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Declarations and Conventions Contained in General Assembly Resolutions. A People-Focused Solution. Students at Montera Middle School in Oakland said the school's eighth-grade class was full of "drama" earlier this year. There had been a fight between two girls, and the conflict had broadened to the girls' friends. Some students "were coming to school in sweats, ready to fight," recalled Yari Ojeda-Sandel, a staffer at Montera who coordinates the school's new conflict-resolution program known as restorative justice. The school's principal suspended the two girls who had fought.

And when the two students returned to campus, "Miss Yari brought us together," said one of the girls. "Some of the things [the other girl] said — that she had a lot going on [problems outside school] — since I heard that, I felt bad that I fought her for something so small. " Ojeda-Sandel suggested the girls lead what's known as a restorative justice circle, in which they would talk with each other and their friends about their conflict rather than resorting to violence. But the discussion went further. Gang truce - Positive News. Afghanistan: Hamid Karzai urges support for 'progress' 8 July 2012Last updated at 14:56 GMT Afghan Finance Minister Omar Zakhilwal remains optimistic about the future of his country's economy Donors at a conference on Afghanistan have pledged to give it $16bn (£10.3bn) in civilian aid over four years, in an attempt to safeguard its future after foreign forces leave in 2014.

The biggest donors, the US, Japan, Germany and the UK, led the way at the Tokyo meeting in offering funds. The pledge came as Afghanistan agreed to new conditions to deal with endemic corruption. There are fears Afghanistan may relapse into chaos after the Nato pullout. Donors agreed to hold a follow-up conference in the UK in 2014. The Afghan economy relies heavily on international development and military assistance. Meanwhile in Afghanistan itself two roadside bombs killed 14 civilians and injured another three in the southern Kandahar province, regional police chief Gen Abdul Raziq said.

The woman was reportedly accused of adultery. 'Fragile' Continue reading the main story. President of Xinhua urges world media to make historical choices amid challenges, reshuffles. MOSCOW, July 6 (Xinhua) -- Facing severe challenges in the media industry and the fast-changing world as a whole, major international news organizations should make historical choices, President of China's Xinhua news agency Li Congjun said here Friday. Speaking at the second World Media Summit (WMS), Li, as WMS executive president, called on world media colleagues to make "historical choices" amidst changes, competition, integration and reshuffles in the industry that will reshape the future media landscape.

The four choices, as Li elaborated, included promoting peace and common prosperity of the world, serving the public good and fulfilling social responsibilities, implementing restructuring with new technology and upgraded modern communication system, and strengthening collaboration toward a cooperative mechanism. "The fate of the media is closely connected to that of the world, and the media's development must keep pace with the development of the times, " Li said. World Peace Forum opens in Beijing. Hillary Clinton Urges Women Not To Take Any Sh_t. Women Overcoming Violence - GLIDE. Change is Possible We are a domestic violence program with a unique approach to transforming lives. We provide holistic healing; addressing emotions, mind, body, spirit and relationships.

Our services are designed to help women who face Intimate partner violence, and associated concerns such as co-dependence, substance abuse, mental health issues and homelessness. We move survivors of violence from crisis to confidence, from hopelessness to long term change. Women on the Move Drop-In Support Groups Providing survivors of domestic violence with education, prevention and intervention while healing, and empowering. Tuesday - Friday Hours: 9am - 10:30am Location: Room 101A In our daily circles, we encourage women to reduce the harm of risky behaviors by taking incremental steps toward healthier life decisions and relationships. Tuesday: Meditation and Stress Reduction Wednesday: Harm Reduction for Domestic Violence, Codependency and Substance Abuse Thursday: Healthy Relationships.

Serve a Meal - GLIDE. Thank you for giving your time to feed the hungry! Serving a Meal is the most popular way to volunteer at GLIDE. The Volunteer Resource Program places about 10,000 volunteers each year, totaling 65,000 hours of service. Serving a meal in the Daily Free Meals program is a transformative experience. The program requires 60 volunteers each day in order to fill the breakfast, lunch and dinner shifts, 364 days a year. And that doesn't even account for the increase in help needed during the holidays. GLIDE has a NEW application to sign up for serving meals! Meal Volunteer Positions Serve a Holiday Meal Holiday sign-ups opened on November 1st at 9am and fill up fast, so please visit us then if you'd like to volunteer. How to Get to GLIDE Click here1773030 to view directions, public transportation and parking options.

For questions or additional information: Israelis Love-Bomb Iran—Iranians Respond in Kind - Robert Wright - International. Some Israeli peaceniks, frustrated by their prime minister's tone toward Iran, have taken matters into their own hands. Harnessing the peer-to-peer potential of Facebook, they've assured Iranians that they're lovers, not fighters. They've posted the message you see above and encouraged fellow Israelis to take the same message, personalize it with a photo, and spread it further. Some have complied, and some Iranians have responded in kind.

What's not to like? Actually, I do have one complaint: Mightn't the "We will never bomb your country" note ring a bit false, coming from people who don't control Israel's air force? Still, my basic reaction to this is the same as my reaction to the Kony2012 campaign: I'll leave it for other people to do the critiquing; what I want to emphasize is that, whatever the fate of this particular project, the potential for online activism that it illustrates is worth pondering.

So let's ponder. First, we shouldn't be naïve. But why is there such a constituency? Speak Out. The 5 Tibetan Rites - Do it Along. Solidarity and Joy during the Gaza Marathon | Middle East Children's Alliance. Part of the MECA team that participated in the marathon. Credit: Mohammed Majdalawi It is such an usually cold, stormy and rainy day in Gaza. But despite the weather, 2000 children from UNRWA (United Nations Relief Work Agency) schools started out on the Second Gaza Marathon at 6:30am this morning. The marathon route stretched 42 km from Beit Hanoun in the north to Rafah in the south.

There were 70 international runners who joined in solidarity with Palestinians. The end point was Rafah Beach where the participants were received by the cheers of the crowd and the UNRWA officials. Crossing the finish line to cheers from the crowd! I was one of the MECA team in Gaza that took part in the marathon. Mohammed Majdalawi, another member of the MECA team in Gaza commented that "The Gaza Marathon went great and MECA is honoured to have taken part and to continue to work for a better future for all of Gaza's children.

" Lots of smiles at the closing ceremony! San Francisco, CA: 5th Annual Bay Area Arab Women's Conference | Middle East Children's Alliance. First Presbyterian Church of Oakland : Contact Us. First Presbyterian Church of Oakland : Mission Committee. Community Outreach Committee The Community Outreach Committee seeks to lead the congregation in proclaiming Christ’s love for us by living out God’s call to mercy and justice. We do this by intentionally building connections with others across boundaries of neighborhood, class, race, and national borders. Our faith charges us to act justly, love mercy and walk humbly with our God. Traditionally this committee helps guide our congregation’s time, talents and treasures with those in need locally and globally.

They provide hands-on volunteer opportunities for the entire church family. Some of Mission’s projects include serving meals at a homeless shelter for the elderly, sponsoring children in Sierra Leone, raising donations and helping with the church’s food ministry. Our prayer is for First Church Oakland to become a place where all have the opportunity to respond to God’s unique call to bear witness to the faith and serve those in need.