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Skills. Learning Sites and Tools. PCBs. Open Technology. Electronics. Stepper motor. Mbed. PonyProg. PonyProg now works with several hardware interfaces.


Choose the one you prefer and try it. SI Prog (Serial port Interface for PonyProg) The official PonyProg hardware interface. It works with all devices supported by PonyProg. AVR stuff. Get Started We'll tell you all you need to know to start evaluating and working with this product.

AVR stuff

Simply AVR Design Contest… We want your simply awesome, simply AVR-based designs » Watch Now Discover why Atmel AVR MCUs are simple to use and used everywhere. » Learn More Performance, Efficiency and Flexibility Advantage Like No Other. Design & Technology Resources. Design & Technology Resources ©2011 E.Clarvis Operational Amplifiers and Comparators PIC Chips Peripheral Interface Controllers Potential Divider Exercises Part no.1 Systems & Symbols Part no.5a Astable Circuits Part no.2 Electronic Materials.

Design & Technology Resources

PCB Making-Part 2-Photo Resist Method of Etching a Printed Circuit Board. PCB Making-Part 1-Photo Resist Method of Etching a Printed Circuit Board. PCB Manufacture. For a certain number of projects, including first-prototype, surface mount 'breadboarding', layout experimentation, rapid multiple-revisions, and 1-hour deadlines doing your own PCB etching can be quick, clean, and very very inexpensive.

PCB Manufacture

The method set up in the Media Lab basement is somewhat-similar to that of large pcb manufacture shops, except in scale and automation. There is no system for through-hole plating, automated drilling/routing or multilayer design. However, you can make precisely aligned doublesided boards with simple registration techniques. Added 2/7/04: The etching setup is now in the Holography darkroom, in the LL across from the shops. To get access/training please email or visit me (ladyada@ml in office 020D) Added 2/7/05: Ha! A tool is only good towards the application it was designed for. Painted Concrete Floors. What do you do when you need to replace carpet and feel like doing that is just not…creative enough?

Painted Concrete Floors

Well my lovelies, if you are anything like me you paint the concrete subfloor!! I am going to teach you in 7 easy steps how to prep, paint, and finish concrete floors. How To PCB - Quality. Some of this information has appeared previously, but is combined with new concepts in this section as an introduction to bare board QUALITY The circuit board is the foundation of our electronic products, and is the most critical component affecting long-term reliability.

How To PCB - Quality

Since most companies depend on manufacturing partners to fabricate the bare boards, we must: Select suppliers who are capable of delivering the required level of qualitySpecify the minimum level of acceptability for circuit boards Perform checks to ensure that the boards meet the expected reliability On the other hand, cost is an important issue, and we don't want to impose expensive and unnecessary tests to prove the acceptance criteria. Our goal is to derive the maximum level of confidence for the minimum amount of time and expense. When determining the level of testing, we should err on the side of caution. The physical form should match the intended design.

What is the minimum required to QUOTE a circuit board? PCB Design - Learn Printed Circuit Board Design Today. Professional Hand Soldering (Basic to Advance) - Surface Mount, Through-Hole, Wires & Terminals. Power Supply Tutorial- SMPS. BLOCK DIAGRAM and BASIC THEORY OF OPERATION This may sound like a silly question, but what are power supplies doing?

Power Supply Tutorial- SMPS

Well, here are their main functions: Changing the form of electric power. For example, electricity from the grid is transmitted in the form of AC, while electronic circuits need DC;Regulation. Mains voltage varies worldwide from 100 to 240VAC and is usually poorly regulated, while the circuits normally require well stabilized low-level fixed voltages;Safety isolation. In most applications the outputs have to be isolated from the input.Practically every piece of electronic equipment needs some form of power conversion.

Stands for switch mode PSU. Web Mining. Neural Network for Recognition of Handwritten Digits. Download the Neural Network demo project - 203 Kb (includes a release-build executable that you can run without the need to compile) Download a sample neuron weight file - 2,785 Kb (achieves the 99.26% accuracy mentioned above) Download the MNIST database - 11,594 Kb total for all four files (external link to four files which are all required for this project) Contents Introduction This article chronicles the development of an artificial neural network designed to recognize handwritten digits.

Neural Network for Recognition of Handwritten Digits

Although some theory of neural networks is given here, it would be better if you already understood some neural network concepts, like neurons, layers, weights, and backpropagation. The neural network described here is not a general-purpose neural network, and it's not some kind of a neural network workbench. MacinCloud - Rent a Mac in the Cloud! - Mac in Cloud. Octave Tutorial - Numerical Variables. A Gentle Introduction to Programming Using Python. Machine Learning - Download Free Content from Caltech. Electrical Engineering and Computer Science. Student-centred learning. Student-centered learning, that is, putting students interests first, is in contrast to traditional education, by proponents of "student-centered learning" also dubbed "teacher-centred learning".

Student-centred learning

Student-centred learning is focused on each student's interests, abilities, and learning styles, placing the teacher as a facilitator of learning. This classroom teaching method acknowledges student voice as central to the learning experience for every learner, and differs from many other learning methodologies. In a student-centred classroom, students choose what they will learn, how they will learn, and how they will assess their own learning.

Teacher-centred learning has the teacher at its centre in an active role and students in a passive, receptive role. In a teacher-centred classroom, teachers choose what the students will learn, how the students will learn, and how the students will be assessed on their learning. Background[edit] Teacher-directed instructions[edit] Isaac Asimov on Creativity in Education & The Future of Science. 3 Ways to Teach Yourself Anything You Want to Learn. How to Learn About Everything. The internet almost makes it too easy My recent post “How to Understand Everything (and Why)” discussed an untaught, integrative kind of knowledge, and why it is so important in science and engineering — how it can leverage specialized knowledge and improve the trade-off between bold innovation and costly blunders.

How to Learn About Everything

I discussed the nature of this knowledge and how it can be applied, but not how to learn it. Note that the title above isn’t “how to learn everything”, but “how to learn about everything”. The distinction I have in mind is between knowing the inside of a topic in deep detail — many facts and problem-solving skills — and knowing the structure and context of a topic: essential facts, what problems can be solved by the skilled, and how the topic fits with others.

How to retain 90% of everything you learn. Imagine if you had a bucket of water. And every time you attempted to fill the bucket, 90% of the water would leak out instantly. Every time, all you’d retain was a measly 10%. How many times would you keep filling the bucket? The answer is simple: just once.