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GMOs. The Lead Vaccine Developer Comes Clean: Gardasil and Cervarix Don't Work, Are Dangerous, and Weren't Tested. Dr.

The Lead Vaccine Developer Comes Clean: Gardasil and Cervarix Don't Work, Are Dangerous, and Weren't Tested

Diane Harper was the lead researcher in the development of the human papilloma virus vaccines, Gardasil and Cervarix. She made a surprising announcement at the 4th International Public Conference on Vaccination, which took place in Reston, Virginia on Oct. 2nd through 4th, 2009. Her speech was supposed to promote the Gardasil and Cervarix vaccines, but she instead turned on her corporate bosses in a very public way. The 10 worst toxins hidden in vitamins, supplements and health foods. (NaturalNews) I'm absolutely shocked at how many people don't investigate what's really in the products they swallow.

The 10 worst toxins hidden in vitamins, supplements and health foods

When something is sold as an herb, vitamin, superfood or supplement, they think it's automatically safe. And while the natural products industry has a truly remarkable safety record -- especially in contrast to the massive number of deaths caused by pharmaceuticals -- it still suffers from a lot of hidden toxins that are routinely used throughout the industry. Poisoned Water, Estrogen and Endocrine Disruptors.

Chicken nuggets, hot-dog, etc. New Insight: Alzheimer’s Disease Linked to Pineal Gland Calcification from Fluoride. Christina Sarich | NaturalSociety | Sept 30th 2014 Alzheimer’s disease is running rampant throughout the modern world now, but even with pharmaceutical companies spending billions on drugs to ‘cure’ it, they have failed miserably.

New Insight: Alzheimer’s Disease Linked to Pineal Gland Calcification from Fluoride

While the use of coconut oil for Alzheimer’s disease is proving beyond beneficial, the answer to really treating this disease may lie in the pineal gland and the decalcification of one of the most important elements of the endocrine system. For the past few decades, research into treating Alzheimer’s disease has been relegated to an assumption: that it is caused by the lack of the neurotransmitter, acetylcholine. In fact, most pharmaceuticals made to treat Alzheimer’s patients are acetylcholinesterase inhibitors (drugs that inhibit the enzyme that breaks this neurotransmitter down.) Big Pharma Fails to Treat Alzheimer’s Despite failed trials, Big Pharma continues to invest heavily in ‘cures’ that may not do anything but worsen the disease. More from Naturalsociety.

Fluoridated Water Can Calcify Arteries, Study Finds. Sayer Ji, Green Med InfoWaking Times Fluoride is put in your drinking water ‘for your teeth’ without your consent, but did you know that it could also be calcifying your arteries?

Fluoridated Water Can Calcify Arteries, Study Finds

A few years ago, we reported on a study evaluating a new diagnostic technology that inadvertently revealed a link between fluoride exposure and coronary artery disease. Our report stirred up quite a lot of controversy and criticism, even leading one of the most respected figures in alternative medicine (deservedly so) – Dr. Russell Blaylock — to call us out on Infowars for our allegedly sophomoric interpretation of the following article: “Association of vascular fluoride uptake with vascular calcification and coronary artery disease.”

As one can see, the study’s results revealed a hitherto largely unknown connection between fluoride exposure, coronary artery disease and cardiovascular events (e.g. heart attack). The researchers summarized their main finding as follows: About the Author Google Plus Profile. Poisoned Water, Estrogen and Endocrine Disruptors. Flame Retardants and Fluoride—Two Neurotoxic Chemicals Again Linked to Reduced IQ. Dr.

Flame Retardants and Fluoride—Two Neurotoxic Chemicals Again Linked to Reduced IQ

MercolaWaking Times Did you know that items you come into contact with every day, such as your couch cushions, your carpeting, and your mattress, might be exposing you to highly toxic compounds? In most cases, they will contain flame-retardant chemicals that have been linked to serious health risks like infertility, birth defects, neurodevelopmental delays, reduced IQ scores and behavioral problems in children, hormone disruptions, and various forms of cancer. In fact, flame retardant chemicals were recently identified as one of 17 “high priority” chemical groups that should be avoided to1, 2 Exposure to Flame Retardants in Utero Can Lead to IQ Reduction Recent research3 also shows that children whose mothers were exposed to flame retardant chemicals during pregnancy have lower IQ, and are more prone to hyperactivity disorders.

The researchers initially measured the levels of polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) in women at 16 weeks of pregnancy. Flame Retardants Are All Around You. Aluminum and Fluoride and Detox.