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Cloud computing

How the Internet Gets Inside Us. When the first Harry Potter book appeared, in 1997, it was just a year before the universal search engine Google was launched. And so Hermione Granger, that charming grind, still goes to the Hogwarts library and spends hours and hours working her way through the stacks, finding out what a basilisk is or how to make a love potion. The idea that a wizard in training might have, instead, a magic pad where she could inscribe a name and in half a second have an avalanche of news stories, scholarly articles, books, and images (including images she shouldn’t be looking at) was a Quidditch broom too far.

Now, having been stuck with the library shtick, she has to go on working the stacks in the Harry Potter movies, while the kids who have since come of age nudge their parents. “Why is she doing that?” They whisper. “Why doesn’t she just Google it?” The scale of the transformation is such that an ever-expanding literature has emerged to censure or celebrate it. FreedomBox Foundation. Eben Moglen Is Reshaping Internet With a Freedom Box.


The Computer as a Communication Device. This landmark 1968 essay foresaw many future computer applications and advances in communication technology, such as distributed information resources and online interactive communities that are commonplace today as Internet chat rooms and peer-to-peer applications. Originally published in Science and Technology, April 1968. Published on November 9, 2001. In a few years, men will be able to communicate more effectively through a machine than face to face. That is a rather startling thing to say, but it is our conclusion. We shall talk more about the mechanics of the meeting later; it is sufficient to note here that we were all in the same room. Our emphasis on people is deliberate. But to communicate is more than to send and to receive. To the people who telephone an airline flight operations information service, the tape recorder that answers seems more than a passive depository.

Such a medium is at hand–the programmed digital computer. If you build it, they won’t come (unless…) (Editor’s note: Jason Cohen is an angel investor and the founder of Smart Bear Software. This story originally appeared on his blog.) Ask a technical founder about his startup, and he’ll proudly describe his stunning software — simple, compelling, useful, fun. Then he’ll describe his cutting-edge platform — cloud-based, scalable, distributed version control, continuous integration, one-click-deploy. Maybe you’ll even get a wobbly demo.”Great,” I always exclaim, sharing the thrill of modern software development, “so how will people find out about this brilliant website?”

Four uncomfortable seconds later, a smile breaks across the founder’s face. Except the “strategy” is a tirade of drivel I’ve heard so many times I can lip-sync as the words spew out the founder’s mouth: “We’re going to A/B-test AdWords campaigns until we discover our hook.” The obvious problem is that every new startup on Earth says exactly these things. “We’ll have a website so people can read about us.” CKEditor - WYSIWYG Text and HTML Editor for the Web. Electronic negotiation.

An electronic communication network (ECN) is a financial term for a type of computer system that facilitates trading of financial products outside of stock exchanges. An ECN is generally an electronic system that widely disseminates orders entered by market makers to third parties and permits the orders to be executed against in whole or in part.The primary products that are traded on ECNs are stocks and currencies. ECNs are generally passive computer-driven networks that internally match limit orders and charge a very small per share transaction fee (often a fraction of a cent per share).[1] The first ECN, Instinet, was created in 1969. ECNs increase competition among trading firms by lowering transaction costs, giving clients full access to their order books, and offering order matching outside of traditional exchange hours. [citation needed] ECNs are sometimes also referred to as alternative trading systems or Alternative Trading Networks.

Function[edit] Negotiation types[edit] Tech. Linking the Real World to the Web: 3 Emerging Technologies Compared. Hamilton Chan is CEO of Paperlinks and Paperspring. Through its iPhone app (previously featured as the #1 New & Noteworthy free app in the iTunes store) and QR web platform, Paperlinks makes context sensitive marketing plug-and-play for small, medium and large businesses. No longer tied to a desktop browser, we now demand access to a broad range of information anytime and anywhere via our smartphones. This has created the opportunity for new technologies to facilitate our connections between the physical world and the digital one.

Where there were hyperlinks in monitors to provide us information, now there are "real world links," jump-points like billboard QR codes that are embedded in our daily surroundings, linking us to context-sensitive web content. QR codes, NFC and visual recognition technology each pose individual advantages and shortcomings that the savvy marketer must understand in order to leverage them properly.

Let’s take a look at each option. Quick Response (QR) Codes. LastPass - Password Manager, Form Filler, Password Management. Trust by Design. April 17, 2003 I'm relaxing back into the pleasures of Ann Arbor life after several weeks in the air and on the road. Boston, Massachusetts. Southbury, Connecticut. Corvallis, Oregon. Washington, DC. Portland, Oregon. Torino, Italy. A strange mix of conferences, consulting, and opportunistic tourism. I visited IBM and the IMF, talked freedom and findability with librarians, met Stewart Brand, explored Powell's City of Books, wandered Torino with an itinerant Australian, and spoke at the Interaction Design Institute Ivrea.

On my mind, through all this travel, was the concept of trust. Web Credibility In recent months, I've become a big fan of the Stanford Persuasive Technology Lab and the Web Credibility Project. Their studies regarding how people evaluate a web site's credibility show the critical importance of information design and structure. This is a huge validation for visual designers and information architects. Of course, this also adds more complexity to design. Trust in Commerce.

Screen sharing

Woopid Video Tutorials. Pingdom Web site monitoring for 100% uptime. Measure your downtime. Info pirates seek an alternative internet - science-in-society - 06 December 2010. After dumping thousands of secret US diplomatic cables in the public domain last week, WikiLeaks ended up losing its web hosting company – twice – and its web domain to boot as providers got cold feet about its content. But a plan being hatched by fellow travellers in the file-sharing community may shield the controversial data dumper from such takedowns in future. It all started with a tweet on 28 November: "Hello all ISPs of the world. We're going to add a new competing root-server since we're tired of ICANN. Please contact me to help. " This missive, complaining about the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers, was from Peter Sunde, an anti-copyright activist based in Sweden and one of the founders of The Pirate Bay website, which tracks the locations of copyrighted movie and music BitTorrent files.

It instantly lit a flame among file-sharers. "That small tweet turned into a lot of interest," Sunde blogged two days later. Taken down on a whim Whose internet? Joi Ito: The web needs copyright tools | Technology | The Observer. Joi Ito, ceo of Creative Commons, wants to ease the 'friction' in information sharing online Photograph: Alicia Canter for the Observer Joi Ito, 44, an entrepreneur and venture capitalist with a particular interest in the world wide web, was an early investor in Twitter, Technorati, Flickr and

He grew up in Japan and the US; he once owned a nightclub in Tokyo and worked as a DJ in Chicago. Time magazine hailed him as a member of the "cyber-elite" in 1997 and two years ago Businessweek named him "one of the 25 most influential people on the web". Ito has a special interest in issues of copyright in the digital sphere and is CEO of the organisation Creative Commons. He is now based in Dubai. What is Creative Commons? It is a non-profit organisation with volunteer judges, lawyers and activists in 80 to 100 countries. How does it work? It establishes a standard set of legal and technical tools that allows interoperability. Where do you think things are heading? S Guide to Protecting Electronic Devices and Data at the U.S. Border. Amid recent reports that security researchers have experienced difficulties at the United States border after traveling abroad, we realized that it's been awhile since we last discussed how to safeguard electronic devices and digital information during border searches.

So just in time for holiday travel and the 27th Chaos Communication Congress in Berlin, here's EFF's guide for protecting your devices and sensitive data at the United States border. The Government Has Broad Legal Authority to Search Laptops, Phones, Cameras, and Other Devices at the U.S. Border. The Fourth Amendment to the United States Constitution prohibits unreasonable government searches and seizures. This generally means that the government has to get a warrant to search a location or item in which you have a reasonable expectation of privacy.

If you've had your devices detained by border agents for an extended period of time, please contact EFF. Carry as little data as possible over the border. Will Internet censorship bill be pushed through lame-duck Congress? | Raw Story. By Daniel TencerSunday, November 14, 2010 12:37 EDT A bill giving the government the power to shut down Web sites that host materials that infringe copyright is making its way quietly through the lame-duck session of Congress, raising the ire of free-speech groups and prompting a group of academics to lobby against the effort. The Combating Online Infringement and Counterfeits Act (COICA) was introduced in Congress this fall by Sen. Patrick Leahy (D-VT). It would grant the federal government the power to block access to any Web domain that is found to host copyrighted material without permission. Critics say the bill is both a giveaway to the movie and recording industries and a step towards widespread and unaccountable censorship of the Internet.

Opponents note that the powers given the government under the bill are very broad. Because the bill targets domain names and not specific materials, an entire Web site can be shut down. According to the Melbourne Age: MobiFlex: Building Mobile Apps Online. The Mail Archive. Computer, Technology. Daily Artisan & 14 Awesome Google Tricks You May Not Be Using. Posted by admin in News on 08 25th, 2010 | no responses If you ask your average Internet surfer what Google does, they’ll tell you that “it helps you find stuff, silly.” Some may even mention that it’s good for email, maps, and maybe a couple of other things. What many do not realize is that Google has some excellent functions that aren’t always easy to find. Here is a guide to 14 of the most innovative functions that many will find useful and most will find cool. 1. Weather updates from the Google search box Visiting a place and want to know what’s the weather there like? Example: Vienna Weather 2. If you want to know the time local time at anyplace worldwide all you have to do is type “What’s the time in ______”.

Example: What’s the time in London? 3. Just enter the name of airline and the flight number and Google will show you the arrival and departure times. Example: American Airlines 293 4. Type in “city1+city2” to get links for booking your flight. Example: Atlanta+Chicago 5. 6. 7. 8. 20 Free Social Media Icon Sets For a More Shareable Website. If your blog needs a face lift, the creative types who power the web are here to help. Sometimes a few well-designed, tastefully placed icons can add a little class or creativity to an otherwise neutral theme. Social media links, which we'd argue are a priority for any blog, are a great opportunity to add some texture. You could always roll with the standard-issue glossy, rounded-edge fare, but for those who want to distinguish themselves, there are more creative options out there. To help, we've rounded up some of the most impressive works of social icon art circulating the web lately. If you use a fun icon set that didn't make our list, be sure to share the wealth in the comments section. 1.

You don't need a "science" blog to take advantage of these lovely beakers. 2. These are just too cute to pass up. 3. These ice cubes are less practical, but they're so nicely rendered we had to include them. 4. 5. 6. There's something about the texture of these swatches that draws the eye. 7. 8. 9. Website wireframes: Mockingbird. 4 steps to finding social media influencers | Social media agency London | FreshNetworks blog. It’s all very well knowing what an influencer is; the real value only comes when you can identify them for your brand or business. Here’s our four step guide to helping you find social media influencers: 1) Set clear goals The most important step to finding influencers is to have clear goals for why you want to engage with them, and what you want to achieve.

Take a step back and really think about this. Do you want to increase visits to your website or ecommerce site? Or would you prefer your influencers to spread word-of-mouth about a new product you have launched? Do you want to increase conversion? Influencers can play a part in several different points of interaction with your brand, so it’s important that your goals align with your overall social media strategy.

Whatever you decide, it’s important that you develop a two-way relationship with your influencers; it’s not just about transmitting your own brand messages. 2) Listen to your target audience 3) Choose your tools carefully. Web Developers Handbook | CSS, Web Development, Color Tools, SEO, Usability etc. Vitaly Friedman's The Web Developer's Handbook creativity | css galleries & showcases | color tools | color schemes, palettes | color patterns | fashion: colors selection | color theory | royalty free photos | css daily reading | web design daily reading | css layouts | css navigation menus | css techniques | css: software & Firefox Extensions | css-web-tools & services | html-web-tools & services | accessibility checkers | miscellaneous tools | ajax | javascript | DOM | fonts | typography | RSS | CMS | blogging | specifications | usability & accessibility | add a link (free) | seo tools | seo references | howtogetthingsdone | freelancers resources | web2.0 | 2read Advertise here!

Creativity css: selected showcases css galleries & showcases color tools color schemes, palettes color patterns fashion: colors selection color theory royalty free photos specifications usability & accessibility add a link (free) seo tools seo references howtogetthingsdone freelancers web 2.0 2read: this week. How To Create a Screencast.

Add to iTunes | Add to YouTube | Add to Google | RSS Feed We have had more screencast submissions lately than we can even count. I know all of you are anxious and hoping to be featured in our channels. However, you’re wasting your time – and ours – if you aren’t following a few simple steps. Dylan took the time to create this screencast to help all of you have a better chance of having your work showcased. HD Quality – 1080p is not required. 780p is more than sufficient. Thanks, Dylan, for doing this screencast for us. Want to embed this video on your own site, blog, or forum? Podcast: Play in new window | Download (13.2MB)

Search engines

Ninite Easy PC Setup - Silent Unattended Install Multiple Programs At Once. Beginner-web-design-tutorials | blog. Web. Web Page Builders. Why Users Fill Out Forms Faster with Top Aligned Labels | UX Movement. People search worldwide with PDFs Become Contextually Amazing With Scribd's Apture Integration. Open source live support - Mibew Web Messenger. Organization tools etc.

Jing, instant screenshots and screencasts, home. Texting before bed can make teens even moodier. Free Web. Browsers. How to get an instant link back you your website [pinging] Why I'm Loving the Livefyre Comments System.