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10 Surprising Reclaimed & Recycled Building Materials. Sheet rock and brand new lumber from the hardware store seem awfully boring – and incredibly wasteful – when you see the beautiful ultramodern homes and other structures that can be built from recycled once-new materials.

10 Surprising Reclaimed & Recycled Building Materials

An entire Buddhist temple made from glass bottles, modern modular shipping container homes, houseboats perched on land and resort lodging in a vintage ‘60s airplane are just a few of the awesome buildings that make use of unconventional and sometimes offbeat recycled junk. Bottles (images via: green upgrader) Don’t throw those empty glass beer bottles in the recycling bin – use them to build a house! Or, perhaps, an absolutely amazing Buddhist temple in Thailand. Jim Lahey's Cauliflower Pie.


DIY Nyan Cat Hat With Pop-Tart Earwarmers. Niche. Ancestors. Houseplans. Pets. ART. German Accent - Set design.