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5 Tips To Help Integrate iPads Into Your School | Educate 1 to 1 #edtechbc. This fact there are over 14 million iPads in schools illustrates how many ‘decision makers’ have chosen the iPad as a tool for learning. As we continue to integrate the iPad into schools, it is worth reflecting how the initial setup and training can have a real impact on the success or failure of a 1-to-1 programme. The recommendations below are borne out of a desire to help teachers without overwhelming them and to model good practice to students. There are many apps that could have been chosen, but those mentioned below are generic and able to serve a purpose across the curriculum. Early engagement can be facilitated by linking email accounts to the iPad and suggesting users sign up to apps like Flipboard or perhaps a daily newspaper. In my opinion it is crucial to model good practice particularly when the distraction element of the device is apparent.

It has become clear that because of iPad introduction, educators are having to consider pedagogy. A List Of Tools To Create Digital Quizzes and Gather Student Responses | EdTechTeacher #edtechbc. MANAGEFLITTER: Free/Pay Tool To Help Manage Your Twitter Account Via @EdTechEmpowers #edtechbc. Recording the iPad actions like we can on the Mac using QuickTime Player…Here’s How! Dr. Seuss Inspired Guide to Twitter, Just COOL! Rethinking Teacher Time Infographic By Cyndi Danner-Kuhn On · 2 Comments 25 Tweet 3 Share 12 Share 0 Pin 0 Mail 0 Share Tweet I keep getting get asked about recording the iPad actions like we can on the Mac using QuickTime Player.

Steps - 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. You may also like: [ what's this ] Related posts: Powered by Tagged with → Tutorials Share → 2 Responses to Recording the iPad actions like we can on the Mac using QuickTime Player…Here’s How! David E. Leave a Reply. 7 Tools Driving Social Media Success for Online Educators | SchoolKeep #edtechbc. New Scorecard Evaluates Online Programs in 75 Areas -- Campus Technology. Distance Learning | News New Scorecard Evaluates Online Programs in 75 Areas By Dian Schaffhauser09/24/14 A newly revamped resource is out to help colleges and universities assess the quality of their online offerings. The Online Learning Consortium (OLC), formerly the Sloan Consortium, has introduced a new version of its Quality Scorecard for Online Programs that examines nine broad areas, including institutional, faculty, student and technology support, teaching and learning, course development and structure, social and student engagement and evaluation and assessment.

In total there are 75 indicators by which a program is evaluated and scored from deficient (zero points) to exemplary (three points). Users of the quality scorecard cite it as a useful model by which to identify areas of strength and areas for improvement in their online programs. The State University of New York is using the scorecard as a foundation for internal evaluations of its new online program, Open SUNY. The Art of Following a Blog. Twitter, Instagram, Tumblr, your blog: pitch a tent anywhere on the web, and the expectation is that people will quickly line up to give you a (virtual) high five in the form of a “follow.” I see it often enough in our own Community Pool posts here at The Daily Post: “Follow me and I’ll follow you back!” It’s pretty clear what the followed blogger’s supposed to do: keep posting stuff that others enjoy reading.

Be a gracious host. Ensure posts are readable. But what about the follower? Is there a job description for what happens after you click on a blog’s “Follow” button (or Follow Blog Widget)? Here’s some food for thought. Don’t expect instant reciprocity You shouldn’t take the plunge if you don’t want to read new content from the person whose blog you just followed. When you follow a blog you’re making a light, but real, commitment: each new post from that site will show up in your Reader (and/or your email, depending on your delivery settings). Slow-cooked admiration is the best kind. The Seven Types of Email and How to Deal With Them | LifeHacker #edtechbc.

Google's "Made With Code", Code Training Web Site #edtechbc. How to Use Pinterest for Videos, SlideShares and Podcasts | Social Media Examiner #edtechbc. Do you only share images on Pinterest? Would you like to share other content to grow your Pinterest followers and other social networks? You can also share videos, SlideShares and audio podcasts and extend your exposure in those networks thanks to Pinterest.

In this article I’ll explain how you can use Pinterest to increase exposure for your videos, SlideShares and podcasts. #1: Videos Did you know that videos from Vimeo and YouTube are pinnable and playable on Pinterest? Pinning videos to Pinterest can significantly broaden their exposure and result in more plays. Learn how to use Pinterest to promote video SlideShare and podcasts.

After you upload your video to YouTube or Vimeo, go to the Share option and click the Pin It button to share it to one of your Pinterest boards. This video plays right in the pin. Before pinning your videos to Pinterest, make sure you have a great thumbnail image for it. This pin promotes the same video, but with a thumbnail. When you pin your video: #2: SlideShares. Developing students' digital literacy | Jisc #edtechbc. The issue Even today’s students need support with some areas of digital practice, particularly in an academic context, so it’s important to make sure that these needs are met. While employability is an obvious driver, developing learners who can learn and thrive in a digital society is a key role for universities and colleges. We define digital literacies as the capabilities which fit someone for living, learning and working in a digital society. To help with thinking about this, we have outlined six elements for consideration, which can be seen in the following diagram.

What you can do Below, we've summarised some of the steps you can take to improve your students' digital literacy. Review your support for digital literacies An audit is a good way of finding out who’s already working in this area and starting productive conversations with staff. To learn more about the behaviour and motivations of learners as they use the web, try our guide to evaluating digital services. Create a buzz. Great Polling Tools Teachers Must Explore | EdTechReview™ (ETR) #edtechbc. Drawp for School: Inexpensive online class collaboration/draw service #edtechbc. Rhode Island Schools Embark on a Blended Learning Odyssey | EdTech Magazine #edtechbc. The smallest state in the nation has undertaken the ambitious goal of becoming the first "blended learning state" in the nation.

Blended learning is an education model that integrates online instruction with the traditional classroom learning experience. Instead of all students in a classroom working from the same textbook, blended learning allows individuals to engage with material at their own pace. This approach uses a variety of resources to lead students to self-discovery and independent research. The Rhode Island Department of Education’s transition from traditional brick-and-mortar learning to the blended method has involved a dramatic rollout of technology upgrades in the state's nearly 300 public schools, paving the way for wireless accessibility in every classroom. Teachers Embrace Online Initiative For its blended learning adventure, the state has partnered with The Learning Accelerator (TLA), a nonprofit that facilitates blended learning integration in school districts. The Innovative Educator #edtechbc. Avoid These eLearning Horrors – Not Only on Halloween | SH!FT Elearning #edtechbc.

No matter how good you content is, there are a few factors that can totally kill your eLearning courses. If you are looking to create an effective eLearning design, it is essential to eliminate the following four issues. 1. Jargon-monoxide Jargon is more than just a disincentive for learners looking for clarity in courses, it also hurts your credibility as a whole. You may think professional vocabulary adds a sense of sophistication to your eLearning design; in fact, it alienates learners who are seeking easy to understand information that will help them learn about a subject. Truth is people respond best to learning when the content is approachable and uses words that learners are likely to use in everyday life. It is particularly important to avoid jargon in technical subjects such as for the insurance, healthcare, web development, software, and analytics industries. One exception to the above is relevant anecdotes. 2.

The easiest way to give learners control is through navigation. 3. Via @TweetSmarter: 5 Ways The Internet Will Revolutionize Work And Play By 2025 #edtechbc. For all the ways the Internet has changed how we live and work over the last 20 years, there are still plenty of areas it hasn't touched, and plenty more where it hasn't been as revolutionary as predicted. (Futurists in the '90s said we'd all be making virtual commutes by now. Most of us are still waiting.) One limiting factor has been connectivity speeds, which haven't grown to allow for more sophisticated services and, in the U.S., have even fallen behind other nations.

The current U.S. average connection speed is 10.5 megabits per second (Mbps) compared to speeds of up to 23.6 Mbps in South Korea, the nation with the best speeds. But what happens when we do finally get fiber into every home? That's the subject of a new report from the Pew Research Center, which asked 1,464 experts to make predictions for what might become possible with speeds 50 to 100 times faster than what we have now. Less travel Virtual reality is reality We'll record everything Health and education. Via @jeffbullas: 6 Reasons Why You Will Fail at Blogging #Edtechbc. Blogging is not a spectator sport. If it was, I think that most observers would rate it right up there with watching paint dry. To the naked eye not much is happening. The keyboard is pecked and caressed…. accompanied by a furrowed brow with the occasional sigh and maybe a quick visit to the kitchen for that sustaining beverage. There are the occasional distractions of checking emails and Facebook updates and Oh.. yes, the Twitter stream!

If the ideas and words aren’t flowing and creative constipation has struck, then blogging timeouts can blowout and be lengthy and hard to recover from. The dedicated blogger though will always find a way to hit their publishing deadlines… even if they move out beyond the publishing comfort zone. Blogging and Narcissism The activity of a blogger is mainly of the mental kind but it also requires writing, marketing and a certain level of narcissism. It involves putting your ego and credibility on the line every time you hit the “publish” button. Reason #1. 6 reasons why I'm starting a teacher blog -- and why you should, too.

Our classrooms can seem so far away from our students’ homes. We get busy. Our students’ parents get busy. Students get busy. I’ve found in my teaching career that meaningful connections between families and the classroom reap huge dividends. As a teacher, I just don’t make those connections as often as I’d like. I think writing a teacher blog would go a long way to making those connections. To be totally honest again, I don’t currently have a teacher blog. So here’s why I think I should start a teacher blog (and why I think you should, too): 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. There are tons of blogging platforms to help you get your start. Well, I don’t know about you, but I’m convinced. I’m stepping out of my comfort zone in an attempt to make better connections with my students and their families. Related Turning into the teacher I don't want to be I'm struggling with a class right now more than I have in years.

September 25, 2014 In "Teaching" How to get noticed in a noisy world (or classroom) May 20, 2013. How to Integrate Tech When It Keeps Changing | Edutopia #edtechbc. Asking if technology enhances learning is like asking if dogs are playful. Whether we're discussing tech or those furry mouth-breathers, the answer is the same: it depends on the situation. Here's a better line of inquiry: how do you coordinate knowledge, instructional practices, and technologies in order to positively influence academic achievement?

We can begin to answer this question with the Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge Framework (TPACK), which conceptualizes the integration of "Pedagogical Content Knowledge (PCK), Technological Content Knowledge (TCK), Technological Pedagogical Knowledge (TPK), and the intersection of all three," explains Dr. Matthew Koehler, editor of Watch (and feel free to share) the "TPACK in 2 Minutes" video below: Sensible Technology Integration By 2015, 80 percent of people accessing the Internet will do so with mobile devices. 1. 2. 3. 4. More specifically, use tech to interact with students during their learning. 5. The 6 Myths of Virtual Learning | eLearning Industry #edtechbc. In this article, I will present you the 6 myths of virtual learning that we need to move past, if we hope to re-imagine the reality.

It's time. I recently conducted an online presentation for over fifty educational executives who are either involved in, or interested in getting involved in the virtual learning world. It is the same presentation I start with when taking on a new client because I want to ensure that we are on the same page when it comes to virtual schools. It is simply called The 6 Myths of Virtual Learning. Why "give" it away here you might ask? However, in order to do that, we must first move beyond a few myths that are prevalent in this industry.

Parents want rigor.If I only had a dollar for every virtual school that referred to its curriculum as rigorous. So, here they are, my six myths of virtual learning. I know, many of us think blended learning will be the solution. Get 2 Free eBooks Get the eLearning Industry's Articles in your inbox. Blended learning solution in practice – The Edynco blog. Blended learning is not only the buzz word. It is actually working. Why? Because we all realized that no single teaching approach is good enough to work for all learners. Since time immemorial we’ve been blending different instructional methods in our training initiatives. With the emergence of technology, this approach got new dimensions. And all this in order to give our learners an effective, integrated learning experience and the opportunity to move from passive to active learning. What blended learning actually is? We’ve been hired by a training institution to help them design a blended training program for unemployed people aged from 25 to 35, to become accountants, using relevant accounting software. 1.

Benefits: Learners could use these lessons at their own pace and according to their prior knowledge;Learners could come prepared to classroom workshops;Learners could use these learning materials also during and after the classroom workshops if needed; 2. Benefits: 3. An Instructional Design Checklist. It is common knowledge that mistakes in the design of eLearning courses have a profound impact on their quality. So, how can you avoid them? Well, here is an instructional design checklist that helps you create digital courses in a flawless manner. Hope you find this post useful. Do share your views. The Downside to Being a Connected Educator. Via @edutopia: How do you collect instant feedback from students? Some ideas #edtechbc. The 2014 Gartner Hype Cycle for Educational Technology. Which technologies are accending, peaking, waning. #edtechbc. Connected Professional Development Is Now An Imperative | TeachThought #edtechbc.

7 Habits of Highly Effective Tech-leading Principals -- THE Journal. Via @TweetSmarter: How To Choose A Twitter Username When Yours Is Taken #edtechbc. 11 Tips to Engage and Inspire Adult Learners. 6 Great tools for content curation | Daily Genius #edtechbc. What Is An Edcamp And Why Participate | The Edcamp Foundation #edtechbc. 4 Reasons People Don’t Blog and Ideas to Help Change Their Mind | The Principal of Change #edtechbc. Technology in Education: Teacher Guide 2014/2015. Resources for Developing Online Interaction. Should You Use Your Real Name On The Internet? | The Cyber Safety Lady.

The Innovative Educator #edtechbc. How To Stop Your Twitter Account From Being Hacked | The Cyber Safety Lady. 10 of the Most Engaging Uses of Instructional Technology (with Dozens of Resources and Tools) #edtechbc. What age should kids be allowed on social networking apps. 6 Ways to Learn Collaboratively with iPads | iPads in Education #edtechbc. PC Maintenance Handbook - 2nd Edition Free eBook. Top Ten Tools for Learning 2014. The best educational software for students. How Computer Technology Will Transform Schools Of The Future | Mashable #edtechbc. 5 Habits of Successful Online Instructors | SchoolKeep Blog #edtechbc #etug.

The Characteristics of a Digitally Competent Teacher (Infographic) A Parent's Ultimate Guide to YouTube | Common Sense Media #edtechbc. Pump Students Up with Digital Icebreakers | Teacher Reboot Camp #edtechbc. 8 Education Books for the Digital Age: Connected Educators Series | Brilliant or Insane #edtechbc. 10 Gmail add-ons that will help you rule your inbox like a king | DailyTekk #edtechbc. 10 services to help you get the most out of meetings | DailyTekk #edtechbc. School: Commercial Online Education Services With Links To Some Interesting Places. #edtechbc.