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Recruitment Agency | Professional Jobs - Focus Resourcing Recruitment Agency. Opus Recruitment Solutions | Specialists in Recruitment. Architectural recruitment London. Niyaa People Recruitment Agency: Construction Jobs. Cost of Living. Interior Design Jobs - Local and International Interior Design Jobs from Alchemy Design Recruitment. Silicon Valley Italia. 建筑英才网-最大中国建筑人才网,建筑招聘网,建筑人才招聘、建筑房地产招聘最专业人才网站. ARCH'IT architetti. La lettera di raccomandazione... | ... per trovare un impiego Hai terminato gli studi e vorresti entrare nella vita attiva. Inutile dire che dedicare del tempo alla creazione di una buona documentazione di candidatura è utile. un modo per renderla più personale consiste nell'aggiungervi una o più lettere di raccomandazione. Hai certamente poca esperienza professionale e questa lettera diventa quindi un metodo per fare la differenza con gli altri candidati aggiungendo un tocco ai tuoi diplomi.

A chi chiederla? Puoi chiaramente chiedere a un professore prestigioso, conosciuto oltre le mura dell'università, di redigere la tua lettera di raccomandazione ma se non ti conosce personalmente mancherà l'autenticità e la lettera non rifl etterà le tue qualità. Scegli piuttosto l'insegnante che ti conosce, con il quale hai avuto contatti durante gli studi. La scelta dell'insegnante può anche essere fatta secondo il settore d'insegnamento. Cosa deve figurare Ciò che importa soprattutto è che siano menzionati i tuoi punti di forza. Lettera di referenze. Per candidarvi ad una posizione lavorativa, oltre a scrivere il curriculum vitae, può accadere che vi venga richiesto di allegare una lettera di referenze. Al contrario della lettera di presentazione, in cui scrivete di voi stessi, la lettera di referenze deve essere scritta da un docente o da un datore di lavoro che vi conosce bene sotto il profilo lavorativo; ma, in realtà, in molti casi, sarete proprio voi stessi a curarne la bozza.

Generalmente, vi viene richiesta già nell’annuncio di lavoro o nel bando del concorso a cui volete partecipare, dove viene specificato anche da chi deve essere scritta (docente di una certa materia, professionista di un certo settore ecc.). Dunque la prima cosa da fare, è contattare la persona che pensate sia più adatta a scrivere per voi una lettera di referenze. Spiegategli per cosa vi serve, in modo che possa adattarla meglio all’obiettivo che deve assolvere.

Es.: “conosco il dott. Sample Letter Of Recommendation. Sample 1: For Graduate Program Sample 2: For a Teaching Position Sample 3: For Undergraduate Program Sample 4: For MBA Program Resources Sample 1: For Graduate Program Prof. It gives me immense pleasure in recommending Mr. In this context, I wish to place on record the consistently brilliant academic performance of Mr. As per his performance records, he can be placed in the top 10 percent of a class of 90 students in my subject and is placed on the overall in the top 20 percent. His project titled "ABC DEF GHI JKL" conducted at XXX was ranked among the best projects carried out in the department. In my view Mr. Sincerely, Prof. Sample 2: For a Teaching Position Prof. MS, PhD, Dept. of Education I was John Smith's cooperating teacher during his student teaching assignment the Spring 2007 semester. I am pleased to be able to write a letter of recommendation for John.

John has several strengths, but his main strength, from my observations, is his ability to motivate students. Sincerely, Prof. Adrem Group, Design, Architecture & Digital Recruitment. Architect Jobs, Interior Design Job Listings. Your Guide to Creative China. Singapore Jobs, Jobs in Singapore, Find IT Jobs, Sales job, Marketing jobs in Singapore - STJobs. Archibat HR, recruitment in architecture and engineering. Jobs for architect, engineer, designers. Jobs and recruitment in China | Hays - Recruiting experts worldwide. Informazioni per Espatriato, Guida dell'Espatrio - Portale Internazionale: Riallocarsi, Trasferirsi all'Estero - Easy Expat.

ChinaJOB - Working in China,Start Here! The Beijinger | Beijing classifieds, forum, directory, blog, and more | Comparing UK Degree Qualifications. | The UK HE System | Comparison with other EU HE qualifications | Comparison with Overseas (non-EU) HE qualifications | Home Page (Aber) Comparability Screen The following site provides comparisons between UK and International qualifications. Unfortunately, this cannot be a full listing for every country in the world but we have included qualifications from countries that we at the Postgraduate Admissions Office encounter frequently. Please note that this site will be reviewed throughout the academic year and is thus subject to change. N.B. C omparability is derived from the UK-NARIC information [International Comparisons and/or Grading Transfer System]. Please note that we are only able to recognise qualifications that are awarded by Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) that are recognised degree awarding bodies and listed as recognised HEIs by the UK NARIC .

The UK HE System UK Bachelor's Honours Degrees UK Masters Degrees N.B . 180 CATS credits = 90 ECTS credits UK PhD. HKIA Career. Job in Architecture & Architecture Jobs Singapore. Competitionline - Competitions and Architecture. Advertising, creative, design, digital, media, new media and web jobs. United Kingdom jobs, cars, property, free classifieds and more - CV e Portfolio per lavorare all’estero | Singapore? Si può !!! 60 Resources and Job Search Websites. We have been covering resources for job hunters for quite sometime now.

Since the launch of our blog in January 2009, we have come a long way, thanks to you. With unemployment rate still high it has become a challenge to find a job, however, with due effort and determination your dream job isn’t that far. We have compiled a list of sixty resources which includes resume articles, job interview articles, job search sites, career and job related blogs, LinkIn Groups and twitter accounts you should follow (10 each) . We are continually trying to provide resources for our readers and job seekers, if you would like us to cover a specific topic please feel free to let us know through your comments. One more thing, before we get started we want to remind you that unless you put these resources and tips mentioned in these articles into action, the goal can never be achieved. A brief excerpt from the article is included for each link to give you an idea what you will be reading. Related Posts. 6 Words That Make Your Resume Suck. This article is part of a series called How to Write a Resume.

To start this series from the beginning, read the introduction. I’ve used a few bad words in my life. S$it, you probably have too. But when the wrong words appear on your resume, it sucks. These sucky words are not of the four-letter variety. So how do you write a wicked resume without the suck? 1. My lips pucker and make sour sucking noises when I read “Responsible For” on a resume. Employers want the numerical facts. BADResponsible for writing user guides on deadline. GOODWrote six user guides for 15,000 users two weeks before deadline.

BADResponsible for production costs. GOODReduced production costs by 15 percent over three months. The resume that avoids vague “responsibilities” and sticks to facts detailing figures, growth, reduced costs, number of people managed, budget size, sales, and revenue earned gets the job interview. 2. BADExperience programming in PHP. 3. Yes, I realize this isn’t a single word but rather a phrase. IT Tutorials and Interview questions. 9 Resume Tips That Should Be Screechingly Obvious (But Apparently Aren’t) | Former Slacker. These are all basic rules, but they all seem to get broken constantly. All of these should be obvious to anyone who’s conscious (maybe even the lightly sleeping), but they must not be. On to the rules! Proofread your resume. This is the most basic rule I can imagine, and yet it has been violated so many times that it’s threatening to press charges. I’ve gotten applications for the Administratvie Assistant position from people living in Memhpis.

These nine rules are all fairly simple and straightforward. Update: I’ve put up four more Bonus Resume Tips. The Riley Guide: Employment Opportunities and Job Resources on the Internet. How to Construct a Killer Resume, From Start to Finish. Last week, I wrote a controversial article about resume tips that got a lot of readers fired up. As a result, I thought it would be worthwhile to go through the entire process of creating a strong resume, step by step. Step 0: Do NOT fire up Microsoft Word and use a generic resume template. Absolutely, positively, do NOT do this, no matter what. Microsoft Word is a powerful program, but just firing it up and opening up one of the included resume templates does one thing and one thing alone – make your resume look like everyone else’s. You want your resume to look unique and memorable, but classy – Word’s default templates will not cut the mustard.

Step 1: Open a plain text document and start listing all of the information you might ever include on a resume List the details of every job, including every possible relevant accomplishment at each one. This is essentially your “default resume.” Step 2: Read and research the job you’re interested in applying for One last thing… Creative Resumes : Best of The Best. Times have changed. What worked in the past still works but if you want to stand out from the crowd sometimes the only thing that is needed is a little creativity. We all have the creative juice in us but only some of us dare to squeeze it out. These job applicants did it and the results are simply amazing. Although some resumes might not look very practical, it all depends on what field they are trying to land a job in. There are 35 resumes altogether. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. duhkine 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. hippiedesigner 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35.

Now that you are done looking at all these amazing resumes, its time to check out one more. If you had to pick a winner which one would it be? Related Posts. Consigli, strumenti e soluzioni per migliorare la tua carriera | Job Opportunities. - Job Search - Science, Research & Academic Vacancies in the UK and Abroad.

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Architects Of Australia. Home | Hays - Recruiting experts worldwide. Jobs, Employment & Careers @ MyCareer. Job Search Made Simple | Simply Hired. Jobs - The Largest Job Search, Employment & Careers Site. Sign In You are currently signed in as . 0 Items in Your Cart Shop Vault Guides Vault Guides are THE source for insider insight on career information and employer reviews. Shop Vault Guides You don't need to purchase the Vault guide to get back on track. Just search our site or use the links above. © 2016 Inc. Browse > Drivs av Översätt Connect with Vault Please contact for assistance to configure your Vault account correctly for jobs-related functionality. Källtext Bidra med en bättre översättning. Jobs, Job Search & Career Management on Jobfox. Executive Jobs, GO - Jobs, Job Search, Job Listings, Jobs Search Engine! Il numero 1 in Italia per l'offerta di lavoro.

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