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The Bitterroot Footage. My name is Chad.

The Bitterroot Footage

I'm a student at a university in New York. I just moved to a studio apartment and needed some furniture. I found a guy on Craigslist that wanted to desperately get rid of his things at super cheap prices so I went to check it out. He sold things in bulk to get rid of as much things as possible. I bought a small table and it came with a bunch of other random things. What song are you listening to? I'm a BEAST with a Yo-Yo. I'm a BEAST with a Yo-Yo Here's a cool video of a 75-year-old man doing some pretty bad ass yo-yo tricks in L.A. this weekend.

I'm a BEAST with a Yo-Yo

The 75-year-old man happens to be famous. His name is Tom Smothers. If you don't remember who Tom Smothers is, ask your grandpa. The Most Epic Ad ever Made: A DRAMATIC SURPRISE ON A QUIET SQUARE. Patrick Stewart on violence against women. Cogoos Turntable Rider puts the mix in BMX, awesome in these videos. What if a company built a mixer for your BMX bike? What if said mixer could wirelessly control the music you're grooving to while riding?

What if we had two videos to prove that such luxuries do, in fact, exist? Dance Off with the Star Wars Stars 2011 (Part 2) In Your Arms - Kina Grannis. SongClass-It'll be all ok (Soldier's Song) Intro Part 1. Cute Baby Cheetah Kitten Mewing. Women War Health.