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Probably belonged to SS leader Heinrich Himmler discovered secret crystal skull - News. Sie sind mystisch und geheimnisvoll – die Kristallschädel der indianischen Hochkulturen. Jetzt wurde einer dieser angeblichen „Götterschädel" in Bayern gefunden. Und der befand sich früher vermutlich im Besitz von SS-Führer Heinrich Himmler! Wie das Magazin „Mysteries“ berichtet, fand der Schweizer Journalist Luc Bürgin (40) den Schädel (12 Kilogramm schwer, 17,5 Zentimeter hoch, 21 Zentimeter tief) auf dem Dachboden seines bayerischen Informanten (45) – versteckt in einem alten Holzkasten.

„Eine Spezialanfertigung, die sich wiederum in einem alten, abgeschabten Tornister aus Leder befand.“ Dieser Fund versetzt Historiker in Aufruhr! Zwölf solcher Kristallschädel sind bekannt, dies wäre nun der geheime dreizehnte. Außerdem im Besitz des Bayern: Eine hochbrisante Nazi-Liste! Laut Liste gehörte der Totenkopf einst dem Forscher Otto Rahn, der für die Nazis auf die Suche nach dem Heiligen Gral ging und 1939 unter ungeklärten Umständen ums Leben kam.

Hokus-Pokus oder Sensationsfund? Unexplained Mysteries - Paranormal Phenomena and the World's Greatest Unexplained Mysteries. Horizon" - What Is Reality? - Part 1 of 4. Scallywag & Vagabond » Savage Predator » Mysterious Block of Wood Discovered on Iceberg at Magnetic South Pole. UFO Sighting Signature "Sri Yantra" Discovered in Oregon, now Worldwide. Pumapunku. Coordinates: An example of high-precision small holes Stone blocks at Pumapunku Pumapunku or Puma Punku (Aymara and Quechua puma cougar, puma, punku door, hispanicized Puma Puncu) is part of a large temple complex or monument group that is part of the Tiwanaku Site near Tiwanaku, Bolivia. Tiwanaku is significant in Inca traditions because it is believed to be the site where the world was created.[1] In Aymara, Puma Punku's name means "The Door of the Puma". The Pumapunku complex consists of an unwalled western court, a central unwalled esplanade, a terraced platform mound that is faced with stone, and a walled eastern court.[2][3][4] The Pumapunku is a terraced earthen mound that is faced with blocks.

It is 167.36 meters wide along its north-south axis and 116.7 meters long along its east-west axis. The other stonework and facing of the Pumapunku consists of a mixture of andesite and red sandstone. Age[edit] Engineering[edit] Architecture[edit] Demonstration of the building block technique. MYSTERIOUS PUMA PUNKU UFO ANCIENT LASER TECHNOLOGY Video. Real-life Da Vinci Code: Tiny numbers and letters discovered on the Mona Lisa. By Nick Pisa and Luke Salkeld Created: 17:25 GMT, 12 December 2010 Intrigue is usually focused on her enigmatic smile. But the Mona Lisa was at the centre of a new mystery yesterday after art detectives took a fresh look at the masterpiece – and noticed something in her eyes. Hidden in the dark paint of her pupils are tiny letters and numbers, placed there by the artist Leonardo da Vinci and revealed only now thanks to high-­magnification techniques.

Under the microscope: Historians in Italy have discovered that by magnifying the eyes of the Mona Lisa painting tiny numbers and letters can be seen Hidden symbols: This eye is thought to contain L and V, the artist's initials Experts say the barely distinguishable letters and numbers represent something of a real-life Da Vinci code. The revelation could have come straight from the pages of Dan Brown’s best-seller The Da Vinci Code, in which the Mona Lisa is said to contain hidden clues about the Holy Grail. The Flower of life Grid, The Gulf of Aden Stargate Vortex and more geomancy and ley lines. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series A, Mathematical and Physical Sciences, Vol. 298, No. 1434 (Aug. 6, 1980), pp. 1-43.

Gulf of Aden axial magnetic anomaly and the Curie temperature isotherm. Sinister Sites: The Georgia Guidestones. The Georgia Guidestones is a mysterious monument on which are carved ten “commandments” for a “New Age of Reason”. The first commandment? Maintaining the world population under 500 million people. Another sinister fact: the authors of what we now call the American Stonehenge are still a “mystery”… except for those in the know. We will look at the numerous features of this monument, its message calling for a New World Order and explain how it is the work of an occult secret society.

The Georgia Guidestones is an enigmatic granite monument situated in Elbert County, Georgia. Also known as the American Stonehenge, the gigantic structure is almost 20 feet high and is made of six granite slabs, weighing in total 240,000 pounds. The most astonishing detail of the monument is however not its size but the message engraved into it: Ten rules for an “Age of Reason”. The Monument Quietly standing in Elberton county, the Guidestones will probably gain in relevancy in the next years Source: Wired 1.

Arabian desert surrenders Queen of Sheba's secrets. [Arabian desert surrenders Queen of Sheba's secrets] ... [Who was the Queen of Sheba?] ... [Modern science helps uncover ancient treasures] ... [Bios of news conference participants] ... September 12, 2000 Arabian desert surrenders Queen of Sheba's secretsArchaeologists unearth 3,000-year-old temple in Yemen, opening a new door to southern Arabia's ancient civilizations Researchers from the University of Calgary are participating in an American Foundation for the Study of Man project to unlock the secrets of a 3,000-year-old temple in Yemen.

The Mahram Bilqis - pronounced Mah-ram Bill-kees - (or Temple of the Moon God) lies buried under the sands of the southern Arabian desert in northern Yemen and is believed to have been used throughout the reign of the legendary Queen of Sheba. "The sanctuary is packed with artifacts, pottery, artwork and inscriptions, opening a new door to the ancient civilizations of southern Arabia," says Glanzman. Note to editors: Yemen As It Is... Why Yemen is the next war front. By Gary Vey for viewzone (posted January 5, 2010) As an editor here at viewzone I get to write and publish lots of interesting stories. Some authors write stories to promote a book or CD. Others want to be credited with a discovery of something, usually in the field of science or history.

Occasionally though, a story must be told because it is ripe -- its time has come -- and that is why I have decided to write this true story about Yemen. In the past couple of days, Yemen has been in the news. Soon you will hear many things about Yemen. Yemen is the poorest country in the Arabian peninsula. But I have. In 2001 I was the guest of the Yemeni government because I had accidentally made a discovery that I had no right to make. Accidental discovery No, I'm not an archaeologist or even an historian. I went to the site and photographed the petroglyphs. About a year passed.

Dr. The next e-mail I received contained more photographs of the same alphabet. Comments:

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How does science justify debunking mysteries without investigation? | My Secret Projects.