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Social Media FOR Schools: Developing Shareable Content for Schools. Interested in working with me? Consider hiring me as a consultant to coach your administration and staff to develop shareable content for your school. There is a difference between Social Media IN schools and Social Media FOR schools. There is a difference between Social Media IN schools and Social Media FOR schools. Click To Tweet While social media in schools deals primarily with policies around how to use (or not use) social media in the classroom with students, social media for schools is about storytelling and getting their stakeholders (teachers, students, administrators, parents, community) to spread these stories. In the best case scenarios, social media IN schools is focused on: developing best practices HOW to use social media to support teaching and learningconnect, communicate and collaborate through social media to an authentic global audience In worst case scenario, social media IN schools is focused on: Column Five states in the video, The Value of Visualization, WHY SHARE?

15. Men catch up with women on overall social media use. Historically, women have been more avid users of social media than men – a finding consistent across several Pew Research Center surveys. In fact, in November 2010, the gender gap was as large as 15 percentage points. More recent data, however, show that these differences are no longer statistically significant. A new Pew Research Center analysis finds that a similar share of men and women say they used social networking sites this year, consistent with what we found in 2014. Some 73% of online men use social media, which is on par with the 80% of online women who say they do so. Although the overall percentage of men and women who report using social media is now comparable, there are still some gender differences on specific platforms. Pinterest, Facebook and Instagram have a larger female user base, while online discussion forums like Reddit, Digg or Slashdot attract a greater share of male users.

Online women are also more likely than online men to use Facebook and Instagram. A Teacher's Guide For Creating A School Twitter Chat. A Teacher’s Guide For Creating A Twitter Chat In Your School by Nellie Mitchell A twitter chat is an amazing resource for professional development and gives educators the option to participate in their PJs, from the comfort of their own home! It is essentially a chat room, with everyone sharing and talking and hanging out virtually—discussing learning strategies, classroom management techniques, and technology. A good chat stimulates great conversation, but also has the power to motivate an entire district. Twitter is always a great resource for PD, but some teachers either don’t have time to use it or don’t know how.

Webb City School District in Missouri has been hosting monthly chats for over a year. What Works By making the chat time consistent (e.g., the first Tuesday of the month from 8-9 p.m.), this can help teachers to keep track and participate when their schedule allows. What To Do Before The Chat Pick a theme each month to focus on. What To Do During The Chat Happy Summer to all. How to Promote Yourself Without Looking Like a Jerk. Self-promotion can be uncomfortable for many people. That’s certainly true for foreign professionals in America, who have to navigate different cultural mores in the most bullish nation on earth when it comes to personal branding.

But even for many Americans, it’s a tricky prospect: how can you ensure that your talent is recognized without alienating your colleagues and looking like a jerk? The first step is understanding the true value of self-promotion. Of course, you can get better job offers or assignments if you’re viewed as a star performer. But it’s not all about you – a helpful reminder for people who are turned off by the caricature of personal branding (like networking) as baldly transactional.

Instead, when you promote yourself in the right way, it’s a win-win. The next step is to focus on facts, not interpretation. It’s important to demonstrate your expertise with stories, not words. You’ll also want to ensure that those stories are relevant. Pinterest’s Problem: Getting Men to Commit. Pinterest Inc. hit the demographic jackpot after it launched four years ago, becoming the digital scrapbook du jour for blushing brides, arts and crafts enthusiasts and home decorators hunting for ideas and inspiration. About 42% of online U.S. women use Pinterest, according to a Pew Research survey released this month, a coveted audience with enormous spending power. Among its social peers, only Facebook Inc. ’s site boasts a higher percentage of the online U.S. female audience. But Pinterest’s success with women has also created a conundrum for the business. The company has outsize aspirations to become the go-to place for discovery on the Web. And yet the other half of the world’s population has largely stayed away from the site in part because of the stigma that Pinterest is a clubhouse for women.

The same Pew survey showed that just 13% of online men in the U.S. use Pinterest, up from 8% a year earlier. The stakes are high. Ms. “They don’t make fun of me per se,” Mr. Transforming the business through social tools. After years of rapid and increasing adoption, the use of social technologies has become a common business practice. Now the responses to McKinsey’s latest survey on these technologies indicate that in certain functions (namely, sales and marketing), companies are applying social tools extensively and becoming more digital organizations overall.

We asked executives about their companies’ use of social tools in 18 specific business processes. Among them, social technologies are the least integrated into the work flow for operations processes, such as order to cash and demand planning. They are the most integrated into public-relations, customer-relationship-management (CRM), and marketing processes—where these technologies are a natural extension of existing tools.

As a result, executives say the use and integration of social tools have had the most significant impact on the day-to-day work for many customer-facing activities. Seeing social’s impact on processes and work flow Exhibit 1. 9 Social Media Rules for Educators. Preparing to dip your foot into the social media pool? Anne Barretta, adjunct professor at William Paterson University and Ramapo College specializing in communications, recently shared 9 Rules of Etiquette for Academic Twitter Use that we found worth sharing. (Looking into trying a different social media site?

You'll find that the majority of rules still apply.) Check these out, and, when you're ready to get down to the nitty-gritty, be sure to check out Atomic Learning's online training courses designed to help educators dive into some of the many popular social sites, including Twitter for Educators, Facebook for Educators, and YouTube for Educators. The four Cs Credibility. Don't have access to Atomic Learning? This article is a part of Atomic Learning’s 12 Days of Learning.

<div class="disqus-noscript"><a href=" Facebook Wants to Move Into the Office. Redesigning the Social Network. There's an artistic vision behind Ello, the latest Facebook competitor to trigger hype and backlash. Barokas Public Relations Even before he founded the social-media network Ello and championed the pleasures of ad-free browsing, Paul Budnitz was an entrepreneur with a flair for the visual. With Kidrobot, the anti-cute alternative toy and street fashion company that he founded in 2002, he kindled a kidult craze for limited-edition, artist-designed collectible figurines.

Today Kidrobot’s designs are iconic: Munny, a minimalist, white toy with movable joints, has served as an unconventional blank canvas for street and comics artists. In 2010 Budnitz sought a challenge in another recreational pastime—cycling. Eighteen months ago, Budnitz began work on a new project—a social-media experience characterized not so much by what it is as by what it is not. “I was just fed up with other social networks,” Budnitz recalls. Social Media for Administrators. As I have done a lot of work with school administrators on why they should be using social media and some practical ways to use it within their schools, I wanted to compile some articles together that will help schools/organizations move forward.

They will be listed under two categories; the why and the how. The articles are listed below: The Why The Need for Courageous Leadership – If new ideas are going to happen and we are going to encourage risks, we need to take risks as well. What Digital Accelerates – Many of the fundamentals that were important 50 years ago are still important today. Humanizing Our Organizations Through Social Media – In this post, I share what many organizations are doing around the world and how it is important that in education, we get through our culture of fear and do what we can to connect with those that we serve. There can no longer be an “opt out” clause when dealing with technology in our schools, especially from our administrators. The How. LinkedIn's SlideShare Goes Completely Free. Blogger, Inoreader, Feedly: what a great way to start the semester!!! As people who know me over at G+ or Twitter saw this week, INOREADER was the big event!

I am in love with this tool! So, in this post, I'll explain in detail (yes, it's another tl;dr post from yours truly) just how I am using Inoreader and why it is unexpectedly an essential new tool for my online classes. But first, some context: Blogging in my classes: Bloglines and Ning. I've been teaching fully online classes since 2002, and I abandoned discussion boards for blogs in my classes so long ago that I cannot even remember when that happened. That service then pooped out, but I gladly switched to Ning; that must have been in 2008. End of Ning. Blogger. Feedly Dilemma. Inoreader. Inoreader Rules. ("card view" is great for scanning image-focused posts) (column view is what I use for reading/commenting) (access to tags/folders for display, filtering) (list view for super-quick scanning) (a gazillion keyboard shortcuts!!!)

Inoreader as Shared Space. Feedly Redux. Very VERY happy. Video: Why grad students should have an online presence. Making sure your digital brand aligns with your research and personality is key when applying to jobs. Amy Elder, director of Career Services at Brock University, speaks about the importance of having a social media presence. Whether you are looking for non-academic or academic employment, your digital brand will help show potential employers what kind of person you are. So be careful as to what you choose to put on the Internet, because employers are increasing their use of social media when looking at potential employees.

Show/hide transcript If you're applying for work, outside of academia, all of the research points to employers increasing their usage of social media. Interestingly with grad students, there is some research out there. Graduate students, you know it is a serious business. Why (And How) Teachers Are Using Twitter. No Laptops, No Wi-Fi: How One Cafe Fired Up Sales : All Tech Considered. Hide captionThe August First Bakery in Burlington, Vt., bans laptops and tablets. Some customers were disappointed, but the owner says it has helped boost business and a sense of community. Annie Russell/VPR The August First Bakery in Burlington, Vt., bans laptops and tablets. Some customers were disappointed, but the owner says it has helped boost business and a sense of community. Customers chat, read the paper and order sandwiches and espresso drinks at the counter of August First Bakery & Cafe in Burlington, Vt., but there's something different here.

"I was here working on my laptop when I looked over and saw that there's a sign that says 'laptop-free,' " says Luna Colt, a senior at the University of Vermont. During a recent visit, Colt is shocked that using her computer is against the rules. "My friend and I started talking about it because we're both on screens," Colt says. When owner Jodi Whalen first opened four years ago, she initially offered free Wi-Fi to customers. Social media transforms the textbook lesson. 30 January 2014Last updated at 19:49 ET By Carolyn Rice Technology reporter, BBC News Tablets in 1946 had a very different look to those in classrooms these days Forget the blackboard and the chalk.

In fact, forget the whiteboard and the markers. The exercise books, the textbooks and the stationery can also be packed away. There is no need for any of them in the classroom of the future. A room full of students with a tablet each and a teacher with an enthusiasm for social media is all that is required to engage developing minds. At least in one school in Norway this isn't a vision of the future. Ann Michaelsen, a teacher at Sandvika High School just outside Oslo, has been invited to Bett - the education world's biggest tech fair, held in London - to share her ideas with other technologically minded teachers. "Social media is first and foremost a place to get connected - we do it every single day outside school or work, sometimes in work," she says. 'Digitally rich' Innovative thoughts HappyBird. How to Opt Out of Anyone on Google+ Landing in Your Gmail Inbox - Digits.

How to Build Your Peer Learning Network When You “Don’t Have Time” I had a coffee with my friend Rebekah yesterday. Rebekah is an e-learning designer for veterinary educators and we met through Twitter. On the few occasions we caught up at a local cafe, our passions for social media for learning and development were evident. Our ideas tumbled out of us as we grappled with possibilities on how we could influence our own learning teams to use social media for their own professional development or even just to incorporate it into the design of programs. Rebekah will be presenting on The Value of Twitter for Professional Development at the Australian Veterinary Conference in Perth Australia on 25-30 May so we talked about what she can do or show on stage to get the audience inspired to use Twitter but also to have a comeback for the dreaded statement she always hears… “But I don’t have time for all this!” I hear a lot of this too. From my observations and experiences when talking to people in organisations, their fears relate to the following: Let’s face it.

The Future Of Education Eliminates The Classroom, Because The World Is Your Class. This probably sounds familiar: You are with a group of friends arguing about some piece of trivia or historical fact. Someone says, "Wait, let me look this up on Wikipedia," and proceeds to read the information out loud to the whole group, thus resolving the argument. Don’t dismiss this as a trivial occasion. It represents a learning moment, or more precisely, a microlearning moment, and it foreshadows a much larger transformation—to what I call socialstructed learning. Socialstructed learning is an aggregation of microlearning experiences drawn from a rich ecology of content and driven not by grades but by social and intrinsic rewards. The microlearning moment may last a few minutes, hours, or days (if you are absorbed in reading something, tinkering with something, or listening to something from which you just can’t walk away).

Think of a simple augmented reality app on your iPhone such as Yelp Monocle. Science reveals what really increases Twitter followers. Blog | Activate Learning Solutions | Learning Solutions that Activate Performance in Your Company. Beginners' Guide to Google+ Oh, the irony: Coursera suspends online course about how to run an online course. Six social-media skills every leader needs - McKinsey Quarterly - Strategy - Innovation. How to get the most out of participating in a Twitter chat.

10 Must-Learn Lessons For Twitter Newbies. Social Media Basics for Educators. 63% of High School Students Want Textbooks that Communicate with Classmates [Infographic] How College Students Use Social Media [INFOGRAPHIC] The Most Common Questions (And Answers) I Get About Twitter. Please Stop The Social. Higher Education/College Marketing | Tunheim.