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Jan 2012

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DNA McSpray to foil thieves - McDonalds to use new anti-theft spray. » Cashless Society: India Implements First Biometric ID Program for all of its 1.2 Billion Residents Alex Jones. Brandon Turbeville January 12, 2012 Over the past few months, I have written several articles dealing with the coming cashless society and the developing technological control grid. I also have written about the surge of government attempts to gain access to and force the use of biometric data for the purposes of identification, tracking, tracing, and surveillance. < Unfortunately, the reactions I receive from the general public are almost always the same.

However, current events in India should serve not just as a warning, but also as a foreshadowing of the events to come in the Western world, specifically the United States. Recently, India has launched a nationwide program involving the allocation of a Unique Identification Number (UID) to every single one of its 1.2 billion residents. The project will be directed by the Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI) under the premise of preventing identity theft and social welfare fraud.

New York governor urges mandatory DNA samples. Exclusive: 'Digital DNA' May Soon Be Required To Take SAT And ACT Exams. Stony Brook Scientists Create What They Say Is Foolproof Way To Defeat Fraud January 23, 2012 8:45 PM From our newsroom to your inbox weekday mornings at 9AM. Sign Up STONY BROOK, N.Y. (CBS 2) — Since the SAT and ACT cheating scandals broke wide open on Long Island, lawmakers have pledged to come up with unique cutting edge ways to combat identity theft.

On Monday, CBS 2’s Jennifer McLogan got the exclusive first look at what politicians will see first hand in Albany on Tuesday afternoon, and what could soon be implemented at a high school near you. Inside the applied DNA sciences lab at Stony Brook University researchers are hard at work inventing and perfecting a system that can prevent cheating on SAT and ACT exams. “A novel system that’s absolutely unbreakable for securing the identity of a student taking the SAT exam,” said Dr. Karp volunteered her forensic image for a digital DNA. “All of that is uploaded to an I.T. system of wireless connections called the ‘CLOUD,’” Dr. Who Should Have Access to Student Records? Since “No Child Left Behind” was passed 10 years ago, states have been required to ramp up the amount of data they collect about individual students, teachers, and schools.

Personal information, including test scores, economic status, grades, and even disciplinary problems and student pregnancies, are tracked and stored in a kind of virtual “permanent record” for each student. But parents and students have very little access to that data, according to a report released Wednesday by the Data Quality Campaign, an organization that advocates for expanded data use. All 50 states and Washington, D.C. collect long term, individualized data on students performance, but just eight states allow parents to access their child’s permanent record.

Forty allow principals to access the data and 28 provide student-level info to teachers. Likewise, teachers can use the data to see where a student may have struggled in the past and can tailor instruction to suit his needs. California Watch: Private company hoarding license-plate data on US drivers. By G.W. Schulz for California Watch Capitalizing on one of the fastest-growing trends in law enforcement, a private California-based company has compiled a database bulging with more than 550 million license-plate records on both innocent and criminal drivers that can be searched by police.

The technology has raised alarms among civil libertarians, who say it threatens the privacy of drivers. It's also evidence that 21st-century technology may be evolving too quickly for the courts and public opinion to keep up. The U.S. Supreme Court is only now addressing whether investigators can secretly attach a GPS monitoring device to cars without a warrant.

A ruling in that case has yet to be handed down, but a telling exchange occurred during oral arguments. The units work by sounding an in-car alert if the scanner comes across a license plate of interest to police, whereas before, patrol officers generally needed some reason to take an interest in the vehicle, like a traffic violation. Tags: » AMA Journal: Make Participation In Vaccine Trials Mandatory Alex Jones. Population should be forced to take experimental shots “for the greater good” Paul Joseph Watson Wednesday, January 18, 2012 An article published by the American Medical Association’s Virtual Mentor journal advocates making participation in vaccine trials mandatory, arguing that people should be forced to take experimental shots in a similar vein to how jury service is compulsory. The article, written by Oxford University’s Susanne Sheehy and Joel Meyer, is entitled Should Participation in Vaccine Clinical Trials be Mandated?

Concerned about the “distressing decline in the numbers of healthy volunteers who participate in clinical trials,” the piece argues that “Compulsory involvement in vaccine studies” should be considered for the “greater good of society.” Using the example of military conscription – the draft – to justify the idea of compulsory participation in vaccine trials, illustrates how the whole idea is completely rooted in authoritarian tendencies. Print this page. Rural Surveillance : Federal Law Enforcement Training Center. Homeland Security Wants to Spy on 4 Square Miles at Once | Danger Room. It’s not just for the Afghanistan and Iraq wars anymore. The Department of Homeland Security is interested in a camera package that can peek in on almost four square miles of (constitutionally protected) American territory for long, long stretches of time.

Homeland Security doesn’t have a particular system in mind. Right now, it’s just soliciting “industry feedback” on what a formal call for such a “Wide Area Surveillance System” might look like. But it’s the latest indication of how powerful military surveillance technology, developed to find foreign insurgents and terrorists, is migrating to the home front. The Department of Homeland Security says it’s interested in a system that can see between five to 10 square kilometers — that’s between two and four square miles, roughly the size of Brooklyn, New York’s Bedford-Stuyvesant neighborhood — in its “persistent mode.”

If it’s starting to sound reminiscent of the spy tools the military has used in Iraq and Afghanistan, it should. But. » Shock Docs: Total Federalization of Police Under New Homeland Security Mission Alex Jones. Mission Creep: DHS Agency Abandons Fighting Terrorism, Shifts to Hiring Police, Taking Over America Aaron Dykes January 24, 2012 A new white paper presented to the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence carves out an ‘evolving mission’ for Homeland Security that moves away from fighting terrorism and towards growing a vast domestic intelligence apparatus that would expand integration with local/state agencies and private-public partnerships already underway via regional fusion centers.

Crafted by the Aspen Institute Homeland Security Group, co-chaired by former DHS chief Michael Chertoff and composed of a who’s who of national security figures, the report outlines a total mission creep, as the title “Homeland Security and Intelligence: Next Steps in Evolving the Mission” implies. In short, it confirms the intentions of key insiders– including former NSA/CIA head Michael Hayden, former Rep. That’s right, the feds want to oversee the hiring of your local police. Former CIA Agent's Message to America - WATCH NOW. Cliff Kincaid -- Times Takes Heat for Pro-Terrorist Article. By Cliff Kincaid January 17, 2012 Ilena Silverman, one of the story editors at The New York Times Magazine, is defending publication of a story urging New York Governor Andrew Cuomo to release Weather Underground terrorist Judith Clark from state prison.

The article portrayed Clark, who was involved in the murders of three law enforcement officers, as a remorseful mother anxious to spend time with her daughter. She is serving 75 years in prison for her crimes and is likely to spend the rest of her life in prison unless political authorities intervene to release her. Silverman calls the piece by Tom Robbins “a terrific story,” adding, “Over many visits and phone conversations, Robbins explored Clark’s life behind bars and her slow transformation from unrepentant young radical to a reflective, deeply regretful model inmate.” Joseph F. Dear Ms. Silverman: Looks like The New York Times is at it again, advocating release of an unrepentant terrorist onto society. Joseph F. Home. Facial recognition technology poses privacy concerns.

By Michael O'Connell @moconnellWFED Web Editor Federal News Radio Facial recognition is becoming a bigger part of law enforcement and homeland security. It's also growing in the commercial sector, which has all kinds of privacy and ID misuse implications. That's why the Federal Trade Commission recently held a workshop to explore the issues. Amanda Koulousias, a staff attorney in the Division of Privacy and Identity Protection at the FTC, spoke to The Federal Drive with Tom Temin Tuesday morning about the who, what and why of this gathering. "One of the things that we learned at the workshop ... is what are the privacy concerns here and are the technologies currently being implemented in a way that raises additional privacy concerns or are they being implemented in a privacy-sensitive way," said Koulousias.

Workshop participants included technologists, privacy and consumer advocates, academics and representatives of companies implementing facial recognition in their products. POLICE STATE AMERICA -GPS Tracking Without Warrants Ruled Legal. America, Welcome to the Fourth Reich. America, Welcome to the Fourth Reich American Fascism did not start with World War II. Before Operation Paperclip, the codename under which the US intelligence and military services extricated scientists from Germany, during and after the final stages of the conflict, the annals of internal despotism were well established.

With the open door policy for German engineering, the political ideology of state worship was bound to travel across the Atlantic. The Pampas of Argentina or the backwaters of Paraguay were the preferred location for those who openly professed their reprehensible loyalty to the Führer principle. However, do not blame all those ex-Nazis for selecting the shores of the Americas for their new domicile, their seeds were planted long ago in the offices of Wall and Broad Streets.

Do not be confused. This record of monocracy is one of a criminal class, as opposed to the iron fist of a single man. The Manifest Destiny of the U.S. World War II inflicted the Franklin D. Mr. Dear Americans, We Are Surrounded. Occasionally in the past, I have received emails from readers asking me if it was time to leave America because of some new infringement on our rights.

In the past, I always responded to these emails by saying that it really depended on who the reader was. Anyone, I usually replied, who was in the securities-brokerage industry or the medical profession should start looking, because of how regulated those industries are. If on the other hand, a surfer dude just living for the next wave, would have little reason to be concerned. Things have changed so dramatically in the last 6 to 12 months that I now believe you are being irresponsible ,no matter who you are, if you do not have a bagged packed and are ready to move at a moments notice. The United States is a very rich country with only minor government harassment at this time. For the most part, we all have smart phones, internet connections, wear fashionable clothes and eat decent food. Folks, we are surrounded. What could this mean? The Real 2012 Doomsday: U.S. Falls To Tyranny. The past year has been a bad one for democracy, and the Republic that once was the United States seems to live in name only.

Because of the extreme abuses of power the Federal government has exercised just in the past year, the people of the Nation have been broken, discouraged and must now only be controlled. A recent report in the state-run Russia Today cites an instructional military book, Non-Lethal Weapons Reference Book (leaked by to outline the coming “high-tech crackdown” that may soon befall citizens of the United States deemed unruly. If you have ever seen a farmer persuade his livestock to bend to his will with less-than-lethal methods such as cattle prods, whips and electric fences, you know how incredibly persuasive they can be to the animals.

The U.S. government also knows a thing or two about controlling groups; unfortunately, the target isn’t unruly livestock, but U.S. citizens. Send your submissions to » Breaking: LAX FEMA Rendition Site Confirmed Alex Jones. American Draw Line in Sand Reid Wants Bundy to Pay up American Citizens Draw Red Line: Feds Back down We Must Stand Up Against Tyranny Patriots Rally Around States Rights Patriots Caught Feds By Surprise, Battle of Bunkerville Victory Declared Sen.

First Hand Account Of Liberty In Nevada BLM Confronted By Truth Behind Bundy Ranch Standoff The Constitution Is The Supreme Law Of The Land! Cliven Bundy Vs BLM A Matter of "No Taxation Without Representation" Why Nevada Is A Huge Victory For Freedom Bundy Supporters Sound Off on BLM Tyranny Bundy Ranch Standoff Shows Spirit of 1776 Can Defeat NWO Landmark Victory For Patriotism In Nevada: BLM Backs Down!

Historic! Mainstream Media LIES About Federal Standoff Patriots Confront BLM & Show How to Take Country Back First Video Of Fed Standoff In Nevada! Emergency! Red Alert!! Breaking News! John Boehner: People Have A Right to Know Eric Holder: Total Abuse of Power John McAfee Speaks Out on BLM Tyranny at Bundy Ranch. Sen. Michael Bennett Of Florida Proposes Bill To Shelter Homeless People In Taxpayer-Funded Sports Stadiums. As the presidential campaign rolls into Florida, Republicans may face the issue of homelessness on an unexpected front: ballparks. A bill to force taxpayer-funded sports stadiums to double as homeless shelters is making its way through the Florida legislature this week.

The bill, introduced by Republican state Sen. Michael Bennett of Florida, seeks the enforcement of a dormant 1988 law that said sports teams that accept public dollars to build their venues must shelter indigent people on off nights. If teams can't prove that they're already complying with the law, Bennett wants them to repay the more than $300 million that Floridians have forked over for facilities such as the Miami Dolphins' Sun Life Stadium and the Miami Marlins' new baseball stadium. The politically charged legislation underscores the resentment that many feel about subsidizing sports stadiums while watching state and local governments cut needed services.

A homeless advocate in Miami echoed Donovan's sentiments. Prepetorial #25: No Exit Ahead. By John Galt January 24, 2012 17:00 ET It has been a few years since I wrote the initial 24 part Prepetorial series and I feel like I never really finished the writings with a climatic finish. I remind everyone that the first portion in italics is a fictional account of a potential future event and how I perceive one might prepare for that situation. While the technology exists for everything described in the fictional portion below, the legal implementation indicated in the story has not happened. Yet. Our Ford Explorer smoothly drifted off the ramp as my wife and I approached the toll booth and inspection station.

Unfortunately for us, the tone of the transponder changed from a clear, short beep to an almost annoying broken non-stop squeal as the flashing sign ahead said “White Ford SUV tag number 98V X3L Florida, pull into the inspection lane. “Sigh, now what?” “YOU, IN THE WHITE SUV, HANDS ON THE STEERING WHEEL AND THE DASH VISIBLE AT ALL TIMES!!!!” The DHS Policeman was not amused. Pastor Roger Anghis -- Did American's Loose Their Will for Liberty? Psychology of Tyranny for a Philosophy of Despotism. US v. Jones and The Fourth Amendment. Air Force's Top Brain Wants a 'Social Radar' to 'See Into Hearts and Minds' | Danger Room. Edible Microchips, Biometric Identity Systems And Mind Reading Computers | Homeland Security Right Side News. Army's Virtual Reality Plan: A Digital Doppelganger for Every Soldier | Danger Room.

Special Forces Get Social in New Psychological Operation Plan | Danger Room. Police get help with vets who are ticking bombs. » Red Spotlights to Mark ‘Precrime’ Suspects Alex Jones. LA Military Exercises | KFI NEWS. Is The NYPD Experimenting With Drones Over The City? Evidence Points To Yes. Peacemaker: Lauderdale police put trouble spots under surveillance - South Florida Police usage of armored surveillance vehicles becoming more widespread across the United States. F-BOMB: the $50 DARPA-funded spy computer makes widespread surveillance even easier.

Military Officer Gets Sent Home From Drill After He Refuses To Detain American Citizens. New Nationwide FEMA Camps Should Raise Eyebrows. Obama launches Bureau of Counterterrorism. Obama fundraising e-mail expresses fear over “tea party extremists” No Warrant Needed for GPS Monitoring, Judge Rules | Threat Level. 10 Reasons The U.S. Is No Longer The Land Of The Free. Are UN soldiers responsible for bring deadly cholera superbug to the Americas? Scientists say yes.

HS-HPSCI-hearing-011812.pdf (application/pdf Object) Page Nine: Diplomatic Carry. » Former SS Boss Proposes Global Email Fusion Center Alex Jones. My Guantánamo Nightmare. Former CIA officer charged in leaks case. Wife of accused CIA leaker resigns from agency. Americans buy record numbers of guns for Christmas. » DHS Officers Armed With Semiautomatics Set Up Unannounced ID Checkpoint Alex Jones. Paul McGuire -- Totalitarian State Mind Control Wars, Part 1. Chuck Baldwin -- Bill Of Rights Is No More. Laughing In The Face Of Goliath: The Virtue Of Fighting Back. Getting Out Before the Gates Slam Shut on the U.S. Police State. Police State 2012: No Need to Wait, It’s Already Here. Mainstream Media is Harmful if Swallowed, Paychecks, Perception, Propaganda & Power. U.S falls to 47th in press freedom rankings after Occupy crackdown. Gun makers baffled by ATF criteria. Minuteman PAC warns of imperial presidency. United Nations Small Arms (Gun Confiscation) Treaty to be Ratified by the US Senate in 2012.

ILA | New Jersey: Assembly Committee to Consider Ammo Ban & More. Police Brutality: Mother knocked out with baby on. Photographer arrested for taking pictures. Supreme Court Reins In Police On GPS Trackers. Warrant needed for GPS tracking: US Supreme Court. Cop gets written reprimand for turning off recording equipment when brutally assaulting 66-year-old man with dementia.