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AquaNotes - Waterproof Paper Notepad. Custom Folders. Folders Factory. Everyday Mind Mastery - Learn How to Control Mind. What people are saying: Finally a course that works!

Everyday Mind Mastery - Learn How to Control Mind

- Thank you Tom for making this life-changing course available. I’ve looked at several courses over the years but never felt compelled to try one until now. My entire family took it and is busy creating our wheels so we can get started. Thank you again! Top Class - I'm in the middle of the course but just to shout out that its so so amazing... Brilliant!!! 'Okay, this is free? ' 'Delivers more than you expect.' - Short enough to work through in one sitting but enough material to revisit and learn something new. So, what's it all about? Well, do you ever ask yourself, "I KNOW I could be doing more with my life, but HOW? " Let's face it. You join the gym in January but by the end of February... The guitar you bought is in the spare room gathering dust... You've got a copy of 'The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People' on your bookshelf, you know it's a great book yet you haven't opened it since 1995...

Sound familiar? So, you have two options: Lift. Process Journal: Running a Pretend Design Agency. This morning’s 15-minute writing about my website examines my personal tag cloud more closely.

Process Journal: Running a Pretend Design Agency

There are three main elements that together describe who I am. In detail: DAVE SEAH – Eccentric Creative – Emphasis on Values and Joy “Eccentric Creative” is expressed by the jumble of candy-like interests that will be organized across the website. I would like to use my headshot here somehow to drive home the personal nature of my site. CREATIVE SELF-IMPROVER and CREATIVE INDEPENDENCE – My Passion – My Personal and Professional Focus “My Passion”, again, will be shown.

MAKER – My Projects This is a section that is a “work in progress” area. Next, there are secondary elements on the website that act in a supporting role. STORIES – This is the content from the past 7 years The articles I’ve written are structured like little stories that end with some kind of takeaway insight, example, or nugget of understanding.

COMMUNITY – Making connections with people Productivity forms! Productivityist. Post-It note organization system. For a few months now I've been using a post-it note system to keep myself more organized and more on top of things and let me just say, I *puffy pink* HEART it.

Post-It note organization system

So here's how it works. I bought a full size planner (with 8 x 11.5" pages). I picked this one up at Office Max for about $20. The key is to get a planner big enough that you can fit small sized post-it notes on each day grid. Now, when I have anything that needs to be done, I make a post it and put it on the day it has to be done by. Bullet Journal: An analog note-taking system for the digital age. Home - Productive Flourishing. The Printable CEO™ VII: Resource Time Tracking. Lately, I’ve been struggling to keep track of multiple deadlines on multiple projects of multiple types.

The Printable CEO™ VII: Resource Time Tracking

Yeesh! Although I had everything listed that I need to do in a big text file, thanks to my earlier GTD pass, I have yet to overcome that feeling of paralysis that comes from knowing what to do next. Additionally, I find that I don’t have a good sense of how much time I have available in the future. This is really important for maintaining my pacing and for my work as a freelancer; if I don’t know what time I can book in the future, I may create problems The ability to easily visualize available time is what’s on my mind right now.

The Intangibility of Future Time I read in Stumbling Upon Happiness that a bigger reward in the future doesn’t tend to seem as valuable as getting a reward right now. I also heard an episode of The Infinite Mind, covering The Science of Winning. In my mind, I can picture time as a conveyor belt that flows continuously past me. Representing Projects and Tasks.