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Unlearning How to Teach | It's About Learning. In 2010, Erica McWilliam keynoted the National History Teachers’ Association conference. Having been an admirer of her work for many years, I presented a workshop at the conference based on her thinking. I recently dug up the following summary I wrote based on her ideas which helped to structure my workshop. Creativity has become the economic engine of the 21st century and it is no longer a luxury for a few, but a necessity for all. Ken Robinson (2007) states that creativity is as important as literacy, Richard Florida (2002) writes about the rise of the creative class, and Dan Pink explains that, “We’ve progressed from a society of farmers to a society of factory workers to a society of knowledge workers. And now we’re progressing yet again – to a society of creators and empathizers, of pattern recognizers and meaning makers.” (2005: 50) If education is to prepare young people for a very different global environment, we simply must invest in students’ creative capacities.

Conclusion. ICT Opportunities and Threats for Children. © Flickr/Benjamin Chan (by Katarzyna Pawelczyk, Project Manager, Voices of Youth Citizens, UNICEF) Kate Pawelczyk is the project manager for the Voices of Youth Citizens initiative in UNICEF, which explores the opportunities and risks for children and young people in a changing digital environment. She also supports UNICEF’s youth engagement through the Voices of Youth community, which gives adolescents and youth a platform to share their views, exchange ideas and connect globally. Kate has been with UNICEF for 7 years, spending 4 of those in the capacity of Communication Specialist at the Country Office in her home country South Africa.

Kate did her undergraduate in journalism and media studies, and her postgraduate in development. What is the current situation in regard to the digital realities of children and youth today? For many children around the world today there are no artificial boundaries between being ‘offline’ and ‘online’. I see this regularly in my own work. References. First there was "Phishing" - now there's "Phubbing". Are you a Phubber? Free Webtools With No Registration Needed for Students. Image courtesy of OZinOH Welcome to my list of webtools that don’t require student registration. This started off as a simple curation for myself and has ballooned into something that I never thought would get this big.

And it is still growing. I started added comments to each link, but that is taking a long time to complete. Please bear with me as I update it. While I do try to verify each link on a regular basis, please be aware that websites do change and some of these sites may no longer be active or may have switched to a paid version. Free. Over the next while, I will be adding labels to each of these to designate whether you can use this site without any registration at all or will need the use of a class code given by the teacher. If you find a bad link, bad site, or any other error, please let me know through the comment section. Index QR Codes Create Decode online ZXing Decoder Online: Decode QR codes online without a dedicated app. Return to the Index Survey and Polls PDF Tools Maps. If you thought a Segway was cool, check this out - The "WalkCar" Copyright School: Cute video about copyright/fair use.

100+ experiments in chemistry, captured on video. Chemistry videos - In order to make chemistry lessons more interesting, chemistry videos are being developed by Superaccu OÜ. Viewed >5000000 times. Some weirdest experiments: Gallium lives - remember Terminator II. There is a small alien hidden inside every mercury droplet. What is the working principle of batteries, fuel cells, and supercapacitors. Flash-based videos (will be updated if we find sponsor): " 100+ Experiments in Chemistry" is designed for chemistry teachers for showing commented experiment videos in front of classroom. Open application window. NON-METALS: ->Reactions with oxygen: 1. Green links open full videos, blue links open short videos without explanations.

The licence for pictures is CC BY-SA 3.0 - anyone can copy and use images and screenshots. CITEFAST: Free, online service which automatically formats citations in various styles. Anatomy of a Stephen Harper Photo Op at BCIT | The Tyee #bced. You pay for them. Lots of them. Here's an inside look at what went on at BCIT. Harper snapped in front of students and staff at the British Columbia Institute of Technology, Jan. 8. It doesn't get more salt-of-the-earth than when the prime minister stands in front of a Canadian flag surrounded by regular folks to announce students can now apply to a program.

Wait. It doesn't get more salt-of-the-earth than when the prime minister stands in front of a Canadian flag surrounded by regular folks (vetted ahead of time) (for a photo) (during an election year, bill sent to taxpayers) to announce students can now apply to a program (announced the year before and many times after) (harnessing the fully co-operative PR team of the publicly funded institution he is visiting).

Harper was snapped standing in front of students and staff at the British Columbia Institute of Technology Jan. 8 when he announced the Canada Apprentice Loan program is now accepting applications. Preparation Setting up Jeremy J. The Teacher's Guide to Pinterest - Part 1: What is Pinterest? Forget The Smart Phone/Watch And Get Yourself a "Smart Hat" A Beautiful Graphic On Bad Digital Habits. April 26, 2015 In the midst of this digital hype and the ubiquity of technology, one should pause for an instant and reflect deeply on the implications of being constantly connected. More specifically, the implications of connectivity on our social, cultural, intellectual and emotional well-being.

Important as it is but the question here is not about how much time we spend interacting with technology but rather how are we using it and to what benefits? Asking questions such as these is supposed to trigger your critical awareness regarding the different ways you use your time and consequently enable you to make the best of your time. Courtesy of Make Use Of. SMALLPDF: Several Free Online PDF Conversion Services. WONDER: New Type Of Search Engine/Service Where Experts Provide Search Help. Parapara Animation: Simple Online Frame by Frame Animation Program. 12-year-olds share their opinions of social media, and some are surprising | Between Us Parents.

This video from WNYC explores the world of tweens and smartphones through the eyes of a group of 12 year-olds from New York City. Like tweens themselves, it is fascinating, a bit surprising, somewhat predictable and with its contradictions. Watching this video together could be a great conversation starter with your kids and a great way to talk about their opinions of social media, and the positive and negative aspects of it. Check it out: Do you know what struck me most of all as I watched this, especially towards the end? How little some of the kids looked. 12-year-olds can seem adult one moment and chidlike the next, but in those adult moments, it's very easy to forget that they are still very young.

I thought this video was fascinating for many reasons, including the difference in the amount of time that kids spend on their phones. Predictably, some kids professed their love for their phones and social media, but others offered a different perspective. Facebook to test its enormous internet-beaming solar drone this summer. As part of their ambitious plan to bring internet connectivity to the estimated 5 billion people who are currently unable to access the internet, Facebook plans to conduct tests of a solar-powered drone that is the size of a commercial airliner. The drone is designed to beam internet signal to communities currently outside the reach of conventional cellular data networks, and could ultimately stay aloft for months, if not years, at a time.

Facebook has been working on, a project which has sought to spread internet access throughout the world since 2013. In addition to the issues of communities which lay outside the reach of standard land line or cellular access, also cites the prohibitive cost of data access and hardware, limited and expensive power supplies, and the concern that content is not always available in their native language even after one of these communities gains internet access. How one N.J. elementary school is embracing Twitter | Check This Out! Post Modern Skateboard – a skateboard without a board.

What Should High School Graduates Know And Be Able To Do? There has been lots of debate about K-12 learning expectations. But the conversations have focused almost entirely on reading, writing, and math. While common expectations in the basics are a good start, they don’t fully describe what high school graduates should know and be able to do. States and districts have long used graduation requirements as a concrete expression of the aims of K-12 education. But, in most states, this century old relic of courses and credits simply outlines minimum requirements and doesn’t inspire or communicate a focus. Entirely missing are the skills and dispositions most important for success. Several strands of work including workforce preparedness, character development, social emotional learning, and mindset, now inform school districts and networks.

However, it remains challenging to describe the aims and measures of a rigorous well-rounded education (as noted in this discussion from Madison Schools). That’s a great set of graduation requirements! The 4Cs. @gcouros How silly is that when viewers could watch this instead :-) 10 Principles We’ve Learned About Learning. Research in the learning sciences has produced massive amounts of information on the brain, intelligence, and the learning process. Because the education system and our learning processes are complex, research provides no silver bullet to improve our schools.

There are, however, key principles that emerge when reviewing the literature on relevancy, engagement, and contemporary theory about intelligence and learning. While not comprehensive, the following list can can help educators take a research-backed approach to supporting learners: For educators, these principles may seem obvious. But it’s important to be aware of the ample research behind each, and use these research-based principles to support what teachers already do best: support learners.

More than anything, we hope these principles spur a needed discussion on how to put learning research to work for students. What do you think? Are these the critical aspects of learning? How would you modify this list? Social Media Glossary Videos on Pinterest | Youtube, Videos and Twitter. I'm a Digital Citizen! Poster Pack with Minilessons | This week's #FF goes to Tracey Mercier (@vr2ltch ), curator or the Digcit Daily, e-pub.

Valentine’s Heart Graphics | Webbyarts - Download Free Vectors Graphics, Icons, Free Vector, Downloads, Icon Design. The Difference Between Technology Use And Technology Integration. The Difference Between Technology Use And Technology Integration by TeachThought Staff Using technology for learning makes sense. Technology creates access, transparency, and opportunity. Any smartphone or tablet is media incarnate–video, animation, eBooks, essays, blog posts, messages, music, games. The modalities of light, color, and sound all arranged just so to communicate a message or create an experience. But there is a difference, claims this graphic from teachbytes, between using technology and integrating it deeply into the learning experiences of students. This is not a new idea, but what makes this graphic useful is the indicators offered that clarify Dos and Don’ts–kind of like an educator’s Goofus and Gallant.

Goofus gives iPad to students so that they can Google topics for a “research paper.” Gallant helps students design their own open-ended and collaborative learning experiences, and uses apps like Behance or Storehouse to share them with the world. 3 Things Students Should Have Before They Leave High School. There is a great commercial on TV right now, where a candidate for a position goes in for an interview to become an engineer, and as the interviewer is asking him “what makes you qualified for this position?”

, which then follows him sitting down and breaking the chair. The person applying then comments about the design of the chair and how it is not made to hold someone with “all that weight”. Obviously, the interview is over immediately after that, with the point of the commercial being that it is not enough to just “have the skills” to do the job, but there are so many other skills for any position. You can understand all of the elements of being a “great teacher”, but knowledge is not only important, but also the skills to do the job, and the ability to even obtain a position in the first place.

So how are schools helping students create opportunities for themselves both during their time in school, and after as well? Job hunting is hard, so don’t make it harder that it has to be. National Archives of Australia. Free Font Of The Day : Kontanter. What is Twitter? A Parent’s Guide | Safe Smart & Social. We created this a parent’s guide to help you better understand What is Twitter, a popular app that Teens are using. What is Twitter? Twitter is an online social network, which allows you to send instant messages (called Tweets) up to 140 characters in length.Tweets can include photos, videos, and links to other websites.Those posts can become available to all users around the world in a matter of seconds.Tweets can be posted by using a mobile app or website.Other users can “Favorite” and “Retweet” the post, if they like it.

In this case the tweet goes far beyond the original user’s followers.Most Twitter accounts are set to public. However, if the account is set as private, then only approved followers can see posted tweets.When tweets are posted they can’t be edited. How popular is Twitter within Teens? A recent Piper Jaffray & Co study of 7,500 teens in 48 U.S. states revealed the top social media site for teens is Instagram at 30%, followed closely by Twitter at 27%. 9 Barriers to Personalized Learning And How We May Work Around Them. I didn’t know I was doing personalized learning when I first changed the way I taught. It wasn’t until I wrote about it in a blog post and someone gave me the name and description that it clicked.

It made sense really; I wanted students to have a voice, have choice, and to be re-ignited passionate learners within my classroom, all tenets of the personalized learning philosophy. For me it was a no brainer; why not teach in a such a way that students would want to be part of the learning? Why not teach in such a way that students became experts and have a place alongside the teacher? Yet, wherever I go resistance remains for personalized learning. In fact, some educators or districts are quite against it, but for many different reasons. Barrier: It’s one more thing to do. Discussion Point: Personalized Learning should not be an add-on but a replacement. Barrier: It is overwhelming. Discussion Point: One small step at a time. Barrier: It will be chaotic. Like this: Like Loading... Home | The Current with Anna Maria Tremonti. Maintaining a Positive Digital Reputation > FHPS Media Center.

Cpatrick posted on January 10, 2015 17:49 The data and information that you leave behind on webpages and on social media services such as YouTube, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, Tumblr, or Facebook makes up your digital footprint. You should know that the information you provide may be stored with or without your knowledge - intentionally or unintentionally. Once a video, photo, or message is uploaded to a website or social network, or sent to a mobile device, it can be nearly impossible to retrieve or delete.

With this shared information, other people can duplicate it, share it without permission or take a picture or screenshot of it, so even if the owner deletes it, it may not be gone completely. Learning to manage your digital footprint is a critical skill to have today and includes how to search for information about yourself and how to share information responsibly. "Google for Education: Google Digital Citizenship: Introduction. " 7 Traits That Indicate You Might Not Be Leadership Material | Great Leadership.

Pondering Social Media – What If We Taught Social Media In High School? 7 Places to Learn to Code – for Free! Pbl - John Goldsmith on Diigo. VIA @kjmcleod: Free Teach with Moodle beginners course starts Jan 11. All are welcome and it's FREE! SWIVL: A base for an Android/iDevice which "follows" a speaker during a presentation/lesson.