on this page. A person is always experiencing some emotion at any time, since when the present emotion fades away so another emotion will take its place and be felt by him /her.

No single emotional response can be permanent. When any emotion, such as anger, is experienced the person can stay angry only for some time ; eventually the anger will fade away and a fresh emotion will arise. Many people orientate on feeling responses to the world: an abundance of good feelings, and emotional satisfaction, become the criteria for a successful life. However, emotions present problems for the ego (which is just the personality). Understanding the nature of emotions has profound implications for psycho- therapy. Feelings Feelings are not the same as emotions. Model of Emotions. Surrender To Win. Some years ago, I heard the expression, "Surrender to Win" and it resonated. At first, it seemed that it was antithetical to all that I knew. Aren't we supposed to relentlessly pursue our dreams? Didn't Churchill famously say, "Never, ever, ever give up" ? Actually, if you research that phrase from Churchill, he didn't exactly say that, but you get the point.

Surrendering was never one of my strong points, and yet, it truly is the way to find personal development. In this bustling world where we are taught to fight to the bitter end, surrendering just seems like an odd pursuit. 1. 2. 3. 4. Today, I was told that my heating and air conditioning blower would need replacing, and the labor was 300 dollars. A few years ago, I was unemployed, life was pretty terrible. I spoke out loud: "God.

By letting go, a tremendous peace came over me, and the worry no longer existed. When I arrived to check my computer, there were two job offers on my computer. Lonny Dunn Tweets at @ProNetworkBuild. How To Dissolve Negative Blocks In 5 Minutes | Marilyn Rodriguez MIRACLE SOLUTIONS. Seven Procrastination-Busting Tips to Use Today. It’s human nature to avoid hard work if we can – and it’s no surprise that many people find themselves chatting on social networks, or tackling “easy” work rather than getting on with important projects. If you struggle with procrastination, though, there’s plenty you can do to make it easier to get on with the task at hand. #1: Achieve Quick Wins at the Start of the DayOne of the best ways to beat procrastination is by taking action – straight away. If you tend to start your day by staring at your inbox, or chatting to colleagues, look for a few quick (5 – 10 minute) tasks that you can complete, so you get a sense of instant achievement.

These might be: Making that phone call you’ve been putting offSorting out the stack of files that’s threatening to engulf your deskWriting a plan for your big project (see tip #5) … or anything that you can get done and checked off your list quickly. Your to-do list will also keep you on track during the day. Once you’ve got a plan, make a start! The Secret to Self-Confidence. I used to think self-confidence meant I would never have a doubt. When I think a back on this significant experience in my life, I realize that’s not true. In 1997, this I knew… I would leave my corporate job in my 20th year with my employer, in 2004. I made plans to start my own business. I set the foundation, got my environment ready, got my head ready, made lists, took action, and got excited.

So many doubts. But in 2004 when it came to make that decision final, that is, put in my notice, it was nearly the most difficult thing I had ever done. This job pays so well and benefits are great, am I sure I can’t make this work? Now not only my job was making me sick, but also deciding whether or not to leave was making me sick! Self-confidence and doubt are not mutually exclusive. It was then I knew there would be no more lists, no more careful analysis or studying of pros and cons. I hadn’t revisited this story in a long time. It is so easy to want a guaranteed outcome. . What Makes an Intern a Good Hire? Nathan Parcells, Co-founder of This is a guest post by Nathan Parcells.

Nathan Parcells is co-founder of, a leading website to help students find amazing internships and help companies find amazing interns. Nathan has spoken at universities across the country on intern hiring issues and InternMatch was part of 500 Startups’ first batch. Why Fantastic Interns add $50K+ of Value to Your Startup, and Mediocre Interns Will Cost You A few years ago Aaron Patzer, co-founder of, gave one of the best startup presentations I have seen. At InternMatch we hear a similar debate about the value of interns at early stage companies. At a startup you simply cannot waste time and resources with employees who aren’t a good culture fit, are working on non-essential projects, or who need excessive attention. So what makes an intern fantastic? Cultural Fit: If an intern is a bad cultural fit, they’ll get bored and treat work like a class, doing just enough to pass.

How To Be a Genius: This Is Apple's Secret Employee Training Manual. What it’s like to work for Stripe | Alex MacCaw. A company’s culture is something intangible and nebulous, and yet it can be just as important to success as revenues or growth. Culture influences everything, from design and product implementation to the level of support and operations of a company. It’s crucial to get it right. I’ve been at Stripe for a few months now, and I’ve wanted to write about what it’s like to work there. I’ve never been more impressed by the mechanics and culture of a startup. In fact, I’ve never seen anything quite like it. Culture can be hard to define, and it certainly can’t be created with mission statements and performance reviews. However, there are certain steps that founders can take to create an amazing place to work. Email - complete transparency By convention, every email at Stripe is CC-ed to lists that go to either the entire company or to any particular team.

It turns out that Stripe generates a lot of email. I’ve never before seen this level of access or trust at a company. All hands Paper reading. How To Find Hidden Talent For Your Tech Company. Scott Rothrock is the co-founder, CTO and president of RemarkableHire, a talent sourcing platform that uses social evidence to help recruiters and hiring managers find and evaluate the best job candidates. Connect with him and the RemarkableHire team on Facebook and Twitter. At companies with tech-focused positions in which advanced skillsets are required to get the job done, top talent is few and far between. To make the talent shortage even more of a challenge, the best of the best aren’t searching for a job, so how do you find them? There are a number of reasons why tech employers should be proactive when it comes to maintaining their current employees and attracting new ones. It can be tough to find real talent hidden among a stack of job applications.

Why “We Are Hiring!” As ideal as it would be, your “A” players are not hanging out on job boards all day. Why is this? The good news: Although already employed, these candidates may be open to changing jobs for a better opportunity.