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Reflections on the EDCMOOC. Reflection on the ‘eLearning and Digital Cultures’ MOOC, Wk.1 #edcmooc. Here are some notes, links, conversations, thoughts, and reflections on the first week of the University of Edinburgh / Cousera ‘eLearning and Digital Cultures’ MOOC.

Reflection on the ‘eLearning and Digital Cultures’ MOOC, Wk.1 #edcmooc

This reflection will form part of the work required by the MOOC as well as reflections on the processes and Coursera system itself. Initial thoughts on the course and/or platform (supplemental to my earlier post): Modern Technology vs. Modern Humanism. Jaron Lanier: technology humanist. EDC MOOC Hangout 1. EDC MOOC Week 3 Hangout. Books news, reviews and author interviews. E-learning and Digital Cultures. How To Use Google Drive and Evernote To Create Digital Portfolios.