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Beautiful short film shows a frightening future filled with Google Glass-like devices. Here’s an amazing eight-minute-long short film we came across. Created by art school grads Daniel Lazo and Eran May-raz as a final school project, the short shows a not-too-unrealistic future wherein we all walk around with contact lens-like devices that connect us to the cloud — everything from games to entertainment to instruction to dating coaches.

“I’m a video game geek and Eran is a film buff, and we both have a passion for sci-fi and technology,” Lazo wrote in an email to VentureBeat. “At first we were set on making a film that had augmented reality in it. We did some research, delved into every kind of augmented tech out there today, and somewhere along the way we thought ‘Hey, I wonder how augmented reality would be like without the device or apparatus barrier. As for the Glass connection, Lazo said, “The Google Glass video just came out about a day or two after we started work on Sight. The Evolution of the Web. Greenpeace kaapt online identiteit Shell met briljante virale campagne. Als onderdeel van een klassieke corporate communicatiecampagne zette Shell op maandag 4 juni “Shell Let’s Go TV ad – Global Energy Mix” op Youtube.

De belangrijkste boodschap: “Let’s broaden the world’s energy mix”. Niet alleen olie, maar ook natural gas en renewable energy, zoals biobrandstof. Drie dagen later plaatste “kstr31” een video op Youtube van een privé PR-event van Shell voor de afvaart van een olieboorplatformschip naar de Noordpool. Voor dit gala-event waren door het PR-bureau verschillende mensen uitgenodigd. Fake event, site en Twitter-account Dat PR-event op 6 juni in de Space Needle in Seattle ging echter behoorlijk de mist in. Er was een schaalmodel olieplatform, waaruit drank geschonken zou worden voor de gasten. Al enige maanden eerder was er een actiewebsite van Shell in de lucht. Nog steeds stuurt het fake Shell-account twitterberichten de wereld in, waarin het oproept om vooral niet de advertenties van Shell door te plaatsen of te bekijken. 1. 2. 3. 4.

72 Fascinating Social Media Marketing Facts and Statistics for 2012. Social media and inbound marketing techniques have been a boon for marketers. Not only do leads generated through social and content marketing cost half as much as traditional outbound-generated leads (see below), they also close at higher rate (again, see below). And social media isn’t just about lead generation of course.

While prospective buyers are using search and social to research products and services before making purchase decisions, marketers and PR professionals can use those same tools to research buyer wants and needs. And their competition. And…even social media itself. Which brings us to this post. Find the answers to those questions and many, many more in this collection of 72 fascinating social media marketing facts and stats for 2012. Social Media / Social Networking 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. User Experience Want more registrations on your website? 10. 86% of people say they are bothered by the need to create new accounts at websites. Lead Nurturing 13. 14. Facebook 15. S social media strategy - Part 1 KLM Blog. Part 1 : Early Efforts and the Ash Cloud KLM has been active in social media since late 2009.

Ever since, people have been asking us about our social media strategy. We’re pleased about all the attention. Unfortunately, though, we can’t answer all questions individually. So, we thought we’d write a short series of blogs about it instead. Back in the summer of 2009, a small group of department representatives gathered each week to discuss the rise of social networks and how they related to KLM.

The Ash Cloud We started off small. When the Icelandic volcano erupted in April 2010, much of Europe’s air space was covered by a vast ash cloud, and the authorities decided to shut down air traffic. On the third day of the closure, KLM started performing a number of successful test flights to demonstrate that it was safe to fly. From the ash cloud we learned that, as a company, we could tackle a crisis situation effectively using social media. Jochem van Drimmelen Online Reputation Manager.