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Singularity FAQ. The Singularity Institute is one of the leading research institutes on Singularity subjects.

Singularity FAQ

Below are short answers to common questions we receive. (First published in 2011.) Basics 1.1. Cocktail Party Physics. [Originally posted at our new home at Scientific American.]

Cocktail Party Physics

It's Chemistry Day at the Scientific American blog network, and while casting about for a relevant physics-related topic, I found my inspiration in the 1991 film Terminator 2: Judgment Day. John Connor is in mortal danger again, this time from a new, improved Terminator machine known as the T-1000. The original killing machine (played by Arnold Schwarzenegger) is now the "good guy," having been reprogrammed to act as Connor's protector.

[Note: Spoilers follow. But if you haven't seen the movie yet, what's the matter with you? Time Exists. Lectures.