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Camping Guide: Outdoor Information & Campground Guide

Camping Guide: Outdoor Information & Campground Guide

Travel, landscape, and nature pictures - QT Luong stock photos and fine art prints Camping Tips and Advice from the Love The Outdoors Camping Guide From a “macro” perspective, the general principles of camping are relatively simple. More than anything else, it’s a matter of adaptation and acclimation to living outdoors rather than within four walls. Regardless, there are a multitude of tips and tricks to help make that transition easier, and allow your time spent camping to be more relaxing and enjoyable. General Outdoor Tips The tent is the focal point of most camping trips. Campers can also benefit from a few non-specific outdoor principles. What to Bring on a Camping Trip With any luck, each camping trip proves to be a unique experience. How to Budget for a Camping Trip Like most anything else, budgeting for a camping trip is easiest when you start big and work your way down. As that line is tested, you’ll have to make the nitpicky decisions that ultimately determine your trip’s bottom line. Camp life is made easier by gaining experience and learning the tricks. Reader Tip: Keep Clean while Camping with a Pump Sprayer Avoid the Itch

21 Ingeniously Mind-Blowing Camping Ideas I’ve always loved camping and being in the outdoors. Living in the middle of nowhere for half of my life, I developed various skills and learnt many things to help me not only survive, but be comfortable in the wild. But as much as I thought I knew, I stumbled upon a collection of exciting ideas which I thought was ingenious and mind-blowing at the same time. The creativity and simpleness of these ideas are what made it that much more genius. 19 Ingeniously Mind-Blowing Camping Ideas ________________________________________ 1. Source: 2. Source: 3. Source: Pinterest 4. 5. source: 6. Source: 7. Source: 8. 9. Source: 10. Source: 12. Source: 13. Source: 14. Source: 15. Source: 16. 17. Sources: 18. 19. Source: - Home Page Italy Pictures - Europe stock photos Italy's history, art, architecture, and culture have attracted travelers for several centuries. The country has harbored a refined civilization for two millenia, as demonstrated on a grand scale by the imposing ruins of Rome's imperial past, and on a more daily scale, by the excavations of private villas in Pompei. The great cities of art such as Rome, Venice, Florence, and Siena, are so laden with art, culture, and history, that they sometimes give the feeling of being museums themselves. Color and decoration is present anywhere, from the rainbow colors on the facades of the great Romanesque-Gothic churches, to the pastel multicolored palette of villagers houses. In 2003, starting in France, I travelled in Italy by car for two weeks down to Naples, just sampling as an antipasti, the variety of Italy.

Beginner Trips - Shenandoah National Park New and Beginner Backpacking Trips Using Campgrounds Is this your first time backpacking? Perhaps you are trying out new equipment? Someone in your group is new to backpacking or nervous? There are a number of situations where planning your backpacking trip around staying in a campground makes the most sense. Learning how to backpack and backcountry camp all at the same time can be overwhelming and often leads to unintentional resource damage. (For those of you wanting real luxury, backpacking to lodges or cabins in Shenandoah National Park is also an option, but isn't covered here.)

Colored Fire Flames A campfire is magical. How the coals glow and the flames flicker and the sparks pop and shower, its mesmerizing. But, you can make it even more magical with these simple tricks. Adding a small amount of chemicals to a hot burning fire can have an 'Ooooh-aaaah' effect. You may acquire these chemicals in a grocery or dry goods store, in the laundry or cleaner section. So, then how do you get the chemicals into the fire? Melt old candle wax in a double boiler.Get a bunch of small paper dixie cups.Pour about 1/4 inch of chemical into each cup.Pour melted wax into the cup to just cover the chemical and quickly stir it with an unfolded paperclip or other small stir rod. You can always use the old way of sliding a length of garden hose inside a piece of copper tubing and tossing that in the fire.

Portraits of Dogs as They Shake Off Water For her series “Shake“, pet photographer Carli Davidson photographed curious portraits of dogs shaking off water. Use a fast shutter speed and you can capture all kinds of strange expressions on your dog’s face. You can find the rest of the photographs in the series here. Shake (via Photojojo) Image credits: Photographs by Carli Davidson and used with permission 10 Unbelievably Beautiful Places You've Probably Never Heard Of
