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Robert Scoble - Google+ - CircleRank :) Google+ users who have the most people adding… Twitter To Google+ Friends to Gmail. Blocked Sites - how to access "manage blocked sites" from search settings - Web Search Help. I am signed into my Google account from within the US. Cookies are enabled. I understand from the following Help Center Article that I should be able to access the "blocked sites page" from my Search Settings page. Features: Blocked or remove blocked sites using the Blocked Sites page, which is accessible via your Search Settings page when you're signed in However, in spite of the fact that I have tested blocking a few sites, and can directly access the list from [ I do not see anything on my Search Settings page related to the "Blocked Sites page.

" What might I be overlooking? I have cleared the following items through Firefox 3.6.15 and Firefox 3.6.8 and still do not see anything related to Blocked Sites in my Search Settings. Entrada (11) - pedbessa. Manage Blocked Sites. Google. © 2021 - Privacy - Terms.