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Excelisfun -- 1800 Excel How To Videos. Excel eBooks - Free Download. Excel Templates | Excel Add-ins and Excel Help with formulas and VBA Macros. Introduction to Excel PowerPivot. Introduction to optimization with the Excel Solver tool. In this article What is optimization? How can a large drug company determine the monthly product mix at their Indianapolis plant that maximizes corporate profitability?

If Microsoft produces Xbox consoles at three locations, how can they minimize the cost of meeting demand for Xbox consoles? What price for Xbox consoles and games will maximize profit from Xbox sales? In all these situations, we want to find the best way to do something. Defining an optimization model An optimization model has three parts: the target cell, the changing cells, and the constraints. Target cell The target cell represents the objective or goal.

Keep in mind that in some situations, you might have multiple target cells. Changing cells Changing cells are the spreadsheet cells that we can change or adjust to optimize the target cell. Constraints Constraints are restrictions you place on the changing cells. Installing and running Solver Mix does not use more raw material and labor than is available. Test yourself. Insert a linked Excel chart in PowerPoint 2010 - PowerPoint. You can insert and link a chart from an Excel workbook into your PowerPoint presentation. When you edit the data in the spreadsheet, the chart on the PowerPoint slide can be easily updated. For more information about how to create a chart in Excel 2010, see Quick start: Chart your data. For more information about how to create an embedded chart in PowerPoint 2010, see Quick start: Add a chart to your presentation. To insert a linked Excel chart in PowerPoint 2010, do the following: Open the Excel workbook that has the chart that you want.

Notes The workbook must be saved before the chart data can be linked in the PowerPoint file. Tip When you want to update the data in the PowerPoint file, select the chart, and then under Chart Tools, on the Design tab, in the Data group, click Refresh Data. Top of Page. Excel - Simple Pivot Table to Count Unique Values. Delete Blank Rows in Excel, Remove Blank Cells in Excel. Posted on January 26th, 2010 in Learn Excel - 114 comments Blank rows or Blank cells is a problem we all inherit one time or another. This is very common when you try to import data from somewhere else (like a text file or a CSV file). Today we will learn a very simple trick to delete blank rows from excel spreadsheets. Select your dataPress F5 This opens “Go to” dialog in Excel. That is all. Bonus tip: If you are looking for keyboard short-cut for this, here it is. F5 ALT+s k Enter CTRL+ – u Enter Remove Blank Rows in Excel – Video Here is a short video showing this in action.

(watch it on youtube) Browse more quick tips. Share this tip with your friends. Consolidate data from multiple worksheets in a single worksheet. To summarize and report results from data on separate worksheets, you can consolidate the data from each separate worksheet into one worksheet (or master worksheet). The worksheets you consolidate can be in the same workbook as the master worksheet or in other workbooks. When you consolidate data in one worksheet, you can more easily update and aggregate it on a regular or ad hoc basis. For example, if you have a worksheet of expense figures for each of your regional offices, you might use data consolidation to roll up these figures into a corporate expense worksheet. This master worksheet might contain sales totals and averages, current inventory levels, and highest selling products for the entire enterprise.

There are two main ways to consolidate data: Consolidate by position Use this method when the data from multiple source areas is arranged in the same order and uses the same row and column labels. What do you want to do? Consolidate data by position Top of Page Notes. How to use nested IF statements in Excel with AND, OR, NOT | Experiments in Finance. Following up on last week’s introductory post on using the IF function, here’s one on how to use Excel’s IF statement when you have multiple conditions to meet. The original question I received from a reader, which prompted this series, was about how to use the IF statement in Excel when you had two conditions that had to be met.

For example, when sales fell between a minimum and maximum number. Let’s take a look at our example again. Note that I’ve added the maximum amount of $200K into cell B3: Before we go further, if you’d like to work through the examples yourself, here’s the raw data you can copy into an Excel worksheet. Ok, now back to the tutorial. Now, let’s suppose sales have to be greater than or equal to $100K and less than $200K for a salesman to receive a 12% commission rather than just be greater than $100K, as in our introductory example.

It turns out that you can use Excel’s AND function, which Excel calls a logical operator (just like it calls the IF function). Nested IFs. A well known limitation to Excel is that you cannot "nest" more than 7 functions. For example, the following formula will fail because the limit is exceeded. =IF(Sheet1! $A$4=1,11,IF(Sheet1! $A$4=2,22,IF(Sheet1! $A$4=3,33, IF(Sheet1! As a general "rule of thumb," if you have a formula with more than 7 nested statements, you should consider using a VBA function instead. Suppose we wanted an nested IF formula to test: IF A4 = 1 Then 11 Else If A4 = 2 Then 22 Else If A4 = 3 Then 33 Else If A4 = 4 Then 44 ... =IF(Sheet1! Then create another named formula called SevenToThirteen, referring to the formula: =IF(Sheet1! Finally, enter the "master" formula in the worksheet cell: =IF(OneToSix,OneToSix,SevenToThirteen) This "beats" the nested function limitation because no single part of the formula exceeds the limit, even though the "sum" of the components do.

You can use this technique whenever you exceed the limit on nested functions. Excel An IF statements that operates if a cell CONTAINS a word... Back to Forms in Excel VBA archive indexBack to archive home An IF statements that operates if a cell CONTAINS a word... Posted by Chris Rock on October 24, 2001 1:53 PM Is it possible to write an IF statement that looks at a string of text, and will perform an action if the string CONTAINS a certain word? For example. "I went to the pet store and I bought some dog food. " I can't put =IF(A1=dog,"dog","") because A1 doesn't EQUAL "dog", it CONTAINS "dog".

Or is there a better way to do this? Thanks. Re: An IF statements that operates if a cell CONTAINS a word... Posted by Mark W. on October 24, 2001 1:56 PM =IF(ISNUMBER(SEARCH("*dog*",A1)),"dog","") Posted by Chris Rock on October 24, 2001 2:00 PM THANK YOU!!! BTW, you can get by without wildcards ("*") too...

Posted by Mark W. on October 24, 2001 2:02 PM =IF(ISNUMBER(SEARCH("dog",A1)),"dog","") Posted by Kevin on October 24, 2001 4:24 PM I think the easiest way to obtain the results you are looking for would be this: Note the column header must = F10. Between Formula in Excel - How to check if a value falls between 2 other values using Excel Formulas? Posted on June 24th, 2010 in Excel Howtos - 135 comments In today’s quick tip, lets find how to check for between conditions in Excel using formulas, like this: Between Formula in Excel for Numbers: Lets say you have 3 values in A1, A2 and A3. And you want to find out if A1 falls between A2 and A3. Now, the simplest formula for such a thing would be test whether the conditions A1>=A2, A1<=A3 are both true.

Hence, it would look like,=if(AND(A1>=A2,A1<=A3),"Yes", "No") However, there are 2 problems with a formula like above: 1. Shouldn’t there be a shorter and simpler formula?!? Well, there is. =if(A1=MEDIAN(A1:A3),"Yes","No") Now, not only does the above formula look elegant and simple, it also works whether A2 is smaller or larger than A3. Between Formula in Excel for Dates: Well, dates are just numbers in Excel. Between Formula for Text Values: Lets say you want to find-out if the text in A1 is between text in A2 and A3 when arranged alphabetically, a la in dictionary. Share using comments. Paste date error. Office 2010 Class #49: Word Letter Mail Merge w Excel Data (Number Format Problem & Field Code Fix)

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