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How Squarespace’s CEO Pivoted to Scale for Millions. An interview with Ai Weiwei – Clarissa Sebag-Montefiore. When I sit down with Ai Weiwei, the first thing he does is aim his iPhone at me.

An interview with Ai Weiwei – Clarissa Sebag-Montefiore

We are in Ai’s cathedral-like home-cum-studio, in the dusty village of Caochangdi, on Beijing’s outskirts. Winter sunlight streams through vast windows into an expansive room, sparsely decorated with a large potted ginkgo tree and a headless Buddha. While the dimensions of his living space soar, Ai is trapped in a goldfish bowl. Atomyzer- The Case That Sprays. Always have your favorite fragrance or hand sanitizer connected to your Phone.

Atomyzer- The Case That Sprays

Always have your favorite fragrance or hand sanitizer connected to your phone with Atomyzer! As seen on We carry our smartphones with us everywhere we go. Zuckerberg to Obama Channel Jobs in Search for Alone Time. When Darren Huston, chief executive officer of the Priceline Group, has a decision to discuss with one of his managers, he often heads outdoors for a walking meeting, away from the hubbub of his open office in Amsterdam.

Zuckerberg to Obama Channel Jobs in Search for Alone Time

“Walking clears my brain,” he said. President Barack Obama understands. Study finds walking improves creativity. Stanford Report, April 24, 2014 Stanford researchers found that walking boosts creative inspiration.

study finds walking improves creativity

They examined creativity levels of people while they walked versus while they sat. A person's creative output increased by an average of 60 percent when walking. By May Wong. 12 Obvious Things Confirmed By Science. Where do ideas come from? TED. 'The Candidate' Is As Close As We're Going To Get To A Modern 'Twilight Zone' The Best Branded Content of 2014 So Far. I combed through hundreds of pieces of branded content researching this piece, and I must say, at no point was I tempted to quit my job at Contently and relocate to the remote jungles of Central America.

The Best Branded Content of 2014 So Far

A few years ago, I’d probably be singing a different (Spanish) tune. Brands used to have a tenuous-at-best grasp on editorial content, but today, thanks to an influx of professional journalists and the shining examples set by brand publishers like Red Bull, Chipotle and GE, that’s no longer the case. As you’ll discover below, some brands are really getting the hang of the media business. As a disclaimer, I tried to represent a wide range of content formats and strategies, but there are almost certainly great pieces of branded content missing from this list.

Besides, consuming all branded content from a three-and-a-half-month span would have seriously crimped on my Game of Thrones binge. We Didn't Believe In 'Artisanal' Toast, Until We Made Our Own : The Salt. Leave it to San Francisco to turn one of the simplest — and cheapest — dishes into the trendy snack du jour.

We Didn't Believe In 'Artisanal' Toast, Until We Made Our Own : The Salt

We're talking about toast. "Artisanal" toast is made from inch-thick, snow-white or grainy slices, lathered in butter and cinnamon or peanut butter and honey, then wrapped individually in wax paper. Seven Things Great Employers Do (that Others Don’t) - Peter Flade, James Harter , and Jim Asplund.

By Peter Flade, James Harter and Jim Asplund | 11:00 AM April 1, 2014 For most people, paid work is unsettling and energy-sapping.

Seven Things Great Employers Do (that Others Don’t) - Peter Flade, James Harter , and Jim Asplund

Despite employee engagement racing up the priority list of CEOs (see, for example, The Conference Board’s CEO Challenge 2014), our research into workplaces all over the world reveals a sorry state of affairs: workers who are actively disengaged outnumber their engaged colleagues by an overwhelming factor of 2:1. Elizabeth Gilbert: Success, failure and the drive to keep creating. Adobe : Do you agree? #inspiration... Hamish Jolly: A shark-deterrent wetsuit (and it's not what you think) TED. How to Simplify Your Life in 5 Minutes a Day. Davidbardell. From the Mountaintop. Why I’m a crabby patty about AI and cognitive science.

I’m sorry if I am a grump about artificial intelligence.

why I’m a crabby patty about AI and cognitive science

It just happens to be a subject on which our media frequently appears both insufficiently educated and unwilling to learn. My frustration stems from a basic category error, which can be boiled down to this: 18 pivotal web design trends for 2014. What web design trends do you think we'll see in 2014?

18 pivotal web design trends for 2014

I'm betting on more simplicity, more cleanliness, and more focus on smaller screen sizes, among other things. This collection is largely based on observation, vaguely educated guesswork, waving a finger in the air, and a bunch of other posts I've compiled in recent months. As such, some of these predictions may be more accurate than others! No doubt I have missed all manner of trends, so do share your own thoughts and predictions in the comments section below. 1. 10 Ways Great Leaders Build Amazing Communities. There can be a heavy psychological cost to starting and building a business.

10 Ways Great Leaders Build Amazing Communities

One the best ways to combat that is to engage with a supportive community. Great, you might say, but what do you do if you can't find that kind of entrepreneurial or startup community? If you're a true entrepreneur, you build it yourself. Ivebeenreadinglately: The first emoticon? We interrupt our blogging of Daniel Deronda to share breaking news: In reading some of Robert Herrick's poetry last night, I discovered what looks to be the first emoticon! It appears at the end of the second line of "To Fortune," which was published in Hesperides in 1648: Tumble me down, and I will sit Upon my ruins, (smiling yet:) Tear me to tatters, yet I'll be Patient in my necessity. Laugh at my scraps of clothes, and shun Me, as a fear'd infection; Yet, scare-crow-like, I'll walk as one Neglecting thy derision. Lest it be an aberration in the edition I own, I checked it against the new, authoritative two-volume edition of Herrick's work edited by Tom Cain and Ruth Connolly and published by Oxford University Press last year.

KFC promotes prom 'chicken corsage' Published: April 13, 2014 1:59 PM By JENNY EARL KFC introduces "KFC Chicken Corsage" in viral YouTube video on April 9, 2014. (Credit: YouTube) High school students will never go hungry at prom again with this limited edition corsage. KFC is now offering a “KFC Chicken Corsage,” a combination of drumsticks and baby’s breath flowers, for a prom date with an appetite. [1401.1219] Consciousness as a State of Matter. How to have an out of body experience – Greg Stevens. Michael Wolff: Never Stop Asking “Why?” About this presentation We won’t remember the commercial, the logo, or the jingle, but we will always remember how a brand (and in turn, a designer) makes us feel.

In this 99U interview, legendary designer Michael Wolff shares lessons from a career spanning over five decades. What separates a good designer from the rest of the pack, says Wolff, is an unlimited amount of empathy. Love Letters. Louie Schwartzberg: Hidden miracles of the natural world. TED.

Vintage design and tags etc

Cool agency work. Dailymovement. Art. The Man Behind The Mountain Before American Folk Artist Leonard Knight passed away earlier this year, filmmakers Ben Stoddard and Dave Ehrenreich spent some quality time with the creator of Salvation Mountain. Opening tonight and maintaining hours through the weekend, BEPAD is a suite event at The Lowell Hotel featuring rare books, photographs, artist interventions, and cultural artifacts from the likes of Fulton Ryder, Harper’s Books and Karma. Hours:


Pickles. Veg. Street art. Colour. Illustration. Funhappy. Nice design styles. Photography. Branding. Writing research. Typography. Yahoo! Internet Week. Animals : Alvaro Tapia Hidalgo. Dermatophagoide Wolffff Wolves Koala. Handmade Weddings: Off the Beaten Path. Grafisch ontwerp & illustratie. Inspiration and original craft ideas for weddings, parties, children, such as home decoration, gifts, cards, personal accessories and templates. Decorating, Renovating and Home Building! T Y P E F I G H T. Steve Harries. Blueverticalstudio. Tokyo 2007. Artvvork. Craig & Karl - Guise at Slam Jam. Darcel. Tilt. Msced : brock davis. The Future of Music – Discover the Best New Music from Around the World. - Scroll Reddit. Newhouse Design Stuff with type. Elvis Presley Show Poster. A Little Hut - Patricia Zapata. Tue, 01/31/2012.

Nutmegger Workshop. Research · BKK Architects. Children’s Hospital. Zim and Zou. Photo &neighbours& by Alexander Glukhikh. Artistes Street Art - Graphistes. What are you working on? Étapes: design & culture visuelle. 70 of the best blogs for creative inspiration. Pattern : Jan Avendano. 365 awesome designers.