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The 9 Skills Needed to Be a Super-Connector. Editor’s note: James Altucher is an investor, programmer, author, and entrepreneur. He is Managing Director of Formula Capital and has written 6 books on investing. His latest book he’s giving away free. He built and sold Reset, Inc in 1998 and in 2007, among others. You can follow him @jaltucher. I know why I’m not a billionaire. Other than having the consistent self-sabotaging quality of destroying money in massive bonfires every time I sell a company, I also have a severe psychosocial disorder which makes me a horrible connector of people.

I’m horrible at following up. But that said, I love meeting new people and I’ve always done a good job with the initial skills involved with meeting new people. But here are the 9 Skills You Need to Become a Super-Connector. 1. 2. In other words, if you can help two other people make money then eventually, good things will happen to you. 3. But, I much more enjoy going to the dinner that I’m invited to. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Playground Inc. Sprk / All Things Creative. Capsule :: A Brand Experience Design Firm. UFC Social | Strategy & Ideation, Products & Platforms, Web & Mobile Web, Media & Social Media | RED.

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