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Ancient Egyptian Tombs. Introduction The history of Pharonic Egypt spans nearly 3 millennia, starting around 3100 BC. Major accomplishments were achieved during 3 periods: the Old, Middle and New Kingdoms which lasted roughly 500 years (2700-2200 BC), 200 years (2000-1800 BC), and 500 years (1600-1100 BC). These periods were interrupted by intermediate periods where loss of central authority or foreign invasion led to decline. The ancient Egyptian civilization changed dramatically over these 1600 years, and many of these changes are reflected in how the tombs of the Kings and Queens, Nobleman, and Workers were built and decorated. The Royal Tombs The mastaba was the earliest and simplest tomb structure. In the 3rd dynasty (Old Kingdom) Imhotep built the step pyramid (Fig. 1) for Zoser. The pyramids were the major achievements of the 4th dynasty - approximately 2500 BC (Old Kingdom) - and were built for Khufu, Khafre and Menkaure (Fig. 2).

A very different approach was taken in the New Kingdom. Pintura Egipcia. The Quest for Immortality: Tomb of Thutmose III. La vallée des Nobles. Theban Mapping Project. The Tomb of Harwa. Tombes égyptiennes du Mans. Antikforver / Les tombes KV et  WV. L'égypte des tombes oubliées (1/3)