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$5 Mobile Phone Projector. The folks at Photojojo just posted a neat low-tech tutorial on how to make a projector for your mobile phone using a shoebox, a paperclip, and a magnifying glass.

$5 Mobile Phone Projector

MacGyver would be proud. They were able to find the magnifying glass at a dollar store for, well, a dollar (so they called it the $1 projector), but let’s just call it $5 before people get up in arms because they can’t find that screaming deal. Basically, you start by cutting a hole out of one side of the shoebox to match your magnifying glass and taping the glass on the box. Camping Guide: Outdoor Information &Campground Guide. J. Falk's Wood Burning Trail Stove. J.

J. Falk's Wood Burning Trail Stove

Falk's Created by: J. Falk , 2003 The last trail stove you'll ever need! Backpackers, Hikers, Campers and Survivalists are discovering this light weight, powerful, compact camping stove.