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6 Terrifying User Agreements You've Probably Accepted. How many user agreements have you clicked through in your life without reading them?

6 Terrifying User Agreements You've Probably Accepted

We're going to guess it's one for every single piece of software you've ever used, and every gadget, and Lord knows what else. You've probably signed off on thousands of pages of dense, unread legal jargon in your life. Well, guess what, you've all but signed away your soul. We're not saying that the below companies intend to screw you over. All we're saying is that their legal teams have gone to great lengths to reserve the right to ... and to make sure you can't do a damned thing about it. For example ... #6. So you just had a great weekend with your friends, and you decide to upload the pictures to your Flickr, Twitpic, Instagram and other sites that allow instantaneous uploading and incessant Internet exhibitionism.

"I don't remember having tits, but thanks to Xanax that means next to nothing. " Because you didn't read the terms of service you agreed to when you joined those sites, that's how. #5. 5 Amazing Things Invented by Donald Duck (Seriously) Donald Duck Discovers a New Molecule 20 Years Before Science Carl Barks and the ducks did so much for the scientific world that Cornell University named an asteroid after him.

5 Amazing Things Invented by Donald Duck (Seriously)

This was, of course, after he was published in a scientific journal for his comic book that accidentally discovered a new molecule ... A 1944 Donald Duck comic had the titular Donald being struck on the head while helping his nephews with their science experiment. Language of flowers. 5 Mind-Blowing Facts Nobody Told You About Guns. After every mass shooting, the gun debate splits into two camps: One side says it easily could have been avoided if these maniacs weren't allowed to have guns; the other says it easily could have been avoided if each innocent victim had only gone through their daily lives in cover formation, armed like the space marines entering the giant murder womb in Aliens.

5 Mind-Blowing Facts Nobody Told You About Guns

And that's pretty much the entire gun control debate, as far as the mainstream media are willing to cover. And that is a shame, because it leaves out all of the most interesting parts. Trust us, the longer you look into this, the weirder it gets. For instance ... Note: Even though we ran this article last year, it's distressing how many of the points it raises still seem fresh and valid. Bushmaster The world is no doubt full of level-headed gun owners who are all about safety and responsible ownership (Note: one of the authors of this article owns four guns, one of which he keeps up his sleeve in a spring-loaded apparatus).

5 Ways Modern Men Are Trained to Hate Women. I don't know what it's like to be a woman, so it's not easy for me to describe what it's like to be a man, because I don't know what you're using for context.

5 Ways Modern Men Are Trained to Hate Women

I'm going to do my best: Did you ever watch old cartoons where a character is starving on a desert island, and when another character approaches, he's so hungry that he imagines the other character as a talking piece of food? Via TV TropesThird panel omitted due to graphic content. It's like that for most men, most of the time. Right now I'm reading a book from mega-selling fantasy author George R. "When she went to the stables, she wore faded sandsilk pants and woven grass sandals. That's written from the woman's point of view.

Do you see what I'm getting at? Photos.comWe also assume you have the taste of a pimp. 30 Mind-Blowing (True) Facts about Famous Movie Scenes. David Wong.