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Everything You Need To Know In Google Classroom (Part 1) I get lots of emails asking about Google Classroom. Oftentimes I can’t provide adequate answers to these inquiries given my limited experience with the platform. Although I educate my newsletter subscribers and the readers of this site on all things Google Apps, I have never had the task of actually managing a classroom full of students.

Luckily, a reader of the site and real-life teacher was kind enough to help me put a lot of these Classroom dilemmas to rest by putting together a massive guide on everything you need to know in Google Classroom. The guide is too long to fit into a single post so I will be releasing sections on a weekly basis. 1. Here is some information to keep in mind before starting in Google Classroom. 2.

This step is not lengthy, but it is very important. Go to: You will see this screen: When the teacher or the student logs into Google Classroom for the first time make sure you login with the appropriate role of student or teacher. 3. 4. 1. 2. A. In the Zone: the 7 Wonders of Your Classroom World. By GEI Editorial Team The classroom plays a pivotal role in students’ lives. It’s where most of their formal education is delivered, as well as the site of their socialization and primary “occupation” as young learners.

But classrooms—and how they are structured—are also important to educators themselves. A disorganized classroom can leave inhabitants feeling frazzled, overwhelmed, and confused. In 2014, identified seven distinct learning zones of the classroom environment. Dr. Of course, individual classrooms will vary as widely as the teachers and students who use them. While you’re at it, why not personalize the Teacher Zone by displaying your credentials—degrees, certifications, special photos, or even create your own “Pinterest board.” Create some of the suggested zones or zones you identify when creating “wonder”-ous areas, make sure you identify your zones clearly, and define the seating to meet those needs. Love GEI articles? About GEI. Student Engagement: 5 More Ways to "Remove the Walls" From Your Classroom.

Do you play well with others? OK, let's see. You meet with your colleagues, share resources, divvy up tasks, discuss student concerns -- and then you go back to your room to teach the same differentiated lesson as the rest of your team. Is this true collaboration? Mastering the collaborative arts requires you to approach instruction with the same all-hands-on-deck group mindset that drives your planning meetings. 1. Preteaching increases student independence and lesson mastery by leveling the playing field initially.

At the beginning of each unit, my grade-level team would analyze our students' pre-assessment results, which included questions measuring their prior knowledge of new unit standards. Think of your classroom as a business. 2. It’s no secret: students learn and work at different paces. Last year, we found this to be helpful at my school. Alternatively, you could productively engage your fast-paced, advanced students in an extension project during a reteach-redo make-up day. Rethinking the University Classroom: Ban the podium-style lecture, not the laptop | Arthropod Ecology. There has been a lot of recent coverage/chatter about bans on laptops in the lecture halls of Universities and colleges (e.g., see here, here and here).

I am particularly interested when instructors implement outright bans on laptops in their classes, citing reasons related to distraction, both by students on their computers, but also distraction for students sitting nearby classmates with their screens aglow. There have also been some recent studies about how students retain and learn content more effectively when taking hand-written notes instead of typing notes.

Are laptop bans the solution? What bothers me about this debate is that most coverage actually skirts around the true issue, which to me is about a fundamental problem of podium-style teaching. A traditional lecture hall environment is not always a great place for teaching and learning. Here is my opinion: in most teaching environments*, laptop bans are unnecessary and should be avoided. How to break the tradition? Like this: 10 signs there's a grading problem in your classroom. 1). You create and design assignments and assessments based purely on the number of grades you currently have in your gradebook. 2).

When talking about the next assignment or learning event, the first question the students ask is, 'is this for points? ' 3). 4). 5). 6). 7). 8). 9). 10). Now, I've pointed out quite a few problems above and you might be wondering, so... what's next? 15+ great resources for introducing coding to the classroom | eSchool News #cuebc. By Kelly Maher September 4th, 2015 Must-try apps, games, and tutorials for learners of every age “Computer science is a liberal art, it’s something that everyone should be exposed to, everybody should have a mastery of to some extent.” —Steve Jobs As the world continues to become more and more digital, the number of computer science jobs in this country is rising three times faster than the number of computer science graduates. The problem-solving and logical reasoning skills involved computer programming, as well as the ability to think critically and algorithmically, provide a foundation for virtually every career.

It’s no wonder that there has been a surge of interest in having students, particularly those in grades K through 12, learn computer science. This has led to the development of many new and exciting programs and tools for students. What sets this app apart from all the other tools is that PixelPress integrates the physical world with the digital world. How to Design a Classroom Built on Inquiry, Openness and Trust. Teachers who are interested in shifting their classrooms often don’t know where to start. It can be overwhelming, frightening, and even discouraging, especially when no one else around you seems to think the system is broken. A question I’m asked often is, “Where should a teacher begin?” Should teachers just let students go or is there a process to good student-centered inquiry?

I’ve reflected on this a fair amount, and I think small strategic steps are the key. I think letting students “go” without any structure will likely create failure, especially if students haven’t spent much time collaborating. Skills need to be modeled. Many teachers have likely engaged in some type of inquiry or project-based learning, but with frustrating or dismal results. When I start with a new group of students, the design is tight. I’ve also discovered I need to teach the difference between collaboration and cooperation. Start with creating one inquiry unit in one subject. And, yes, I use the big words. 3 Classroom Tools to Measure Student Learning #edtechbc. Formative assessment is vital to teachers in any classroom environment. Teachers have been formatively assessing students for years, because we must know what our students know in order to help them understand what they do not know.

Do you know what I mean?! Fortunately, many classrooms are charging into the 21st century with technology initiatives. Whether your technology program has created a 1:1 environment, a BYOD system, or you have access to only a few devices in your classroom, these three tech tools will help you engage your students while simultaneously gauging their understanding of concepts. Kahoot! Kahoot! When ready to begin the game, the teacher simply posts the game pin on the whiteboard. We've used Kahoot! Formative As its name implies, Formative, is another wonderful formative assessment tool. Teachers can assign these assessments by sending students a link or creating classrooms through a process nearly identical to that of a learning management system. Padlet. A Must Have Guide on How to Evaluate Apps for The Classroom #edtechbc. 36 Weeks of Innovation for Your Classroom | Hooked On Innovation #bclearns. Recently, it’s been reported that U.S.

“Millennials” are not making the mark when it comes to technology proficiency and problem solving when compared to counterparts in other countries (19th out of 21). Say what you will about the assessment and measure of this, but I do think it gives us a chance to reflect on ideas for integrating problem solving strategies into the everyday classroom. Last year, I wrote this post on 21 Things Every 21st-Century Teacher should do and it became an instant hit (with the help of Sean Junkin’s Infographic). As tech tools come and go, I felt the need to update and refresh it for this school year. However, I ran into a problem. When I got done with my updated list (removing a couple of ideas, adding several more) I was up to 36 different ideas. 36 Weeks of Innovation for the 2015-16 School Year: 1.

You know all those “getting to know you” activities that you start at the beginning of the year? 2. Just like a blog only smaller. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Seesaw: The ultimate ePortfolio for every classroom! What it is: Seesaw is the first truly student centered/driven digital portfolio tool that I’ve seen. What makes Seesaw such an awesome option as a digital portfolio is the way that it empowers kids to build and keep a digital portfolio totally independently with features like QR code login for young students. Students can log their learning using photos, videos, drawings, text, PDFs, and links. Seesaw also has direct import features from lots of popular apps. From the teacher perspective, Seesaw makes it simple to access student work immediately from their own device.

Content is easily searchable by student and makes it simple to review student progress over time and keep track of growth. In addition to browsing by student, teachers can use folders to organize work by subject area or project. There is also an awesome flag feature that makes it easy to highlight work that you want to go back to for conferences or follow-up with the student. Best of all: Seesaw is FREE!!! 20 Ideas For Using Mobile Phones In A Language Classroom #edtechbc. How to Minimize Digital Classroom Distractions | GDCF. Via eSchool News Here are some proven techniques for keeping students from using digital devices inappropriately in your classroom Classroom technologies such as smartphones, tablets, computers, and wireless internet access offer exciting opportunities to enhance and deepen the learning process.

However, using technology in the classroom can also bring multiple distractions to students. Without your proactive supervision, students might access games, web pages, and social networking sites as you deliver instruction. As an educator, how can you confront this dilemma? Digital tech rules and regulations On the very first day of school, hand students a copy of classroom policies containing the allowed screen time and the instances where they can use their smartphones, laptops, and computers.

Don’t forget to include the corresponding penalties for not following the rules. Ethically removing mobile distractions The best classroom management tool: Engaging lessons. 21 Grab-And-Go Teaching Tools For Your Classroom #edtechbc. 21 Grab-And-Go Teaching Tools For Your Classroom by Lynn Usrey Every teacher wants to be able to make his or her classroom environment the optimum place for learning, interacting and engaging. Today, there is a wide assortment of free technology options available to enhance your instruction.

The tools are changing… quickly. So making the best choices, based on the resources available in your school, or through your board, is critical. Here are some top sure-fire picks to ensure your goal has real purpose, not just an introduction of technology for the sake of looking tech-savvy. How about starting with lesson creation? 1. 2. Need something for instant polling? 3. 4. 5. Connecting with home learning? 6. 7. 8. 9. Current Events and Video Sourcing – There are great well-known resources at YouTube and CNN Student News, but have a look at: 10. 11. 12. The Less-Is-More Approach (And Tools 13-21) Since technology is always changing, don’t hesitate to explore new tools and ideas. 19 Back-To-School Classroom Ideas That Will Knock Your Students' Socks Off #bclearns.

11 Simple Ways To Start Using Technology In Your Classroom | GDCF #edtechbc. 20 Classroom Setups That Promote Thinking. 20 Classroom Setups That Promote Thinking by TeachThought Staff This is part 1 in our #iteachthought campaign. This is our equivalent to “back to school,” and is intended to help you focus in the 2015-2016 school year on taking a thoughtful approach to your craft as a teacher. Among these shifts we’ll talk about is turning our focus from content and teaching to thinkers and thinking. This is a student-centered approach to pedagogy (and heautagogy), and will consist of three parts: Part 1: Classroom Setups That Promote Thinking Part 2: Learning Profiles: What Great Teachers Know About Their Students Part 3: 50 Questions To Ask Your Students On The First Day Of School Learning Is An Ecology Can how you setup your classroom impact how students think?

Desks are a staple of the ‘modern’ classroom as we know it. So what can we do? So, the bit about “classroom setups impacting thinking.” Note, we’ve placed an asterisk* beside those approaches that are more strongly suited to “thought” than others. 10 Ways to Teach Social Skills in Your Classroom. Research and experience has told us that having social skills is essential for success in life. Inclusive teachers have always taught, provided and reinforced the use of good social skills in order to include and accommodate for the wide range of students in the classroom. Essentially, inclusive classrooms are representations of the real world where people of all backgrounds and abilities co-exsist.

In fact, there are school disctricts with curriculum specifically for social and emotional development. Here are some ways in which you can create a more inclusive classroom andsupport social skill development in your students: 1. 2. For years, I arranged for my students to become pen-pals with kids from another school. 6. 9. Time To Meet The Classroom Of The Future #edtechbc. NPR News – William Huntsberry The classroom of the future probably won’t be led by a robot with arms and legs, but it may be guided by a digital brain. It may look like this: one room, about the size of a basketball court; more than 100 students, all plugged into a laptop; and 15 teachers and teaching assistants. This isn’t just the future, it’s the sixth grade math class at David Boody Jr.

High School in Brooklyn, near Coney Island. Beneath all the human buzz, something other than humans is running the show: algorithms. The kind of complex computer calculations that drive our Google searches or select what we see on our Facebook pages. Algorithms choose which students sit together. A student checks the assignment screen to find where she is sitting today. Courtesy of New Classrooms This combination of human capital and technology is called “blended learning.” So, how does it work? 5 Challenges We Overcame Moving To A Flipped Staff Meeting #bclearns. The Ultimate Guide to Gamifying Your Classroom #edtechbc. Four Fun Apps to Help Gamify Your Classroom.

20 Things You Can Do In (About) 10 Minutes For A Smoother Running Classroom #bclearns. Serving Gifted Students in General Ed Classrooms #edtechbc. 6 Myths About The Flipped Classroom. Follow these 10 one-to-one classroom tips for every educator #edtechbc. 18 Ways To Use A Single iPad In The Music Classroom | Midnight Music. ‘My classroom is the most benevolent of dictatorships but it is, and shall always remain, a dictatorship’ 30 Most Important Classroom Procedures. 10-Minute Plays: Performing Arts in the History Classroom. What is design thinking? Can it work in my classroom?

Why Kids Misbehave in Classrooms. Exclusive survey: Parents weigh in on the digital classroom #edtechbc. 5 Free (or Low-Cost) Tools for Flipped Learning -- Campus Technology. Comparing Blended and Flipped Learning [INFOGRAPHIC] | Actualization. 60 Smarter Ways To Use Google Classroom | TeachThought. How Technology is Changing the Classroom (Infographic) | Tons of Tips and Resources for Integrating Technology in Classroom #edtechbc. Tons of Tips and Resources for Integrating Technology in Classroom #edtechbc.

27 Word Work Apps for the Elementary Classroom. OTUS: Free Multifunction Education iPad App for 1:1 Classrooms. Taming the beast: Making learning possible in a large classroom. Homework is making our kids miserable: Why the classroom staple is a colossal waste of time #bclearns. 8 Steps To Design Problem-Based Learning In Your Classroom. Flipped Classroom Edtech Resources: A Collection of Video Lesson Customization Tools. Three Critical Conversations/Criticisms about Flipped Learning | Faculty Focus #bclearns. The best teacher tools for creating classroom quizzes | Daily Genius #edtechbc. Meet 4 Teachers Who Took Classroom Design to the Next Level | A.J. Juliani.

Two Different Views Of The Classroom Of The Future? #bclearns. 17 Websites to Manage Your Classroom | Tech, We... Failing Forward: 21 Ideas To Use It In Your Cla... 5 Best Online Presentation Tools for the Classr... A Beautiful Classroom Poster On Steps for Good Writing. 5 Videos on Making Flipped Video Lessons | Free Technology for Teachers #edtechbc. 32 Math Apps for a Rigor-infused Classroom. Classroom Technology: Nightmare or Dream? #edtechbc. What is a hybrid classroom? #bclearns. 4 Ways To Bring Gamification of Education To Your Classroom | Top Hat #edtechbc. The scourge of motivational posters and the problem with pop psychology in classrooms. Blogging in the foreign language classroom | Online And Distance Learning #edtechopen. Teacher-tested Tools for Flipped Classroom. Free Google Classroom iPad App User Guides | EdTechnocation. What Teachers Can and Can't Do on Google Classroom | Educational Technology and Mobile Learning #edtechbc.

66 Writing Tools for the 21st Century Classroom. A Quick Start Guide to Google Classroom. YouTube Audio Library Features Tons of Free Music to Use in Classroom Multimedia Projects. The All New Free Flipped Teaching and Learning Resources eBook (Available on Everything Teachers Need to Know about Google Classroom | Educational Technology and Mobile Learning #edtechbc. Recordor: Create, Share Powerful Video Lectures for Flipped Classroom. Growth in Flipped Blended Learning #edtechbc. Everything Teachers Need to Know about Google Classroom #edtechbc. 10 Tips for Introducing Blogging into Your Classroom : Primary Tech. Microsoft integrates with Moodle to bring Office 365 to the classroom.

How to build and outdoor classroom at your school #bclearns. Ten Questions You Should Ask Before You Flip Your Classroom | Jon Bergmann/EdTechReview™ (ETR) #bclearns. Meet The Classroom Of The Future : NPR Ed. 5 Math Games Every Classroom Needs to Play. OTUS: Free Multifunction Education iPad App for 1:1 Classrooms.